Alice had been frequently visiting Rico in the Ballestros’ home and Rico’s parents doesn’t like it. Even though at first, they really like Alice for their son, Rico but their current situation is different now because Rico is already the husband of their late bestfriend’s daughter. They know that Rico loves Alice but they have their morals and virtue and seeing Rico bringing other woman in their home is unscrupulous and wrongful.

Rico was not able to do anything because he is fully aware how his parents like Dina so much for him and now that they are both married with each other, he understands why they are pushing Alice away. Because his parents are so against Alice’s frequent visitation at the Ballestros’ residence, they are now forced to see each other outside where there, his parents’ prying eyes can no longer see them… and for this reason, the old couple knew they can not control whatever Alice and Rico are doing outside anymore. They are sad because the only thing they could do for Dina is to push Alice away and make her feel that they are now against her. They wanted to protect Dina’s dignity because even though Dina looks tough and she acts like a boy… she is still a woman that deserves to be respected and Rico’s unethical actions of dating other women aside from his wife is like an insult and offending to Dina’s womanhood.

“Mom, don't worry. We're just friends. There is no malice whenever I meet Alice… and I am fully aware that I am a married now. I am just happy that she is back now.”, Rico tried to assure his mother when she commented on his and Alice’s frequent meet-ups.

“We know that Alice is your first love, my child… but please don’t forget Dina. You gave your word to her, so please don’t ignore her… always remember that she will always be your legal wife.”, Rico’s mom said to him with worry painted all over her face.

"I know mom.", Rico answered for the sake preventing anymore arguments.

But mom, I also gave my word to Alice… I promised Alice first and I was not able to make it happen. This is my only chance to make up for it., Rico answered on his mind.

Dina also knew that the very busy Rico has an adequate time now to date Alice, while he wasn’t even able to have a quick stroll with Dina ever since she arrived at the Ballestros. Dina is sad and irritable every time she thinks that Rico and Alice are always together, making up with each others’ shortcomings and she is expecting that these reunited couple are doing more than just dating. That is why she is annoyed and sad because there is nothing she could do… it’s Rico’s first love and even up to now… she is still the only woman inside Rico’s heart, what could she do then? Dina felt as if she is the villain on their love story and even though Rico is her husband, she felt like she doesn’t have the right to tie him down because Rico… doesn’t even tie her down too, he had given her freedom…

Maybe I was just thinking that I am starting to like that ill-mannered guy because he is the only man I see everyday., Dina argued on her mind. Dina is just always inside the house, she doesn’t even know where else to go or hangout except the park near their home. There is a small basketball court in that park that is why she frequently went there and play every time she is left alone in the house.

Rico and Dina doesn’t argue all the time anymore like before. It’s because Rico doesn’t have time for Dina anymore too. That is why before making herself too bored, she remembered to open her fatebook. Dina has not been on any social networking sites every since her father died, she has not been updating any status and was just making herself busy in playing basketball at her new school, then during graudation… and of course, with her new family… and Rico. That is why she never thought of updating her status on her fatebook, she even had almost forgotten her fatebook account password, almost forgetting its existence up until today.

Wow there’s tons of notifications! All that is written were… condolence. Wait! I’ve got loads of messages too! Most of my inbox are from my bestfriend!, Dina was shocked while reading all her bestfriend’s messages

"Best, how are you?"

"Hi Best."

"Best why are you not replying? What is happening?”

"Are you mad at me, Best?"

"Best, I heard what happened to your dad... I am so sorry best. Condolence. I want to hug you ,Best."

"Best are you okay?"

"Best, what is happening to you?"

"Best, what happen?"

"Best you’re married? Is it true? Why?"

"Best are you really mad at me?"

"Best it's been months already and I haven’t heard anything from you. What happened?"

"Dina... I don't know why you aren't replying and why I can't contact you even on your phone or even at your home... and I am starting to worry. I am going back there and please, please I beg you, do reply me. I really want to see you.", Dina read her final message on fatebook.

Wow! My bestfriend is going back home! I am so excited!, Dina was so excited thinking her bestfriend is going back home from abroad and she even jumped happily due to her excitement. She immediately sent a reply message but her bestfriend was offline.

"I am so sorry, Best... I had been through a lot of things. I am too stressed and too busy, like what you heard… Dad is no longer with us. I will just tell you the details personally. It’s a very long story. When are you coming home, Best? I want to see you too and I am so excited!”, Dina replied while imagining the return of her bestfriend from Canada.

"Rico...",it was Alice. Rico was surprised when Alice had tapped him because his mind is flying somewhere while they are watching a movie in a theater.

"Uh yes, Alice?", Rico smiled at Alice. Alice looks sad and Rico was able to noticed it.

"I'm sorry, I was just so into the movie...",Rico tried to reason out.

“I don’t know if you’re really thinking about the movie, Rico.”, Alice answered Rico’s reasoning coldly.


"Are we going to be like this always, Rico?”, Alice said in a sad tone.

"I don't understand, Alice.",Rico was wondering, he doesn’t know what Alice was talking about.

"Of course you don't, Rico- Because… you’ve changed. We are always together but your heart and mind is not with me.”, Alice said. She stood up and went outside the theater but Rico hurriedly went after her. He caught Alice crying and he felt guilty.

"Alice I am sorry.", Rico said humbly and went on to hug Alice.

"I can't reach you, Rico. I can't connect with you anymore... I think, you don't love me anymore.",Alice cried her eyes out.

"Sssshh... no, Alice. Don't say that.",Rico felt uneasy when he saw her tears.

“If you are really watching the movie then…what was the movie all about?", Alice was questioning Rico while she was still in his arms. Rico was unable to answer Alice because he is guilty. Earlier, while they were watching the movie, his mind was too busy thinking about Dina and he was wondering why she is giving him a cold treatment. She is no longer fighting with him and she doesn’t argue with him anymore too, she frequently ignores him and it really starts to bother him... like now, he is thinking about Dina again. Alice was so disappointed with Rico’s silence.

“I kept on commenting about the movie but it seems like I was talking to the air.",there is a tone of disappointment in Alice’s words.

"I am sorry. Alice. My mind is occupied---"

"By who?",Alice interrupted. Rico was unable to answer once again because he doesn’t want to give Alice a wrong implication if he would answer honestly that what he could think all about was Dina. For him, there is no malice but he is worried, Alice might interpret it in the wrong way. Alice was once again disappointed with Rico’s silence.

"I am sorry, Alice. You had been gone for so long, and honestly… for me, everything is like new. It’s like I am having my first date all over again, my first movie date, my first time to hold your hands… I don’t know how to explain to you but please do believe me and I wish you would understand. I am trying my best to get used to this like before… because believe me, I still love you. I promise you to make up with this mistakes, Alice.”, Rico honestly said. Rico’s words were enough to convince Alice, she nodded as a sign that she agrees with him. They hugged each other.



"Never break you promise again, okay? You said, you’re going to make up with all of these… please make it happen.”, Alice said, asking for assurance. Rico didn’t say anything, he just nodded instead and just went on to hugged her again.

It was already late when Rico arrived home… from his date with Alice, as usual. The light from Dina’s bedroom had been turned off already, and for some reason he couldn’t explain, he felt guilty. Although he knows that there is no romantic relationship that binds them together, still his conscience would not let him be. That night, Rico was not able to have a good sleep.

Dina’s bedroom lights are turned off already but she still couldn’t make herself fall asleep.

It almost twelve in the midnight already and Rico had just arrived… of course from his date with his dear Alice!, Dina thought annoyingly when she overheard Rico’s car outside the house. Because she is so annoyed, she decided to open her fatebook app. Dina saw her bestfriend’s reply and her annoyance was somewhat eased down a little.

“Hello Best, had just arrived in our country the other day. I was so happy when I saw and read your reply. I was really worried and I'm very desperate to find you. You're still aloof with other people like the usual, you haven’t changed at all. I asked about you everywhere but most of them don't even know what happened to you or where you are now... I bet I am the only one close to you. I even thought you are not going to reply on my messages and the thought of you unfriending me because you’re married already tortured me. I was really worried and you have no idea how happy I was when I read your message. It’s like pulling out a fish bone on my throat… Well, even if your husband would be totally against our friendship, I will still force myself into you. There are tons of things you needed to explain to me, best!”, Dina read her bestfriend’s long message on fatebook.

"LOL. Why would I do that? You are my bestfriend and my ONLY bestfriend in the world, why the heck would I ever abandon you just because I got married?”, Dina replied. Her bestfriend was online and immediately replied.

"Best! I miss you!",her bestfriend replied.

"Likewise :)", Dina answered back.

"BTW, can I see you tomorrow? You’re not busy, right? I want to see you badly already.",her bestfriend replied.

"Sure.",Dina answered again.

"There’s a reunion for the basketball club tomorrow. Can you come there? I hope you will go... please, please be there.",her bestfriend replied once again.

"Okay I’ll come because I missed you too. Don’t forget my pasalubong, okay?”,Dina chuckled. She loved pasalubongs.

"Of course I have something for you and I know you would really like it but…”

“What’s with the BUT?”, Dina wondered.

"Don't forget your promise first. Even though you’re already married and I may no longer be the first… you still have to do it, okay?”

"Oh no! Just forget it already!",Dina laughed as she remembered her promise.

"Nope. A promise is a promise."

"Promises are made to be broken.", Dina reasoned out.

"No, of course not. Promises are made to be kept... because it is an assurance for whom you had made your promise. There is trust enclosed within a promise. Your argument is a quote frequently used by liars… and of course, I know you’re not one of them because you have your own principles.”, her bestfriend answered.

"Okay, okay… you win. I will fulfill my promise.", Dina blushed as she imagine her bestfriend’s reaction. She remembered to let her bestfriend be the first person to see her feminine side.. and she will wear a dress. Dina promised this during the time when she still had a crush on her bestfriend… Carlos Tan. Carlos is the only bestfriend she ever had, he was her senior and their former team captain in the basketball club. Carlos was ahead of one academic year from Dina. He graduated last year and went to Canada to be with his family. He promised Dina that he will come back… and now, he is back, her bestfriend is back and she is obliged to wear a dress in front of her ultimate crush and bestfriend. She had forgotten her promise already and she didn’t expect that Carlos would ever remember her promise to him. Where on Earth would she find a dress to wear tomorrow when all she had are boyish outfits?

"Thanks best! Muah! See you tomorrow, okay?",Carlos replied.

"Okay, see you.", Dina answered.

Dina remembered that she was able to keep a dress inside the hidden pocket of the luggage she used when she went on to move in the Ballestros’ residence. The dress is already worn out, she bought the dress as she lost a bet against sunshine and as punishment she needs to buy a dress for herself. It was so long ago already, during their high school days and because she had kept it inside the luggage, she also didn’t realized that she had brought it with her went she moved out from their home. Dina remembered Sunshine, she was really close with her younger sister before and she had been always ready to prepare an alibi to cover up every time she plays basketball… Dina felt sad especially she haven’t heard anything from her younger sister yet, even up to this day Sunshine and her mom are still elusive and hateful against her. Dina focused her mind on the dress, she forced herself to take her mind from her former family and sadness. Remembering her bestfriend, she felt happy and excited again.

Dina woke up so early in the morning, she prepared her dress from her luggage. She ironed it to get rid of the wrinkled parts. Rico’s parents are wondering why Dina had suddenly became so busy early in the morning. Even Rico wondered too, he wanted to asked Dina what’s making her busy but he felt awkward as if there is a wall between them ever since Alice went back to him.

Speaking of Alice... we have a date later this evening again.,Rico thought and let out a big sigh as if he suddenly felt exhausted. Every time he thought of Alice, he felt like he wanted to be alone instead of being with her. He wanted to take a break because he is too tired to see her… he doesn’t have any intention to sleep with her too even though there was a time that they had been constantly doing it before she left him and went to America. However, every time he remembers sleeping with her, he felt guilty… these days he is regretting why he had to take away her virginity. His obligation wouldn’t have to be this hard for his former lover. Now, there is nothing more he could do, he couldn’t return Alice her virginity again… and for this reason, he can never say no to her because he takes Alice as his responsibility too due to what he did when they were still a lovers.

"I am heading for work… it looks like you’re heading off to somewhere, Dina. Care to join me for a ride?",Rico offered to a very busy Dina. However, Dina was too quick to shake her head and frowned.

"No… Why would I? Someone might end up getting jealous.”,Dina answered abruptly.

"What do you want to imply?",Rico answered back as if questioning Dina’s argument like they used to before.

"Nothing. Just go, bye.",Dina smiled so fakely and pushed Rico away from her. Rico felt irritable because of Dina’s treatment to him. Before, if they would argue and Dina becomes pissed off, she would run on to him and gave him soft punches on his arms and he would not dodge it and would act like he was hurt instead. This would satisfy Dina’s prideful character. Rico sighed because… he missed it. He saw Dina walking away from him and going inside her room. He really wanted to know what’s keeping her busy, he wanted to ask her… but he couldn’t.

Dina is now dressed up, she also wore the make-up she found on her vanity. She wore red lipstick, she also used the same lipstick to stain her cheeks, her eye shadow is color blue and she also went on to put some mascara on her eyelashes. It was her first time to wear make-up… because of Carlos. Even during her prom, she didn’t bother to wear anything on her face, she didn’t even wore a dress. She wore a coat and tie and slacks (like what boys usually wore) during one of her proms then the other one, she didn’t come. But for her bestfriend… for Carlos, she wore a dress and put on some make-up… because it is her promise to her one and only friend.

Dina looked at herself at the mirror one last time. She felt satisfied and seems like she was pretty enough to be her feminine side. She went on to look for sandals to pair with her dress, but Rico’s mother’s feet are too tiny for her. In the end, she wore her sneakers, the usual and also the one she wore during her wedding day. She thinks her shoes would fit any occasion at all.

Dina waited until everyone had gone out of the house already before heading out by herself too. Dina doesn’t want them to see her wearing girly things, she doesn’t want them to think that she is doing these things for Rico.

While walking, everybody turned their heads just to have a second look at Dina. Everybody stared at her in awe and Dina was flattered because she was able to get everyone’s attention as she passes by. It wasn’t that long when she finally arrived at the venue of the reunion. Dina and Carlos will meet their but she was shy because she was wearing a dress. So instead of going inside immediately, she hid herself and waited at the corner as she wanted Carlos to be the first person to see her feminine side not his batch mates. Dina was excited as she continually peeks inside from time to time, then she saw Carlos, he sat down beside his batch mates. His cute smile still makes him look even more handsome and cool as ever.

Dina was about to wave her hand call Carlo’s attention when she was surprised to see a very sexy woman walking towards them… No, the charming woman only went over to kiss Carlos on his cheek. Carlos stood up, held her arm as he introduce her to the group. Dina was not able to hear anything due to her distance from them, but their actions were very clear. Dina was like being poured with cold water. Her ultimate crush has a woman now… Dina was saddened for a moment, she looks at the woman then to her old dress, to her self then to her reflection at the glass window. She felt like she would ruin the happy mood if she ever decides to go inside. Carlos attention should be on his girlfriend… just like Rico to Alice. Dina’s excitement vanished and felt dismayed, so she decided to just go home.

While walking home, Dina bumped into her younger sister, Sunshine. They were both surprised to see each other, though Dina somehow felt happy to see her younger sister because she truly missed her, she wondered if Sunshine felt the same too. She was also wondering if she and her mom had forgiven her already? But Sunshine’s reactions speaks the opposite.

"MY GOSH! What are you wearing?! Why is your face like that?!",Sunshine says as she was in disbelief. Dina felt annoyed.

“Is that all you can say in front of your elder sister?!”, Dina answered back in a loud tone as well. She is not in a good mood today because she almost embarrassed herself if ever she had shown herself to Carlos and now here’s her younger sister, adding fuel to the fire.

"Elder sister? WHAT ELDER SISTER?! You must be kidding! We are not sisters.",Sunshine exclaimed. Dina mockingly laughed as she wanted to grab her sister’s hair and teach her a lesson but she remained calm.

"FYI, you are dad’s daughter to another woman he got pregnant our of wedlock. Before marrying her, she gave birth to you and died. I am mom’s daughter from another man. She met our dad while she was pregnant with me… and you were just a newly-born at that time. We're not even blood related, why would you even be my sister? And, accordning to the law, you're an illegitimate child.", Sunshine explained as-a-matter-of-factingly. Dina was taken aback as she was not able to comprehend what her younger sister is trying to tell her.


“Such as dumbo! What I am trying to say is that your dad, supposed to be OUR dad is not married to your biological mom… Get it slow-witted?! Aren’t you even wondering why there’s such little age gap between us? I had been wondering about that when I was young, that is why mom explained to me my situation… and that is why I had been tolerating you. But you are so dumb, you never notice how impossible it is that we both came out from the same mom! And another truth that I must relay to you, even though I am not YOUR, OUR dad’s biological daughter, he adopted me… and now, I became the legitimate child. And you… even thought you’re his biological daughter, you are considered illegitimate because you were conceived out of wedlock. Plus… I really hate you, you know?”,Sunshine explained. Dina was in disbelief and her fearlessness vanished like a foam because of the truth she heard.

"Hate me? Was it really that easy to just forget the times we had?”, Dina sadly asked Sunshine.

“The times we had? We don’t even had precious moments together! I was like a dog who just follows you around. Have you forgotten how you always ordered me around like a slave? Am I your servant? And even though I was trying my best to stay low, you kept on dragging me around your bullshit and I always ends up getting scolded too even though I was not at any fault!I really hate you! You rebel! MURDERER!",Sunshine hissed at her. Her words were full of hatred towards Dina. Dina was also angry because she wanted to defend herself against Sunshine’s accusations but she was interrupted when Sunshine began to speak again.

"We really hate you! We want you to die! Because of you, I lost my chance to have someone I call father and you even made my mom a widow! You are such a bad luck! Aside from this, you are a very big obstacle of dad’s money. You should’t receive any because in the first place you are the reason why he died. You are his murderer and yet you are so thick-face to share inheritance?!”, Sunshine angrily said. Dina wanted to cry but not in front of she had thought to be her younger sister… but not anymore. She now understood why they hated her so much to the point that they seemed to want her dead too… it was all because of money. They never actually treated her as family and her father’s death reveal their true faces. They are using her father’s death as an alibi to renounce her because they wanted to solely claim her dad’s wealth and she is a huge hindrance for their claim… because she is her father’s flesh and blood… but sad to say, the law in this country sides with them instead Dina’s.

"I can't believe that we even saw each other! Look at yourself! You are embarrassing! Your make-up is so thick! What are you? A CLOWN?! So UGLY!",Sunshine laughed to mock Dina. Dina wasn’t able to get over the truth that was just revealed to her now, she fell silent and Sunshine had taken this opportunity to leave her and save herself from more embarrassment.

Dina was not herself as she continued to walk. She was staring into nothing when she suddenly saw her reflection in a glass window of a fast food chain. She stared at her reflection and she realized how ugly she looked. She laughed, laughed, and laughed so hard… until tears fell from her eyes because of laughing too much. Then she realized those tears were no longer because of laughter… she was crying.

Rico and I had a gap. Carlos has his beautiful girlfriend. I… I am an ugly illegitimate child that no one wanted... that my former family wanted to renounce! What a luck!, Dina thought with annoyance. She wanted to be strong, she have thought of things that might be the solutions to her problems… but she can’t find any.

She thought of her bestfriend, Carlos. He had a lovely girlfriend and they seemed to be happy. So she decided to stay away from Carlos starting today, she will stop communicating with him as to prevent any jealousy because her bestfriend is now committed… and many people say, a girl and a boy couldn’t become bestfriends. Seeing Carlos and the lovely woman reminded her of Rico and Alice… if she became too attached to these people, their partners would get jealous and mad. Their genuine smiles would be gone and they won’t become happy anymore. Dina doesn’t want that to happen. Just like Rico, Dina won’t tie Carlos… she is letting go of her ultimate crush.

Dina felt both sad and bad but she continued walking, her mind is in mess and she wanted to just ignore it all and she wanted to forget what Sunshine had told her. She didn’t mind the people staring at her every time she walks by. It was now clear when she looked at their eyes, what she thought admiration was actually a look of mock and disgust. Dina doesn’t want to think anything, she is hurting and she just went on to ignore them. She is too hurt to feel any shame.

Dina had just arrived when the beam of headlights from Rico’s car had caught her. Rico got out of his car… together with, of course, Alice as usual. Alice immediately went on to hold Rico’s arm, showing her possessiveness to Rico. But Dina doesn’t give a damn about it, she doesn’t care what they do with their lives. She’ll just let them be and went on to turn her back to get inside the house.

“DINA!”, Rico called Dina and went on to moved closer towards Dina. Dina didn’t answer and just sluggishly turned to face the “real couple”.

"Why are you dressed like that?! And your face… HAHAHAHA! You look too funny!”,Rico laughed so hard he almost teared up. Alice curled up her lips implying a soft smile. She must have looked really funny. Dina was just silent.

"Did you doll yourself up for me?! Dina, this is not the right way to make yourself pretty! HAHAHA!”, Rico teased Dina. Alice poked Rico to stop him from teasing Dina. Dina saw it, implying as if Alice is indeed really kind and caring enough to save her from humiliation. Dina wanted to cry because of what Rico’s been doing to her. He is like adding salt to her wound.

"You’re wrong. Don’t be too conceited to think that I would ever make myself pretty for the likes of you. You are so big headed!”, Dina angrily replied.

"What did you say?”,Rico answered aggressively, making an effort to restore their former selves and how they would argue in simple things.

“My bestfriend just arrived from Canada. I promised my bestfriend to be the first person to see my feminine side. It was supposed to be today be we didn’t see each other.”, Dina tried to defend herself.

"Too bad we’re the first ones to see it! You looking like this, maybe that person even didn’t want to see you! HAHAH---“, Rico was interrupted with his teasing when Dina began to speak.

"You are right! It was good that my bestfriend was not able to see me… because I am embarrassing. I don’t want to embarrass my bestfriend! But still, even though my bestfriend knows I look like this… my bestfriend wouldn’t abandon and laughed at my messed up situation right now unlike just like what you are doing!”,Dina said angrily to the point that she didn’t even notice subtle tears fell from her eyes already. She went on to turn her back and leave the couple before they could see her tears and would even embarrass herself more… but no matter how she tried to hide it, Rico still saw it. Rico felt a sharp pain in his heart when he saw Dina’s tears. For this reason, his happy smiles vanished immediately. Dina hurriedly went inside the house and Rico was about to run after her but was stopped by Alice.

"Let her be alone. She needs space.",Alice understandingly said to Rico.

Rico was saddened, he just wanted him and Rico become like the way they were used to be before, just like how they would argue but would care with each other. They would argue everyday but they are happy. His guilt had intensified now that he saw Dina’s tears.

Dina… is there something wrong?, Rico thought sadly.

Dina continued crying inside her room. She tore her dress and throw it in the trash bin. She wiped her lipstick using her palm, ignoring the mess it made on her face. She is really hurting so much right now.

"Dad… dad…”, Dina wept in grief. Rico was taken aback. He was supposed to knock outside Dina’s door but he stopped when he heard his wife’s whimpers. It was then he realized how massive his shortcoming for Dina had become ever since Alice returned. He felt so guilty and sad. He felt that he has no right to be happy with Alice… he doesn’t deserve to be happy in the arms of other woman because… he had forgotten, he is the reason why Dina became fatherless. He felt disappointed with himself… but there is a certain pain in his heart that he couldn’t explain. It is torturing him and it feels like he is going mad when he heard Dina’s sobs.

I hate this day! I hate it! What I hate most... is the fact that he can laugh hard at me while I am hurting!,Dina thought annoyingly. She is so mad at Rico while her tears continuously falls down her eyes. She hated this day so much because she encountered simultaneous bad luck.