It has been a few days already when Dina has been ignoring Rico… she is still mad at him. Despite her anger, she still felt unhappy and gloomy, it’s as if she is also torturing herself every time she avoids Rico.

Rico is still bothered with his guilt, he doesn’t know how to make up with Dina… he is not used to this, he missed arguing with Dina. He missed Dina’s loud voice and bratty answers between them. He doesn’t want Dina to treat him as nobody. He can no longer endure it.

It was Saturday and the whole family shares their meal but Dina is still elusive towards Rico as she is still treating him as if he doesn’t exist. Rico’s parents felt the tension between Dina and Rico. It was Sunday the next day and Alice didn’t ask Rico for a date. He wanted to invite Dina for a stroll to make up for his shortcomings.

“Uh… Dina… d-do you want to go for a stroll? T-tomorrow?”, Rico asked Dina in a low voice while Dina was about to eat a spoonful of their meal. Even though it was just like a murmur, Dina still heard it clearly. She was so surprised that she also choked on her food. Rico’s parents were even more surprised.

"I mean… if you are not doing anything tomorrow--- I mean if you are free--- if you want…”, Rico stuttered as if he doesn’t know how to express what he wanted to say, he also looked so tensed. Dina wrinkled her forehead, this even made Rico more nervous because it seems like Dina was about to decline. Rico’s parents were both smiling as they both stare at both of them, intently waiting for Dina’s reply.

"Are you feeling unwell?”, Dina asked. Rico’s cheeks turned red, it is also his first time to ask Dina out. Dina is still mad at Rico but she doesn’t know why during that time her anger immediately vanished.

"Why are you asking that? It’s because I am not busy… and you are always in the house that is why I have thought to ask you for a stroll.”, Rico replied to Dina’s doubtfulness. Rico felt awkward while looking directly at Dina’s eyes as if it only made his cheeks turned even redder. He was so embarrassed that’s why he turned to look at his parents and he saw them grinning up to their ears.

"Mom! Dad! Don’t be so malicious! This is not what you are thinking!”, Rico defended himself as he was able to read his parents’ naughty smile. Rico’s words made them smile even more.

"Okay.”, Dina answered abruptly. Dina was truly happy and excited inside but she is just covering it up with her “I-don’t-care” reaction. Rico couldn’t explain why he felt so happy when Dina agreed to take her out for a stroll. He couldn’t even hide his happiness as it can be clearly seen on his face, he was happily smiling from ear to ear.

That night, Dina was not able to sleep early thinking about what to wear tomorrow. She couldn’t deny, she is truly excited.

Rico was also still smiling inside his room. He is so happy to the “hard to please” Dina agrees to take her out. It’s time to make up with Dina… because every time he remembers Dina’s sobs, it feels like his heart is also being crushed.

Rico was happily thinking about where to bring Dina, he wanted her to see beautiful places. While being lost in his thoughts and excitement for tomorrow’s stroll, his cellphone suddenly rang… it was Alice. His happy smiles vanished when Alice’s name popped out on the phone. For some reason, he doesn’t even want to answer it… but he shouldn’t do that, right? You shouldn’t just ignore the one you love if you really love them, right?


"Hello Rico... Rico, can you come with me tomorrow?”, Alice asked Rico on the phone.


"I want to visit the place where we frequently hang out during our dates…”

"Uh...mmm... Alice because---"

"Why Rico? Are you going to say no to me now?”, Alice said with a sad tone.

“I-It’s not like that, Alice. You know I could never say no to you, right? However… Dina and I had plans already…”

"Oh... Is that so? I see…I understand...", Alice sounded as if she was about to cry, this made Rico worried.

“B-But if you want… you could come. It would be much better if you would come along with us.”, Rico said in defeat.

"Really?! That would be nice!", Alice sounded very excited on the other line. Rico couldn’t explain why but his excitement for tomorrow had vanished. His happy smiles earlier were replaced by bitter sighs.

It is Sunday. Dina had readily dressed up already and was very excited. Rico couldn’t even tell Dina that Alice would come along with them when he saw her happy smile. He is worried her smile would vanish and would decide not to come along anymore.

Ding! Dong!

“Huh? Are we having any visitors?”, Dina wondered and turned to Rico because it was Sunday and someone had rung the doorbell. They are not expecting any visitors since they were about to go out, right?

"Uh… maybe it’s Alice. She wanted to come with us.”, Rico answered anxiously. Dina felt like she was poured with cold water. Her happiness was replaced with annoyance. She never expected Rico would just want to make her a chaperone to the “real couple’s” date. Rico couldn’t look at Dina directly, he felt that Dina didn’t receive his words well.

"Then you go ahead and open the door. After all, you are the purpose of the one ringing the door bell.”, Dina said to Rico flatly, it was evident on her face and in her voice that the excitement is no longer there but a hint of irritation instead. Rico knows that Dina is now in a bad mood because he is fully aware that Dina doesn’t have a good vibe with Alice due to their difference. Alice and Dina are each other’s exact opposite and for this reason, they will never get along with each other.

Rico went to open the door, expecting Alice to be there but to his surprised, the visitor is not Alice… but a tall and white-skinned man with Asian eyes. He was handsome. The pretty guy smiled at him but he doesn’t like it.

He looks just fair… not too handsome at all., Rico thought in his mind as he saw the man smiled at him cooly like a model or might be mistaken as a Korean or Chinese actor.

"Good morning! I'm looking for Dina Ortega.", the guy said cooly. Rico’s ear rang a bell when he heard what the guy said. He indeed doesn’t like this guy’s tongue, he just doesn’t feel good looking at him.

“There is no Dina Ortega here. This is the family residence of the Ballestros.”, Rico answered annoyingly.

"Oh, sorry... I forgot! You’re right, she’s a Ballestros now. Yes, I'm actually looking for Dina Ballestros. Please tell her I'm Carlos Tan.", the guys smilingly said which only made Rico annoyed.

How dare him! Saying he had forgotten Dina is already married in front of my face! And the nerve of this guy to even order me around!, Rico thought annoyingly even though the guy had told him “please”. The guy also treats him warmly and cordially… but Rico wasn’t feeling it. He had a bad vibe about this guy.

“Rico, where did you put the--- BEST?!”, Dina said and was not about to continue her words because he was surprised to see Carlos. Carlos looked at Dina, he was so happy to see her and he immediately went to hug her tightly which made Rico angry. Rico is so mad but he controlled his anger despite what he is seeing because he saw how Dina’s smiles. She was in a bad mood earlier, but now she looks happy. Rico wouldn’t want to ruin that… but he still doesn’t want this man hugging his wife. So he made them feel his presence.

"Hey, what’s up with this?”, Rico hissed making them feel he is annoyed but it failed because Dina and Carlos hadn’t seemed to notice him.

"Best, Dina I am so happy to see you!", Carlos happily said, smile was from ear to ear, and went to hug Dina again. Dina and Carlos look very close but he doesn’t want to see it and he couldn’t tolerate it anymore. Eyebrows-crossed, Rico went to separate the two.

"HEY! You haven’t introduced yourself to me properly yet! And what are you doing to my wife?!”, Rico hissed at Carlos. Rico is so angry that he wanted to skin this guy alive.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry.", Carlos humbly said, still smiling. Rico doesn’t want to see those smiles, it feels like a mock and insult to him… because those smiles weren’t for him. It was for his wife!

"Stop it, Rico! Don’t be too malicious. Rico, this is my best friend…Carlos. Best, my husband, Rico.”, Dina answered instead and went on to introduce Rico and Carlos to each other. Carlos turned to Rico and gave him a cool smile, which only made Rico cringe even more. Rico wanted to erase that smile on his face. Rico ignored Carlos and looked at Dina, who is also smiling back at Carlos.

You can’t even smile like that in front of me… then why are you giving that “Miss Universe” smile to this guy?!, Rico thought annoyingly while staring at Dina. She looks so beautiful and her smile is so genuine. Rico didn’t even notice he was already intently looking at her. For him, the time stopped when he saw her beautiful smile.

"Glad to meet you, Dina's husband.", Carlos said with a smile as he reaches out to shake his hand. Rico was interrupted with his intent stares at Dina and bitterly turned to Carlos, unsmiling as he went to receive his hands, unwillingly shook it quickly and immediately withdrawn his hand away as if he touched something dirty. Then he just realized that Carlos is a man… and this man is his wife’s best friend.

“Wai—wait… Dina, he’s your best friend?”, Rico suddenly commented, obviously surprised. Dina nodded to confirm.

“So he is the one you’re talking about? The one you promised to be the first one to see your feminine side?”, Rico asked again. Carlos chuckled, Rico didn’t receive it well. He doesn’t like his chuckles.

"Oh, so he also knew about your promise to me?”, Carlos smiled at Dina. Dina just nodded to both men as she laughed with their questions.

"But Dina… he is a guy!”, Rico reacted. Dina laughed even harder.

"Well, what do you expect, Rico? It’s just natural. There’s no woman you would like to enjoy my company, you know?”, Dina chuckled too and raised her arms as if forming her biceps.

"Well, too bad! Because I saw it first!", Rico snorted with annoyance. Carlos fell silent and his smile vanished.

“Yes, you… and Alice. And you made fun of me!”, Dina frowned as she remembered that moment again. Rico felt the guilt too.

"Let’s go inside, Best. Come on!”, Dina turned to Carlos. She went on inside first as she guides Carlos from behind.

“But Dina, we have plans today, right?”, Rico reminded Dina.

"Oh yeah… You and your date with Alice. Oh well, I guess I shouldn’t come along anymore. I might just disturb you both on your sweet date.”, Dina snorted. Carlos wondered about the conversation between Dina and Rico.

"Rico?", it was Alice. They were surprised to see her inside the house.

"Speaking of Alice, well… there she is.", Dina said.

“I’m sorry for intruding… the door was already open so, I went inside.”, Alice answered and immediately went to Rico and held his arm. Rico was surprised and he wanted to move his arm away from Alice. Dina stared at Alice’s hands around Rico’s arm with irritation but maintained her cool… Carlos now had become confused about the situation. Everyone fell silent for a short moment.

"Best, Alice... Rico’s girlfriend. Alice, my best friend, Carlos.", Dina eventually broke their silence and went on to introduce Carlos and Alice to each other.

"Nice to meet you.", Alice greeted warmly but Carlos just ignored her as if he didn’t hear anything. Dina chuckled at Carlos’s reaction while Rico felt irritated by his rude manners to Alice as if he ignored her to insult her. Alice feels embarrassed about how Carlos had ignored her.

“Don’t worry, best. Rico and I being married are not like what you are thinking. We are not like the usual and normal wedded couple.”, Dina joked. Carlos, though still confused replied with a smile too. Rico went silent, he can’t accept how Dina is able to open up their married life to another man.

“Aren’t you going?”, Dina turned to Rico who seemed to be out of himself as he just stands there without moving or saying anything.

"Aren’t you coming with us?”, Alice asked Dina.

"What do you think of me? Am I your chaperone? No thanks, I might end up being a disturbance. I might have your boyfriend brought me tons of foods, snatching away his attention from you.”, Dina was kidding but the joke was half-meant as she intended to make Alice feel she doesn’t like her.

"Well, I guess we better go now, Rico.", Alice said to Rico. Rico unwillingly nodded, there is no reason to stay anymore and they went on to go outside.

"You didn’t show up at the reunion.", Carlos said to Dina when Rico and Alice left.

“The truth is… I was really there. I just didn’t get inside to meet you. I thought I might end up feeling out-of-place. So, I just left… you know because you had your girlfriend with you.”, Dina said frankly.

"Girlfriend?! What?! What girlfriend?", Carlos was very surprised.

"Who else could it be? I saw it. She kissed you on your cheek.", Dina answered.

“Oh, it’s Gela! She’s my cousin! She is a lot younger than us. I think she is in her senior year in high school. Actually, it was just a coincidence to meet her there. She went to me and I wasn’t even able to recognize her at first. She was just a child the last time I saw her. She’s just really sweet… and she’s still a kid, Dina.”, Carlos was laughing as he explained to clear him from Dina’s misunderstanding. Dina laughed too for being too judgmental.

"So you mean... you really wore a dress for me but didn’t show up because of that?”, Carlos asked again. Dina nodded.

"Yeah… and instead, I was seen by Rico and his girlfriend. They even both laughed at me.”, Dina said sadly and sighed.

"Well, you've got a lot of explanations, Dina. I am really confused between you and your husband… and there’s even a girlfriend? What is happening?”, Carlos asking as he still looked confused.

“Alice is Rico’s first love. Rico and I got married because it was my father’s last wish. No love involved in our marriage.", Dina explained.

"No love?", Carlos wanted to confirm. Dina nodded and somehow, Carlos felt relieved.

“And… it’s really impossible for Rico to like me because Alice and I are completely different. First, Alice is his first love… and us, we’re mortal enemies. Then, Alice is so refined, modest, gentle, and kind… and me?”, Dina added and laughed at the last part as she was comparing herself to Alice.

"You sounded insecure, Dina.", Carlos half-joked, and Dina still laughed at it.

"But honestly, best... for me, you’re more beautiful than that woman. Maybe she looks appealing because she is too lady-like to which you are definitely not. But… you are gutsy, courageous, strong-willed, honest, and genuine… not once have I saw you acting so plastic, then you are also very athletic… without too much effort, you’re still pretty.”, Carlos said sincerely while staring directly at Dina, putting emphasis on his last words. Dina felt uncomfortable with Carlos’ praises so she just brushed his awkward stares and laughed it off… but somehow she finds his words comforting and she is thankful for it.

"If he doesn't love you and your father's dead... then why do you still cling unto him?",Carlos curiously asked. Dina turned to face Carlos again and just stared at him for a few moments.

"Oh wait, Alice. I forgot my car keys. Wait for me here.",Rico excused himself to Alice when he noticed his car key is not in his pocket.

"Okay.",Alice said as she patiently waits beside the car.

Rico was about to go to the drawer where they always put their car keys when he accidentally heard Dina and Carlos talking.

"... then why do you still cling unto him?",Rico heard what Carlos had asked to Dina. Rico also heard Dina’s loud and deep sigh as if she was being burdened by a heavy problem inside her.

“You know, the day that I wore a dress to meet you and then decided to go home… I went across Sunshine. I got my answers to my questions on why they hated me so much… she and her mom.”, Dina started.

“Her.. her mom?”,Carlos wondered why Dina called THEIR mom, HER mom instead.

“The truth is… I'm an illegitimate daughter of my father. My biological mother and father are not married because she died giving birth to me… right before when they were about to marry. The family I knew and grew up with was actually my stepmom and stepsister. I am actually their big obstacle to receive the inheritance. They really never wanted me, but had treated me as their fake family right from the start. They wanted to disown me… that’s why they are using my father’s death to do that. And that is the reason why I cling unto Rico. I have no one.”, Dina explained and there was pain in her eyes and in her tone. Rico was shocked to hear Dina’s words. He was not expecting Dina had been going on through this big problem.

“I don’t want to go back being an Ortega. I wanted this family so much… Rico and his parents. They are my family now. They are honest and sincere to me… and I don’t want to be left alone.”,Dina added. Rico felt regretful to what he just heard. That day… he even laughed at Dina, unknowingly, she had been enduring a lot of pain already.

How could her sister and mother do that to her?!,Rico is so furious, he is so angry about what Dina’s supposed-to-be family had done to her. Rico felt sad, pity and guilt towards his wife.

"What took you so long?",it was Alice. She followed Rico inside. Rico was surprised to see her, even Dina and Carlos too, to see the “real couple” inside the house again.

“Oh… Uh, I forgot where I put my car key.”, Rico was just reasoning out to Alice but for Dina it was pure nonsense.

"It’s ALWAYS on the drawer.”, Dina emphasized at her words while angrily staring at Rico for his unacceptable alibi for eavesdropping.

"Ah yes… You’re right.”, Rico answered while avoiding Dina’s eyes as he can’t look at her directly without feeling guilty.

“Best, have a ball there. Do you want to play basketball with me? Because you know, we might be disturbance to some couples here, so we better get out, right?”,Dina said to Carlos but her eyes are still set on Rico. Rico tried his best to ignore and just brush off Dina’s intent stares on him.

"Sure. Let's see how you've improved since I went abroad.",Carlos gladly agreed. Dina immediately went on to get the ball nearby.

“Come on! There’s a basketball court near here. For sure we won’t be disturbing any couples dating there.”,Dina casually said while hinting about Rico and Alice. She went to Carlos and held his arm and dragged him while they leave the place. Rico didn’t like the way Dina held the stranger’s arms so casually like that, he also wanted to explain, he wanted to run after Dina but in the end, he wasn’t able to do anything.

"Shall we go now?", Alice initiated when Carlos and Dina had left already. Rico unwillingly nodded.

"Wow! Amazing! You have improved a lot! I sweated a lot!”, Carlos commented after their play.

“Well… thanks to your techniques!”, Dina answered. Carlos stared at Dina.

“Hmn… why? Why are you staring at me?”,Dina asked.

“I was just imagining what would you looked like if ever you have shown your feminine side.”,Carlos answered. Dina laughed.

"Well, you know what? Just forget it. It’s really embarrassing and humiliating! Remember what I told you earlier? Alice and Rico even laughed at me.”, Dina answered abruptly.

"That's really unfair. Others had seen it already but I who you promised to, did not.”,Carlos sounded as if he was sulking.

"So, what does your frowning mean?”, Dina was laughing as she sees Carlos acting like a child. Carlos smiled as he had thought of an idea.

Carlos hasn’t changed even a bit. He is still sensitive to my feelings… even though he already knows my current situation, he is trying his best to let me forget those… he wanted that despite me being an illegitimate child, even though Rico has another woman, and I am just like a stray cat forcing myself with the Ballestros, despite all these… he wanted me to never forget how to smile. Just like the usual, he doesn’t want me to be sad that is why I will show him I am strong and I am happy. I don’t want to disappoint my best friend who happens to be my super-duper crush before., Dina thought.

“Rico are you still thinking of something again?”, Alice commented as she noticed Rico had been silent for a long time already.

“You know what, she is so unfair! How is she able to open up those private and sensitive things to him and not to me? I am her husband!”,Rico looked annoyed as he said those words. He had been thinking about what Dina had said to Carlos earlier and it bugged his mind ever since.

How is Dina? Why didn’t she say anything those things about her former family? And why is she so close to that guy? Are they really that close even before? No, I won’t let them be. Ever since Dina lived with me, I am the only man close enough to her---, Rico was interrupted with his thoughts.

" sound like a jealous husband.",it was only the thing he heard from what Alice had just said.


"See, you don't even listen to me now! You are always thinking about Dina. It’s always me who needs to understand! But this is too much! Maybe… You are starting to like her now. No, because you ALREADY like her.”, Alice sounded very angry. It was the first time Rico had saw Alice acting like this. Rico was taken aback and fell silent. Alice is right, he is indeed always thinking about Dina. Rico is angry with himself, he is supposed to be with the one he loved but he doesn’t understand why Dina is always on his mind. Dina is all he could think about… even though he is with Alice.

"You even see her as your wife now.",Alice cried.

"Alice, husshhhhh... Forgive me. I'm sorry. I am just worried about Dina like a younger sister. He treats me like her elder brother.”, Rico tried to comfort Alice with his words but he knows what he declared is not true. Dina and Rico never treated each other as siblings. Dina doesn’t see him as her brother, neither does Rico see Dina as his younger sister.

"BEST!!! Why this?! This is too daring!”, Dina complained about the dress Carlos wanted her to wear. They are currently buying a dress in a mall.

“Hey, Best… even though I couldn’t see you behind this door, I know the only part that shows are your arms and knees. There’s nothing daring about that. I could even choose a more revealing dress… how about a plunging neckline?”, Carlos laughed as he teases Dina.

“No! No… I’ll go with this one.”, Dina agreed in defeat while Carlos gave her a pair of high heels underneath the fitting room door. Dina’s eyes widened as she saw how HIGH these high heels are.

"Best, won’t I trip while walking? Or end up having sore feet?!”,Dina tried to complain again

"Nope. No objections. I beat you on our match earlier that is why you must not back down on your word. You must do it and you must follow me. It’s what we have talked about.”,Carlos smiled as he knows Dina is a woman with principles and wouldn’t go against her own words. Dina frowned but followed Carlos in the end, she is true to her word especially when she gave her word to Carlos.

After putting on some dresses, they went to a salon. Carlos is very excited to see a dolled-up Dina but Dina feels the opposite. While they are making Dina pretty, Carlos is patiently waiting in the lounge. After putting on her make-up, Dina went to their dressing room to dress up and wear the high heel shoes Carlos had bought for her. Dina looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t believe what she is seeing in the mirror, she almost couldn’t recognize herself. Yes, it is still her face but her reflection on the mirror portrays an image of a woman.

“Wow! You look like a model… very stunning.”, Carlos complimented when he had set her eyes on her. He stares at Dina with pure admiration. It was obvious that Carlos was happy with what he is seeing. Dina blushed which only made Carlos even become happier than what he is already seeing.

“Don’t kid around. This is very uncomfortable.”, Dina answered as she feel shy of how Carlos had been staring at her.

"You look different, best. Your feminine side… you are indeed beautiful, best.”, Carlos said obviously intensely admiring Dina. He couldn’t take away his eyes from Dina even for just a moment. Dina then went on to Carlos and gave him weak but consecutive little punches. Carlos only laughed out loud as he felt he was being tickled by Dina.

"You are still Dina! Hahaha! Hey, stop it! This is forbidden! Don’t forget your feminine side… hey!”, Carlos laughed but Dina was not stopping as she also laughed with him.

"Feminine side? Haha, I don’t have that!",Dina laughed when Carlos suddenly caught her hands to stop her. Dina stop and looked at Carlos. Carlos was also stunned when their eyes met. Dina felt uncomfortable and she immediately avoided his eyes and moved her hands away from Carlos. They went silent.

"Uhm... ah, are you hungry?",Carlos asked to break the silence and his smile was somewhat awkward. Dina just nodded but still unable to look at him directly.

"I know an eat-all-you-can restaurant here, best. Because I know you only know how to devour foods in massive quantities.”, Carlos laughed. Dina laughed with him and the awkward situation earlier had been forgotten in one snap of a finger.

"It’s good that you know!",Dina laughed.

"Come on!",Carlos gladly said as he went first. Dina ran after him and she was able to catch on and went over him first.

“Let’s go quickly! You are too slow!”, Dina teased while walking backwards while facing Carlos.

"and these… high heels…”,Dina said intending it to be left hanging as she removes her shoes one by one. Carlos was just laughing as he looked at Dina.

“… doesn’t look good on me! It makes my feet very sore!”, Dina complain while still walking backwards. Carlos was still smiling as he walks after Dina who is now walking on her feet inside the mall.

"Best, careful!",Carlos tried to warn Dina but it’s too late.

"It’s more comfortable---",Dina as she crashed onto someone.

"Ouch!",it was a woman, Dina bumped into her and she hurriedly went on to face the woman to apologize. Dina saw that the woman is holding was all spilled on her clothes.

"I'm sorry miss.",Dina humbly said as she was worried she had ruined the woman’s clothes.

"No, it's ok. Are you alright?",the woman who Dina bumped into answered in a gentle manner. Dina looked at the woman’s face only to realized that the owner of the gentle voice is no other than Rico’s first love, Alice.

"A-Alice?",Dina stuttered, she was surprised to see Alice coincidentally and in this way. Alice stared at Dina as she thought this woman who bumped into her had recognized her and that they might knew each other.

"Dina?",Alice said in surprise when she finally recognized Dina.

"Are you ok,Alice?",it was Rico who hurriedly ran towards them. Alice immediately held Rico’s arms as if showing her possessiveness again over Rico.

"I.. I'm okay...",Alice answered hesitantly as she looked at her dirty clothes.

"Miss, you should have been more careful when walking. You must look---“,Rico said loudly as he frowned but was stunned when he suddenly recognized Dina. Rico was surprised to see Dina.

“I’m sorry, Rico. Bumping onto your girlfriend wasn’t really intentional.”, Dina explained but Rico still fell silent. He wanted to revert his actions earlier, if he had just known it was Dina, he wouldn’t have talked loudly or frowned upon her. He stared at Dina intently and he was aware he is really mesmerized by Dina’s beauty for him to unable to remove his eyes on her.

"Best, are you okay?",Carlos asked Dina and he looked worried.

"I’m okay, Best but Alice---"

"I'm okay. Don't worry.",Alice answered abruptly in a soft tone. Rico is still staring at Dina.

"Oh, it's Dina's husband and his girlfriend. What a coincidence. What's their name again?",Carlos said sarcastically as if his smiles were teasing the immoral couple in front of them. Carlos annoying sarcasm caught Rico’s attention, forcing him to face and look at Carlos instead. Rico really dislikes Carlos right from the start.

"Oh... it’s Rico, and Alice.",Dina replied as she looked at the “real couple”.

"Ah nice meeting both of you again.",Carlos flatly said, obviously uninterested and immediately turned to Dina.

"Are you sure you're okay, best? It’s because you’re a girl today.",Carlos teased. Dina laughed heartily… which made both Alice and Rico uncomfortable. But Rico looked at Dina’s happy smiles, he couldn’t believe that this woman is his wife… Dina hadn’t dolled herself up for him, even during their wedding. For some unexplainable reasons, Rico was envious. He wants to be the one who makes Dina smile like that… he wanted to be with Dina.

"Well, it seems that everyone is okay. I guess, we must head off first as we also don't want to disturb you both as well.",Carlos said to Rico and Alice while winking at them, emphasizing the last part of his words. Rico hated it, he also doesn’t like how it just seems natural for Carlos to be that cool.

"We-WAIT!",Rico shouted to prevent Dina and Carlos from leaving. Rico immediately looked at Dina.

"Dina, have you eaten already?",Rico asked Dina. Dina was surprised, even Alice and Carlos too.

“If not… then why don’t we eat together instead?”, Rico tried to explain to justify his actions when he and everyone noticed his unusual question towards Dina. It’s because he couldn’t explain too why he also did that. But on his mind… he just really doesn’t want to see Dina going away from him. Dina fell silent. She doesn’t know what to answer Rico.

"Don't you think that would be too awkward?",Carlos answered Rico’s question in Dina’s stead.

"Why would that be?",Rico was controlling his feeling of irritation against Carlos… he’s such a “joiner”.

"You're with Alice, your girlfriend... but you're Dina's husband. That's very unusual, the wife with her husband and his girl at one table. Another thing, I am Dina’s date today… and I want her all by myself.”, Carlos simply said in a cool tone. Rico wanted to punch Carlos due to his boldness… but he’s got a point. What Carlos was saying is true, but still… he couldn’t accept that this crude-mouthed man is Dina’s “date”. Rico still wanted to hinder them, no matter what.

"Date?",Rico repeated but was interrupted by Carlos again.

"Yes, DATE. Why? Are you the only one who has the right to date? Of course, Dina also----“,Carlos was interrupted to what he was about to say.

“Date?! What date?! You want to get hurt?!”, Dina Cut Carlos’ words as she went over him and started giving him soft and consecutive little punches on his arm. Carlos just laughed it off and seemingly avoiding Dina’s punches but in reality, he allows her to hit him. Rico felt envious seeing what Dina and Carlos are doing. He wanted to ruin their happy scene and he was about to… but was interrupted when Alice tightly held on to his arm.

Alice! I have almost forgotten… I am with Alice!, Rico realized but he continued to look at how lovely Dina is and he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“So, Rico, Alice... we head off first. Carlos is saying nonsense already. And Alice, I’m sorry again. I didn’t mean to spill your drink, especially on your clothes. It’s just that, I’m not used to wearing high heels. Carlos made me wear those and it hurts my feet so much.”, Dina explains to Alice and Rico. Alice just nodded and gave Dina a dainty smile.

"You’re kidding! The truth is, you just want to eat!”, Carlos teased Dina. Dina elbowed Carlos on his side as a response.

"Ouch! Hey! That hurts!”, Carlos complained in pain but was still laughing.

"Let’s go!”, Dina laughed as she pushed Carlos to lead their way. Carlos puts his arm across Dina’s shoulder in response. Rico was clenching his fist. He hates what he is seeing. It feels like his heart was being crushed to see Dina happy being with Carlos. He couldn’t explain why he was feeling that way. Even though Dina and Carlos are now far away from them already, his eyes are still locked on Dina’s happy face. It’s like he was nailed on his position. Alice looked at Rico and she wanted to get jealous but she is holding onto Rico’s promise to make up with her.

What Rico knows is he loves Alice but… when he saw Dina being happy in the arms of another man, his heart felt really heavy.

Rico had just arrived and I just met him today… I don’t trust that man. But if Dina happens to really like that guy and if that man is ready to take Dina as his responsibility despite Dina being married to me… I don’t know if I could let Dina go. I hate to admit this I’m so worried, Dina., Rico sadly thought. He composed himself, he doesn’t know why he was thinking that way.

Rico, what are you thinking! You shouldn’t put any malice… you are just concerned! Dina has been depending on you, it is just natural to be worried about her. It’s just right to not give her to just any man! She is like… my sister… right?, Rico tried to justify his thoughts on his mind even though he is hesitant with the last idea about his treatment towards Dina. Even though he has been saying that Dina is like a sister… but deep within him, he is aware it’s not true.

Rico and Alice were both silent their whole date even when Rico had already driven her home.

“Thank you, Rico.”, Alice broke the silence.

"No problem.", Rico said and gave her a slight smile. Alice suddenly hugged Rico. Alice’s aggressive actions shocked Rico and wanted to avoid her.

"I love you, Rico.", Alice said but became disappointed when Rico wasn’t able to reply with her words of love. Rico was too surprised to answer or even to react immediately. He decided to just hug Alice but even before doing so, Alice moved away from him. Rico doesn’t know how to handle Alice’s aggressiveness. She wasn’t like this, three years ago. Aside from Alice’s obvious changes, Rico also felt that he too had changed. He felt awkward and uncomfortable to do the things he does to Alice before… it’s like there is a thick wall between them.

"Goodnight.", Alice smiled at Rico.

"Goodnight.",Rico said and he also responded with an awkward smile. Then Alice suddenly kissed him on his cheek… which startles him once again. Alice hurriedly got off Rico’s car after stealing Rico a kiss on his cheek.

“Take care!”, Alice smiled as she waved him goodbye before going inside her house. Rico stopped for a moment. He tried to compose himself before turning on his car’s engine.

Rico’s thoughts are messed up. He is thinking about Carlos… about Alice… about Dina… his situation with Alice… Dina’s problem… too many. That’s why he decided before going home, he wanted to clear up his mind at the park near their home. He parked his car nearby and decided to take a walk. While walking, he was totally surprised to see Dina and Carlos at the basketball court near him. He can’t hear what Dina and Carlos were talking about but he could clearly see their ear to ear smile for each other. Rico seemed to be nailed on his position, he kept on looking at the two but his eyes stayed on Dina. He couldn’t believe that woman he is looking at is Dina. She looks like a fragile woman, totally different from the first time he saw her that he even though she was a teenage boy. The thought of their first encounter made Rico smile and it was undeniable that he really admired how beautiful Dina is today. Although he is aware that Dina is indeed beautiful but he just couldn’t understand why Dina is stunningly lovely these past few days especially today… but all he could do now is just to stare at her beauty because she is still with Carlos. When Carlos came across Rico’s thoughts, he felt a sharp pain in his heart.

“So, you have graduated already too. Too bad, I wasn’t there to see it.”, Carlos said in a sad tone.

“Yeah, I never thought I would make it.”, Dina laughed.

"Why don’t you find a job? I know you easily bore yourself when you’re alone. You always stay home and never do anything to make yourself busy anyway.”, Carlos suggested.

“Meh, I tried but Rico doesn’t want.”, Dina answered.

"Huh? Why?",Carlos asked further.

"He was thinking that I would leave. That’s what I told him at first.”, Dina explained.

“Oh, is that so?”, Carlos commented. Dina just nodded.

“Hey! You know what? Wisdom University is nearby, right? I know they have a school branch near here.”

"Yes, it’s just one bus away from here. Why did you ask?”

"I saw their fatebook ad that they are currently hiring teachers. Why don’t you apply as PE teacher and since you’re a varsity player at college, you could coach their basketball club there too. I’m pretty sure you’re definitely qualified there.”, Carlos sounded very excited.

"Really?! Is that true?! Wow! But the thing is… I think I should seek Rico’s permission first---"

“No, you don’t have to, Best! Just surprise him. And it’s just near here, so you don’t have to move out or look for another place to stay. Then they will allow you too. You’ll bore yourself if you keep on staying home doing nothing.”, Carlos is trying to convince Dina. Dina thought for a moment.

"Okay! I’ll do it! Thanks, Carlos. The truth is, I really want to find a job too because I don’t want to become too dependent on Rico and his parents. I’m afraid I might get accustomed to it…and it will be hard for me to leave them… which I need to do because Alice is here already. She’s back.”, Dina said sadly when she mentioned Alice. Carlos tapped her back.

"Before going home, let’s play first… just one round.”, Carlos smiled at Dina to make her smile too. Then Carlos opened his bag. A ball popped out from it and on the ball are signatures of various well-known NBA players.

"This is my souvenir… for you.”. Carlos smiled. Dina’s eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow, Carlos! Best! Is this really for me?! These signatures… ARE FROM MY IDOLS!”, Dina smiled so happily and she even jumped with enthusiasm. Dina couldn’t believe what she is seeing while looking at the signatures on the ball. She raised the ball triumphantly as if it was her trophy.

"Why? You don’t want it?”, Carlos teased her.

"YOU’RE CRAZY! Who wouldn’t want this?! Of course, I want this! Wow! Thank you so much!”, Dina answered happily as she rotated the ball on her thumb.

"Are you really happy?”, Carlos asked, still teasing her.

"Are you serious?! Of course---“, Dina was interrupted to what she was about to say when Carlos stole the ball from her hand and went in the middle of the basketball court.

"Oh really? Then try to get this ball from my hand.”, Carlos challenged Dina as he dribbled the ball in between his legs. Dina was horrified to see what Carlos is doing to the ball.

"Hey, hey, hey careful! That’s a GOLD!”, Dina complained.

"I used a permanent pen on this. No worries it won’t smudge even just a bit. So, are you up for the challenge?”, Carlos said while continuously dribbling the ball.

“Are you kidding?! I’m wearing a dress!”, Dina tried to complain.

“Ah I see… so, you don’t want this…”, Carlos teased Dina again. Dina laughed.

“Well, you’re really challenging me, huh? I just let you off earlier because I pitied you but now…get ready because you’ll pay for this!”,Dina said smugly as she removed her high heel shoes and went over to Carlos. She wasted no time and immediately attempted to steal the ball, Carlos kept on avoiding her advances. Rico clearly saw how happy Dina is to what she was doing.

Dina… are you really happy playing that sport because it’s your passion? Or were you able to smile like that because… you’re with Carlos?, Rico thought while witnessing the two seemed-to-be-happy couple in his front. Rico never saw Dina playing basketball that is why it was kind of amusing for him to see her playing that sports for the first time… while wearing a dress. She is wearing a very girlish wardrobe but her actions are like of the boys while she is trying to steal the ball… Dina looks like she is really enjoying what she is doing. While Carlos was avoiding Dina, he stumbled upon one of Dina’s high heeled shoes. For this reason, he loses his balance and fell… on top of Dina. Rico was shocked to see Carlos on top of Dina! Dina and Carlos were staring at each other. Dina was surprised to see Carlos slowly closing his eyes… the gradually closing the gap between them too. Carlos’ face was so near her but Dina’s eyes opened so wide with shock. She doesn’t know what to do and she wanted to avoid Carlos but she couldn’t move. She was nervous and tensed as she doesn’t want what will happen next. Carlos’ lips are getting near her lips and Dina knew that if she won’t do anything, Carlos will be able to kiss her soon. At that moment, she immediately thought of Rico and in panic, she hurriedly tightly shut her mouth and eyes while her mind keeps on shouting Rico’s name.

Rico!!!, Dina shouted in her thoughts, she doesn’t want Carlos to kiss her.

Rico was fuming mad without knowing why when he was witnessing Carlos making a move on Dina… he is going to kiss his wife! He won’t allow this impudent man to be successful on his advances to his wife. He wanted to punch Carlos and he will really do it now. He hurriedly went over Carlos and Dina but… Rico saw Dina closing her eyes as if she was really expecting and waiting for that insolent man to kiss her. Rico was nailed on his position, he loses all his strength when he saw it… but even though he was feeling weak, he still doesn’t want the kiss to happen!

“EHEM!!!”, Rico coughed loudly which startles both Carlos and Dina. Carlos and Dina both opened their eyes and Dina found new strength to push Carlos away and hurriedly stood up. Upon standing up, Dina immediately shook off the dust on her dress so she could distract herself away from Carlos. While Carlos, on the other hand, looked at Dina with regret for the missed opportunity to kiss her. Unwillingly, Carlos threw a threatening glare at the impolite man who had disturbed his kiss for Dina… but he was extremely surprised when he found out who it was.

“Oh… you’re both here? Sorry, did I disturb you?”, Rico asked in a sarcastic tone. Dina was surprised when she heard Rico’s voice, she looked at him automatically, she couldn’t believe Rico is here… he was just thinking and shouting his name in her thoughts a moment ago, and now… he is here.

"R-Rico?",Dina stuttered in surprise. Carlos smiled bitterly as he stood up to face Dina’s rude husband.

"We're surprised to see you too.",Carlos replied to Rico’s question in a sarcastic tone too.

"Oh, well... I’m sorry. It seems that both of you were busy… playing basketball?",Rico puts emphasis on his last words sarcastically.

"Oh, you noticed?",Carlos answered mockingly. Dina felt the growing tension between the two guys, both were smiling but it’s like they are both implying subtle meanings to their words, intending to push one another’s button.

"Mind if I join the fun?",Rico asked annoyingly.

"I doubt. With your looks, it looks like who even hadn’t held a ball yet.",Carlos laughed.

"Does it matter?",Rico replied smugly.

“It seems that my wife is really enjoying this sport… I want to know the things that make my wife happy.",Rico was talking to Carlos but his eyes were directly staring at Dina. Dina was unable to react, Rico’s aura is unusual… it’s like he is not like the usual Rico she knew especially hearing him say and pertains to her as his wife.

"So, is that a challenge?",Carlos wanted to confirm. Rico picked up the ball to affirm.

"Hmn... maybe?",Rico answered as he still looks at the ball.

"Well then I accept.",Carlos answered seriously.

"But Rico! You don’t know how to play basketball! Carlos is an expert---", Dina tried to mediate.

“Is that why you enjoy being with him instead of me because he is an expert?! Was he really that good? What other things is he good at that makes you smile like that when you’re with him?!”,Rico angrily said to Dina. Rico doesn’t know why he is so angry. Dina wasn’t able to say anything and Rico uses this chance to face Carlos who already went in the middle of the court. Rico followed him there.

But Rico… this is not what you are thinking!, Dina thought, annoyed. She is annoyed because Rico is being malicious between her and Carlos.

"First to score five wins.",Carlos initiated.

"Fine---",Rico agreed but he was not yet finished with his words when Carlos threw his first shot. It went in.

"One point for me.",Carlos smiled self-approvingly. Rico was so annoyed and he became more annoyed when he couldn’t steal the ball from Carlos and especially Carlos had been shooting points successively without a sweat.

"That's the fifth. Five for me, zero for you.",Carlos gave Rico a proud smile. Rico lost and was humiliated, this made him grit in anger.

“So where is the obnoxious man earlier, huh? You know what, you shouldn’t underestimate anyone, because you might end up eating your words. What goes around, comes around.”,Carlos said to Rico as he picked up the ball. Rico fell silent and was not about to say anything. He couldn’t accept this quick and easy defeat with Carlos.

"Keep this.",Carlos to Dina as he gave her the ball.

“Thanks again, bes--- Carlos.”, Dina said but her attention was on Rico. Dina knew Rico… he is not accustomed to being humiliated or being defeated… and she is aware Rico couldn’t accept this defeat easily.

"Carlos, it’s getting late. Rico and I should head home already. You too, you should get home already. Take care, okay?”,

Dina bid Carlos goodbye. Carlos nodded as a reply and waved at her. Dina went closer over to Rico but he avoided her. Instead, he walks ahead out of the court. Dina waved again to Carlos for the last time before leaving the court along with Rico. They’re inside the car but Rico is still quiet.

"Rico, don’t think of it too much of what happened---"

“That Carlos… is he your reason why you really like to play basketball to the point that you had been rebelling against your father and even hid the fact that you continued playing despite him being against it?”, Rico asked while staring directly at Dina. Rico seems different, for this reason, Dina wasn’t able to answer.

"Do you like Carlos, Dina?”, Rico sounded so desperate as if he MUST know her answer because he badly wants it.

"Your questions are too personal, Rico.”, Dina complained, trying to brush off the awkwardness between them.

"You don’t want to answer me? I want to know Dina… I need to know if he is the guy… who’s ready and bold enough to take you away from me…”,Rico said but it feels like he has difficulty in saying the last words to Dina. Once again, there was silence between them.

"Carlos is…”, Dina started.

"… is my senior in college and in basketball. He is one year ahead of me. He was just in his second year but he was already the team captain of the men’s basketball… he was so talented and he immediately became my inspiration.”, Dina added. Rico hated hearing Dina’s praises for Carlos coming from her mouth but… he needs to listen… it is important because this will be his basis if he will…

…if I will set Dina free.,Rico thought sadly.

“At first, I joined the basketball club by accident. At first, I was just going around, not intending to join any club but then I saw Carlos… it was a slam dunk. I was amazed! I immediately had a crush on him and that’s why I also strived hard to become the best in my team so he would notice me. When he started talking to me, I was really happy and he told me I had the potential. He also gave me basketball tips and taught me techniques.”, Dina happily opened up to Rico about her and Carlos's past.

"He patiently taught me how to play basketball and I really did my best until… I learned to love the sport itself, not only because of him. Nobody wanted to befriend me because of my, you know, tomboyish looks and it had gotten worst because Carlos was a campus crush and since he befriended me, lots of women became jealous of our closeness. The thought of people getting angry because of Carlos annoyed me so much. I focused myself playing basketball… and it came to the point that Carlos had finished his studies and had to go to Canada to be with his family. I was left behind but I didn’t feel alone. You know, it’s like I have no one because Carlos is the only friend I had, he was gone but I didn’t feel lonely at all… because I had basketball. It was my one and only outlet.”, Dina said. Even though Dina said she wasn’t lonely but he felt her sadness of being all by herself. At school, she is a loner, at home, she is a rebel… he wanted to hug tightly and ask her if she could just stay with him… but he mustn’t because if Dina really loves Carlos… then he must sacrifice for her loved one so he could give Dina true happiness which she never had when she was still an Ortega.

Can you really do it, Rico? Can you?, Rico thought in pain.

“… that’s why I look up to Carlos as my mentor. I respect him. Looking back, I now realized that I don’t see myself being romantically attached to him the way I used to think before.”, Dina said. Rico was stunned, he wasn’t able to understand what Dina had just said because his thoughts are in a mess.

"W-what?",Rico stuttered. Dina looked at Rico’s eyes directly. Rico felt his heart beating fast when their eyes met.

"I said… I thought I liked Carlos because he is great when I saw him doing the slam dunk. However, I realized it was his manner how he did the dunk is that had caught my attention and what I had really liked at that time, not Carlos as a person. I fell in love with basketball at that moment that is why even though when Carlos left, I still feel complete. When I saw Carlos doing the slam dunk… is also the moment I fell in love with this sport.”, Dina answered honestly. Rico’s eyes widened.

"So meaning... you are not in love with Carlos? I mean... in a romantic way???",Rico wanted to confirm.

“No, I don’t see myself being like that with Carlos. Romantically involved? Nope.”, Dina answered frankly as she the thought of Carlos trying to kiss her earlier made her cringe again. Rico suddenly gave an ear-wide smile and he couldn’t even hide it. Dina wondered why Rico’s mood suddenly shifted in a brief moment.

"We better head home now.",Rico said happily.

It was only a few minutes when Dina and Rico had arrived home together. She immediately went to her room when her phone suddenly rang. It was an unfamiliar number but she still answered nonetheless.


"Dina, hi. This is Alice. Can you go outside for a moment? I really want to talk to you. I am here at the park near your house and... Please don't tell anyone that I am meeting you.",it was Alice.

"Okay.",Dina agreed even though she was anxious to face Rico’s loved one alone, she still agreed.

She immediately transformed herself from the girly Dina into her boyish self once again. She was wearing cargo shorts and a loose T-shirt when she met Alice secretly.

“Why do you want to meet me? It’s very late already. Is it so important that we couldn’t even talk about it on the phone and you still have to intentionally meet me in person?”, Dina frankly said to Alice as she approached her.

"I won’t be beating around the bush…”, Alice replied while Dina was just silent, ready to hear what Alice is about to say to her.

"I know that you are aware that I am Rico’s first love. I also know that you are aware that until now, I am still the woman he truly loves.”, Alice added.

"Yes. But you left him---"

“Because I was sick. I went to America to cure my illness.”, Alice interrupted Dina with what she was about to say. Dina was stunned.

"But now, I am here. I should be the one who is on his side… But we couldn’t be together because…”

"Because of me.”, Dina finished Alice’s words annoyingly. Alice looked at Dina’s eyes directly.

"Yes. That’s why… I want you to set Rico free… because he won’t let you go unless you, Dina let go of him first. So set him free for his sake, for his happiness. Please, I beg you.”, Alice begged as small teardrops fell from her eyes. Dina fell silent. She looked at Alice’s gentle face and her tears. She felt pity.

"No.”, Dina anwersed. Alice was taken aback.

"I may end up as the villain to you and Rico’s love story but still, no. I won’t separate from Rico.”, Dina answered firmly on her decision. Alice was surprised.

"Could it be, that...", Alice couldn’t continue what she wanted to say that Dina might be already in love with Rico.

“No. Rico and I are like siblings. We also fight every day, and makes up just like what siblings do.”, Dina wanted to assure Alice because she felt pity for her. She wanted to erase what Alice is thinking, she doesn’t want to her misinterpret her relationship with Rico even though she is his wife… because she doesn’t want to hurt Alice. If Alice is hurt, Rico will be hurt too… and she doesn’t want to be the reason why Rico gets hurt.

"Then why couldn’t you let him go?”

"Because I am his wife. You both could have a relationship, it’s fine by me. It’s okay to me because whatever happens, I won’t separate from him. I don’t want to become Ortega again… being a Ballestros, this is what I am holding on to that is why I don’t want to separate from Rico.”, Dina answered. Alice was confused.

"It’s hard to explain, Alice. But there is a reason behind this and it’s not what you are thinking. You love Rico, Rico loves you too. Yes, I understand that is why I am allowing you to be together. Just don’t take away my right to be a Ballestros.”, Dina added as she stands firmly with her decision. Alice was silent, she doesn’t know what to say or how to react.

"If there’s nothing more to say, I go home now. You should head home too, it’s dangerous for a delicate woman to be out this late. Rico will be worried if there’s something that will happen to you. You should take care of yourself… for Rico’s sake.”, Dina said before leaving. She didn’t even wait for Alice to answer and she just left her behind immediately.

While walking home, Dina felt heavy. Suddenly, she noticed there are tears in her eyes already. She doesn’t know why she is crying. She sighed loudly. She felt tired because a lot of things happened. For Dina, this has been a very long day.