Rico had been in a good mood these past few days already. Dina wondered as Rico kept on smiling at her, he also kept on greeting her or asking her if she had eaten already or if she was doing well and other unusual things. She is wondering why Rico had been acting weird lately.

Maybe I just got caught in his good mood because he is happy to be with Alice again., Dina just thought.

Knock! Knock!

Dina heard someone knocking on her door, she immediately opened it.

“Uh… Hi?”, it was Rico. Dina once again wondered as to what his reasons might be for him to personally come unto her.

“Oh… so you’re home already. Mom and dad went out and you know I can’t cook. So, I just ordered pizza. It’s on the dining table. Just get some, if you want.”, Dina sounded uninterested as if she doesn’t really care if Rico hadn’t eaten yet, who knows if he had already eaten… with Alice. She tried to ignore Rico’s unusual behavior and went back inside her room, going back to what she was doing. She was reading her e-mails just before Rico had knocked on her door and she had noticed an e-mail from the school where she had just applied.

“You can just close the door.”, Dina added as if instructing Rico what to do next. But instead of doing what she told him to do, he ignored it and continued to went inside her room which only shocks Dina even more.

”Uh… so… if that’s the case, you haven’t eaten a full meal yet, right? I mean, it’s just pizza.”, Rico said.

“Uhmn… yeah just few slices of pizza. It doesn’t make me full.”, Dina answered as-a-matter-of-factly while her eyes are still on the computer, reading e-mails and ignoring Rico.

”Uhm… maybe you want to…”,Rico couldn’t continue what he wanted to say. He wanted to take Dina and eat out with him. He doesn’t know what to reason out if ever Dina would ask why, because he doesn’t even know why he is doing this in the first place too.

”YES! YES! WOHOOO!!!”,Dina cheered and jumped with excitement and Rico was surprised.

“Rico! Rico! I was hired! I applied in Wisdom and I got the job! YES!!!”,Dina happily said to Rico and due to her joy and excitement, she suddenly hugged him.

Rico was stunned then he suddenly felt his heart beating so fast the moment Dina had touched his skin… and before he even realized it, he was already hugging Dina back too. It’s as if his own body has its own mind while doing it. Rico felt Dina’s warmth and he liked it. It feels good to have Dina locked inside his arms… it feels so right and slowly, Rico had closed his eyes as he continued feeling Dina’s embrace. Dina wondered why, she froze for a moment when she felt Rico hugging her back which he doesn’t usually do everytime when she hugs him. Dina felt her hot on her cheeks and she also felt her fast heartbeat but instead of going against it, she just let herself feel how good it is to be inside Rico’s arms. She felt Rico and slowly leaned her head on Rico’s broad chest, she heard his heart beating so fast and loud. Rico hugged Dina even tighter as if he doesn’t want to let go of her. Rico felt Dina and Dina liked to be wrapped inside Rico’s embrace… then her cellphone suddenly rang. They both opened their eyes and in surprised Dina pushed Rico away. For this reason, Dina had gotten away from Rico’s embrace. Rico frozed and was stunned. For a moment, it’s as if he had forgotten what had just happened… he just saw Dina going away from him and walking towards her ringing phone.

“Wait a minute.”, Dina said to Rico before answering the call. It was obvious that Dina was uncomfortable, it was written all over her face. She didn’t know what happened between them and what had both felt when they were in each other’s arms. Rico looked at his hands… he was staring intently at his hands.

These hands were able to hug Dina… but they couldn’t with Alice. Why? Why did I do it? Why did I like what I have done? Why am I feeling this way?, Rico wondered as he put his hand over his chest. He can still feel his heart beating fast as he looked earnestly at Dina.

”Best?”, Dina said as she answered her phone, Rico felt like he has been poured over by a pail of cold water. For unknown reason why, he became in a bad mood when he found out that Dina’s caller was the annoying Carlos after all.

”Thanks best. Okay, good night.”,Dina said and ended the call. Rico fell silent.

“Uh… it’s Carlos. He congratulated me because I got hired at Wisdom.”, Dina sais as if she was explaining to Rico.

“Wisdom?”, Rico said flatly but still controlling his annoyance over her caller.

“Yeah, the school near here. I was accepted as their PE teacher there.”, Dina said gladly.

“W-wow! I’m speechless. Congratulations, Dina. That’s… really… very surprising.”,Rico sounded surprised but it seems like he wasn’t really that happy for Dina and he seems to be worried instead.

“Thank you.”,Dina happily responded.

“Well, h-how? What? I mean… does this mean that you are moving out? You’re not… right?”, Rico asked anxiously.

“Moving out? Why would I? The school is near here. I don’t want to rent an apartment, it’s too expensive… however, if you really want me to go---"

”NO!!! Of course not! I won’t allow you to just move out. Well… if that’s the case, congratulations again. Welcome to adulthood.”,Rico hurriedly cut off what Dina was about to say and now he is already smiling when he found out that she would stay.

“Sorry if I didn’t tell you, Rico. I really want to surprise you. You know, it’s kind of boring to be alone here in this house. Every time mom and dad went out, I really have no one to talk to. Of course, I could talk and bicker with you before but now you have Alice. I couldn’t do that anymore. I know you are busy both with Alice and your work… I shouldn’t bother you. That’s why I ended up applying for a job.”, Dina explained. Rico felt sad and heavy with what Dina had just said. He has no time for Dina anymore… even with his own parents just because of Alice.

“Well… I am so proud of you, Dina for your achievement.”,it was what all Rico could respond. Dina answered him with a gentle smile. It caught Rico’s eyes… he stared at Dina steadily, her smile seemed to be the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, it had almost left him breathless. Dina wondered why Rico went silent.

“Uhm… if you have nothing to say anymore, then I think you should go back---“

“Let’s celebrate.”,Rico abruptly said to Dina.

“Huh?”,Dina wondered.

“I said, let’s celebrate… because you go hired. All you was just pizza and you haven’t satisfy you hunger yet.”, Rico smiled at her. Dina smiled at the thought too.

“Really? I like that idea!”, Dina happily said. Rico laughed.

“You really liked pigging out!”, Rico teased Dina happily.

”Why? Any objections? Make sure we’re eating in an eat-all-you-can restaurant so you won’t end up wasting tons of money just to make me full.”, Dina laughed. Rico laughed harder. He really missed being like this with Dina, feels like it’s been ages since he laughed aloud like that.

Dina ate a lot while Rico was staring at her delightfully. Dina wondered why Rico is being unusual again.

“Hmn? Why, Rico? Why are you staring at me?”,Dina asked. Rico shook his head and gave her a tender smile. Dina stared at Rico’s smile, she felt her heart beating fast again and she also felt her cheeks getting red even though the place was fully airconditioned, it seems like the surrounding became warm. Dina hurriedly focuses her attention on eating her food.

“If there’s nothing wrong, don’t look at me that way… I don’t have debts to pay to you.”, Dina joked. Rico laughed a bit but became serious again.

“Dina… I’m sorry.”,Rico seriously said to Dina. Dina was taken aback, she doesn’t know if she was supposed to look at Rico or just ignore him.

“Sorry… because our relationship was never really good from the start, from the first day we met. I am sorry because I wasn’t able to treat you well… and because I was the reason why your father died… and why your former family treated you like an outcast. I had been very insensitive. I sincerely apologize to you.”, Rico said wholeheartedly. Dina looked at Rico straight to his eyes.

“So… you really heard what Carlos and I had been talking about…”, Dina said.

“Yes… I’m sorry.”, Rico humbly admitted. Dina shook her head and gave him a sad smile.

“You don’t have to bring this up, Rico. Actually, I am also thankful… because you brought me out. You took me away from Sunshine and… her mom.”, Dina said anxiously, still finding the strength to say the word “mom” while pertaining to Sunshine’s mom. Rico felt pity, he also felt how heavy Dina’s burden truly is.

“Dina… I have a favor to ask you…”, Rico stared back directly at Dina while saying those words. Dina wondered what it could be.

”W-what is it?”, Dina asked and somewhat felt nervous. She was thinking he will be asking her to set him free because he wanted to be with Alice. This made her feel a sharp pain in her heart.

“Next time… if you have a problem or if there’s something that bothers you, I want to be the first person you’ll want to talk about it. I want to be the first person where you can run to. I want to be the first person to console you every time you are feeling down and sad, okay?”, Rico said soothingly. This gives Dina comfort at the same time made her heart beats even faster. She feels like she is about to melt with Rico’s stares.

“Can you promise me this, Dina?”, Rico added to Dina’s silence… but to his surprise, Dina suddenly shook her head.

“W-why?”. Rico asked curiously.

“I can’t. I mustn’t… if I could endure it, I would. Also, I have Carlos on my side which I could depend on---“, Dina’s words were cut-off.

“That’s why I want to be the first person, Dina because I don’t want you to fo to him… I don’t want what happened the other day where you easily opened up your problems to him than to me. I don’t want that to happen again, Dina.”, Rico abruptly said, each word has its intensity. Dina was taken aback.

“But it’s natural, Rico. He is my bestfriend---”

“But I am your HUSBAND!”, Rico insisted in a loud voice which startles Dina. Rico was also astounded why he suddenly almost loses his temper.

“I mean… we are family… it should be the family first, Dina.”, Rico added in a mellow tone now.

”But I shouldn’t do it, Rico. You have your Alice and she wouldn’t want us to be that close with each other. She’ll get jealous.”, Dina tried to explain.

“Alice isn’t like that, Dina. She is understanding and kind---"

“The truth is, Alice called me out secretly, that night when we went home from your basketball match against Carlos. She doesn’t want me to tell you that she had confronted me and had begged me to let you go. I know you love her so much, Rico but I am your wife and she want us to separate. If that is what she wanted, for sure, she doesn’t want us to get closer too.”, Dina added with heaviness in her heart with every word she had just said. Dina thought that if Rico will know about this, their separation would be certain because… Rico could never say no to Alice. If Alice want them to separate, for sure, Rico couldn’t say no to it.

“Are you really sure it’s Alice? You might have just been mistaken---“, Rico couldn’t believe what Dina had just told him but he swallowed his words when he saw Dina giving him a fake smile, a smile of disbelief.

“Maybe… I am really that untrustworthy. I am unreliable because my words doesn’t sound true. If that’s the case, how are you going to listen to me and console me if I have problems, Rico? We are really different from each other.”, it was all what Dina could say because she was hurt when Rico took Alice’s side. Alice isn’t even here and yet she was still defeated. Dina loses her appetite to eat. Rico was alarmed with what Dina had just said and he also noticed how her mood had suddenly shifted.

“I’m sorry…”, is all what Rico could answer and he looked down as he was ashamed for doubting Dina’s words.

“We better head home now.”, Dina said, her mood had been ruined already. She also stood up first and Rico is fully aware that he had disappointed Dina.

They drove home in Rico’s car. Dina thought it was awkward that she is sitting now in Alice’s seat. She wanted to throw a sarcasm about it but she also doesn’t have the energy to argue, so she kept silent instead. With her thoughts in mess, she didn’t even noticed that they have arrived home already. Dina was about to get off the car when Rico stopped her. Dina was surprised to see Rico’s arm locking her between the seat. Even though Dina was startled with Rico’s actions, it didn’t stopped her from being in a bad mood. Still angry, Dina pushed Rico’s arms away from her but before getting off, Rico held her on both her shoulders and forced her to face him.

“I won’t ask you what you have answered Alice, Dina… but I will still choose you. No matter what happens, Dina… I will never ever let you go, always remember that, Dina. Stay with me. You will be my responsibility and I am true to my word.”, Rico expressed emotionally. Dina was so touched with Rico’s words. For unknown reason why, she somewhat felt happy to know that Rico will always choose her against Alice but she still couldn’t stop herself to probe.

“But… how about Alice?”, Dina’s eyes were like talking to Rico, he could clearly see how dearly her eyes were. Rico was in daze, he couldn’t answer her and was just lost in her hypnotic eyes. Dina who’s with him now is very different from the usual untamed and quarrelsome Dina…she looks so fragile and her eyes are so tender, he wanted to take care of her and protect her. Then he came to realization, it was too late to answer Dina’s question when he saw disappointment in her eyes that had enslaved him just moments ago.

“Don’t worry, Rico. I know my position. I know my limitations. I know that one day I need to let you go for you to be with your real loved one, Alice. I also don’t want to be a villain and an obstacle to you love story forever. I also want to become the star of my own story that’s why I’ll see to it that when I really need to let you go… I had found the man that would take care of me and would take me as his responsibility from you.”, Dina tried to sound enthusiastic before successfully getting off Rico’s car.

Rico clumsily stared into nothingness then his eyes followed Dina walking away from him. He doesn’t understand, Dina’s words should have been an assurance for him and Alice but instead, it feels like a burden. Dina’s words were like slaps to him, it didn’t hurt him physically but… he was hurting deep within.

Days had gone by and both Rico and Dina were trying to treat each other like the usual. However, there are instances where they would become awkward with each other such as when they both went to reach out the same cup at the same time and they couldn’t prevent touching each other’s hand. There was also a time when a book fell and they both went to get it at the same time and they both touched each other’s arms. There are also times when they were going the same way on the narrow path of the house and would accidentally blocked each other’s path while trying to prevent one another. Every time these awkward moments happen, they would become dumbfounded while staring at each other eyes. They felt uncomfortable but they were trying their best to act normally but behind these actions, there’s an unusual feeling that they both can’t deny.

It’s Monday and Dina is going to start teaching as a PE teacher at Wisdom. Dina prepared her things early in the morning, she also wants to go early on her first day at school. Rico was surprised, he just woke up when he saw Dina already dressed and was about to go outside the house.

“Hey Dina! Where are you going? It’s still too early to play at the park.”, Rico said and his hair is still messed up, indicating that he had just gotten out of bed.

“It’s my first day at work today, Rico. I want to be early at school.”, Dina explain. Rico’s sleepiness suddenly vanished.

“Was it today already? Wait… I’ll give you a ride there. I’ll be ready in 5 minutes.”, Rico abruptly said.

“No, it’s okay Rico. I can manage---“, Dina said but Rico wasn’t able to hear it as he immediately went it his room. After exactly five minutes, Rico was already dressed when he got out his room. Dina laughed at how quick Rico had prepared himself. Rico was so happy when he saw Dina smiling, he thought seeing Dina smile was a great way to start his day. He also laughed at his behavior, he was really fast. The whole family knows how vain Rico is, normally it would take him at least an hour to prepare himself before heading out and what he did now was indeed record-breaking.

“So fast!”, Dina complimented and smiled.

”Shall we?”, Rico smiled back at Dina. Dina nodded as she hides her emotions on how her heart skipped a beat when he smiled back at her. They both happily left their home and Rico’s parents are also happy watching them.

”It’s seems that they both start to like each other already.”, Rico’s mom commented when Rico and Dina had left for work.

”I agree. They had been treating each other well these past few days. I had also observed their unusual behavior… does this mean, sooner or later we will have a grandchild at last?”, Rico’s dad replied happily.

”I hope so… I really hope so. I want little children playing around here and someone I could play with every time I am left alone here. I really want a grandchild… I’m so excited.”, Rico’s mom said.

”My bestfriend would have been happy if he was still alive.”, Rico’s dad happily commented.

“Oh, we’re here, Rico. Thanks!”, Dina said to Rico.

”Okay. So, you take care, okay? I know you’ll do well.”, Rico smiled at Dina. Dina smiled back as a reply before getting off Rico’s car. Seeing Dina’s smile only made Rico happier. Rico was about to drive off when he was startled by simultaneous honking of the car behind his. He saw that the car stopped at Dina. Rico’s good mood and happy smiled vanished when he realized who was inside the car.

What is he doing here?, Rico thought as he couldn’t hide his annoyance when he saw Carlos driving the car. After a few moments, he saw Carlos parking nearby. He couldn’t just let them be.

”What? So you’re a Mathematics teacher here? I nearly forgot you’re a Mathematics major. Then you’re also the coach of men’s basketball team here? Wow, best… you are indeed the best!”, Dina’s eyes widened as she happily complimented Carlos.

“I received the notification two days before yours and I also knew you got in. I just didn’t tell to surprise you.”, Carlos smiled at Dina.

“So that’s why you were able to congratulate me even without telling you I got the job yet. Haha”, Dina was so happy that he hugged Carlos immediately. Carlos nodded in return as he hugged Dina back.

“Actually, I was so nervous. I was thinking people might shunned me out because you know how I was in my college days. And now you are here, I suddenly felt so relieved.”,Dina’s tone was as if she is no longer in distress.

“Ehem!”,Rico coughed loudly, he was already behind Carlos and Dina. They were both surprised to see Rico there.

“Rico? I thought you have left already for work.”, Dina wondered.

“Well, I was about to but it looks like you’re having fun here… care if I join?”, Rico asked but his eyes were directed at Carlos.

“Well, of course. After all, you’re Dina’s husband.”, Carlos answered as he gave Rico a smile.

Acting cool, smug!,Rico thought and was annoyed how Carlos smiled at him.

“You know, Dina… your husband is quite amusing. He is always on the go and wanted to always JOIN.”,Carlos was being sarcastic as he emphasized the word JOIN. Dina smiled because she didn’t get that Carlos was implying a sarcasm.

“Ah, yeah… I really love to join especially when there are nosy people who couldn’t stop sticking their noses in our married life.”, Rico also smiled as he wrapped his arms around Dina’s shoulders. Dina wondered, Carlos and Rico were both smiling with each other and yet the situation seems to be awkward.

“Oh… it’s good that I couldn’t be classified as a nosy on because I met you first, Dina before you met your husband. I WAS your schoolmate, teammate, team captain… and of course, I am your BESTFRIEND even now that you’re already married. Right, Dina?”, Carlos still smiling coolly while staring at Rico’s arms around Dina. Dina nodded happily in agreement.

“Yes of course. I never treated you as a nosy person. We are so close with each other.”, Dina happily agreed with Carlos. Rico’s sarcastic smile suddenly vanished as he was annoyed how Dina took Carlos’ side with her answer. Rico gritted his teeth while looking at Carlos’ triumphant smile.

”Well, in that case... the nosy one here is your husband, Dina. He doesn’t belong here with us.”,Carlos was being cool but low-key teasing Rico.

“Oh yeah, Rico you better head out for work now. You’re going to be late.”, Dina was concerned as she reminded Rico. She was aware that Rico hates his time being wasted away.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of Dina because we are both working here. I am also a teacher in this school.”, Carlos said to Rico.

“W-WHAT?!”,Rico was shock to know that this guy is going to be with his wife the entire day.

“I was surprised too. When I found out I was about to start working here, I was really anxious because people tend to call me antisocial. I was afraid that I wouldn’t make any friends here but now that Carlos is here, all my fears had suddenly vanished away. I am so happy Carlos is with me here, Rico.”, Dina happily said to Rico.

For unknown reason, Rico felt plain knowing Carlos could give his Dina assurance which he couldn’t give as her husband. Although Rico is aware that Dina doesn’t look at Carlos in a romantic way, he still couldn’t stop himself from feeling insecure… he felt that Carlos is a threat between him and Dina. And he is utterly bothered with it but he couldn’t explain why he is feeling that way.

Rico looked at Dina. Dina looks so relaxed and confident unlike before, she was always frowning and scowling… it seems that Carlos’ return had healed the wound he gave Dina. Rico remembered that he was the reason why her father died and that he was also the reason why she had almost ruined her life… but Dina looks so different now. It’s not haggard and was able to smile lively… in front of Carlos. Again, there was a sharp pain in Rico’s heart. He wanted to complain… he wanted to say that he doesn’t like Carlos but every time he sees Dina being happy with this guy… he loses all his confidence. He is the great Rico Ballestros, a guy full of self-confidence and was proud of himself… loses all his pride when he cam across this Carlos Tan.

”See? Don’t worry. I assure you, Dina will be alright.”,Carlos added as he smiled again at Rico. Rico doesn’t want to accept but Carlos’ words are full of assurance, it seems like he will really do his all and his best just to take care of his wife.

“Dina, shall we go now?”,Carlos diverted at Dina. Dina nodded and smiled at him.

“Bye, Rico. See you later.”,Dina towards Rico. In the end, Rico wasn’t able to say anything and he was left staring into nothingness.

Rico was just thinking the whole day. What was all in his mind was Dina’s happy smile while being with Carlos. He even couldn’t concentrate at work. He was really bothered, thinking what Dina and Carlos are doing right now. Because he couldn’t stop himself from worrying, he finished his work early so he could fetch Dina at work and if he came too early, he’ll just wait for her outside.

“Hello, Dina?”,Rico on his phone, talking to Dina. Dina once again wondered why Rico had called, it is very seldom and she thought what had he eaten for him to call her out of the blue.

“I finished early at work. I’ll come to fetch you.”, Rico said.

“Now? We have a faculty meeting. I’ll be coming home late… and it’s still 3pm, Rico. Are you sure your work is done--"

“I’ll just wait for you, Dina… I’ll come to fetch you there, okay?”, Rico insisted, never giving Dina a chance to reason out and he immediately turned of his phone before Dina could say no. Rico couldn’t understand himself why he is being so childish and why he is feeling that way. He was anxious and for him, the days seems to be so long. He wanted to see Dina and take her away from Carlos.

Rico went out of his office and was about to walk towards the parking lot when he passed by a basketball court. He saw a teenage boy playing there, he estimated that the young teen was around thirteen or fourteen years old. He looked at him as the young boy continually tries to shoot the ball inside the ring but utterly fails. He continued shooting and he also continued missing.

“Hey kid! Why are you playing? You don’t even know how to do it.”, Rico teased. The young boy looks tired but he continued shooting, he ignored Rico. Rico was annoyed when the boy ignored him, in return he tried to steal the ball away from the kid but the young boy avoided him. This only made Rico more annoyed and he tried to get the ball from the youngster once again. The teenage boy laughed.

“Hey uncle! You teased me but actually you’re the one who doesn’t know how to play! You even couldn’t get this ball in my hand!”, the youngster teased. Rico frowned.

”What’s your name?”, Rico asked.

“Melvin.”, the youngster answered.

”Melvin, have you been playing this game for a long time already?”

“Nope, I’m just a newbie.”

“But you’re good… you successfully avoided me a lot of times”

“I’m just determined. I want to persist because I wanted to join the varsity team.”

“Really? I also want to learn how to play this game too. Why do you want to join the varsity?”, Rico probed. Melvin scratched his head, feeling shy.

“Tell me, don’t be shy.”, Rico smiled.

“It’s because… uncle…"

”Don’t call me uncle. You can call me, big bro. I am really not that old.”, Rico said as he removed his eyeglasses and tried to smile widely. Rico’s smile was contagious, it made Melvin smiled back in return.

”Big bro, it’s because… of my crush. Her ideal man is someone who is good at playing basketball and a member of basketball varsity team. I read it on my classmate’s slumbook where she answered.”, Melvin smiled shyly. Rico smiled at the blissfulness of the youngster’s innocent puppy love.

”How about you, big bro? You don’t know how to play basketball but why do you want to learn it?”, Melvin asked Rico. Rico thought for a moment.

”Because… of my wife. Her ideal man is someone who’s great in playing basketball…”. Rico answered thoughtlessly as if it was out of his instinct but was immediately taken aback when he realized what he was saying.

I am having interest in playing basketball because I don’t like the idea of losing to that smug! Not because of other reasons!, Rico thought, forcing his mind to remove the idea of him having interest in basketball because of Dina.

“If that’s the case, big bro let’s help each other… so that we can become good in playing basketball.”, Melvin said happily. Rico nodded and they started to play.

Dina had been constantly peeking at her watch and at the main entrance of the school. It’s almost 6pm and Rico hadn’t arrived yet.

He told me that he is going to wait for me here! He told me that he is going to fetch me! I even asked permission to my head to excuse me of our meeting thinking he is already here waiting for me! But what is this?! The meeting had already ended and my co-teachers had gone home first! But there’s no Rico here… I can’t even see his shadow!”, Dina thought angrily, feeling annoyed.

“Why did I even believe his words?! For sure, he is on a date with Alice again!”, Dina said angrily to herself when suddenly a bright light from a car shone on her.

“DINA!”, the driver called on to her. Dina lifted her head expectantly to see him.

Rico was out of breath when he lie down on the floor. He was so happy when he successfully stole the ball away from Melvin’s hand at last and he was able to shoot the ball for the first time. It really feels good that’s why he suddenly felt tired after playing.

“Big bro, you did it! Let’s play again next time, okay?”, Melvin cheered happily.

“Of course we should until we become good basketball players!”, Rico smiled happily too.

“If I will be accepted in the varsity, big bro… I will introduce you to my crush.”, Melvin said.

“Okay, if I will become as good as Carlos, I will also introduce you to my wife---“, Rico was stunned suddenly when he remembered his wife. He immediately looked at his watch, it’s almost 6pm. He hurriedly rose up from the floor.

“Big bro, why? What happened?”, Melvin asked curiously as why Rico had become agitated suddenly.

”Oh no! I’m dead! Melvin, I have to go now! I need to fetch my wife. Let’s play again next time.”, Rico smiled as he shook Melvin’s hand before leaving.

”Dina, you’re still here?”, it was Carlos on his car when he saw Dina still waiting at the entrance of the school. Dina was frowning and it was obvious that she looks annoyed.

“Obviously.”, Dina glared, she is in a bad mood.

“I thought your husband was supposed to fetch you?”,Carlos asked again. Dina frowned even more.

“That’s what I thought too, best. I guess, he’s busy again with his dainty Alice.”, Dina answered, rolling her eyes but it was evident like she was about to cry. Carlos is not blind not to notice this.

“Come over, hop on. I’ll drive you home instead.”,Carlos smiled. Without having second thoughts, Dina immediately hop on to Carlos’ car because she felt that in any moment, she wouldn’t be able to stop her tears from falling. Dina had just closed car’s door when they were barged on with simultaneous honking by a car behind them.

“Dina!!!”,Rico yelled when he drove beside Carlos’ car.

”Get out there and move in here at once!”, Rico ordered and it looks like he was about to pick a fight when he saw Carlos and Dina together. Dina didn’t look at Rico and she ignored his presence instead.

“Carlos, I beg you… take me away.”,Dina said, her voice cracking. Carlos moved quickly and he hurriedly stepped on the gas.

“Where should we go, Dina? Where do you want to go?”, Carlos asked Dina while driving.

“Anywhere as long as it’s far away from Rico.”,Dina answered. Dina is angry at Rico, she hated herself because even though she told Alice and Rico that they are free to have a romantic relationship behind her back, she still couldn’t stop herself from feeling hurt. She is a prideful woman and she doesn’t want Rico to see that she is desperate of his attention, she doesn’t want to get embarrassed and humiliated because of her stupid feelings. Carlos looked at the side mirror and rear view mirror.

“But… Dina, it has been few minutes already and your husband still kept on following us. He really doesn’t have any plans to give up. You must face him for the mean time. I think that would be the best thing to do.”, Carlos said trying to make Dina calm down. Dina at that time looks irritable like whatever you say, she would be against it. But Dina didn’t answer, she was just silent while throwing glares at the side view mirror. Dina realized that Rico had been really following them.

“This is not good, Dina. He won’t really stop. Just talk to him first.”,Carlos said as he slowed down and stopped after few minutes of running and chasing with Rico.

“Nooo!!!”,Dina yelled and cried. Carlos was worried to see Dina in tears, he never saw Dina crying… it was his first time to see her crying and it gave him an unbearable pang in his heart.

“You don’t understand me anymore, Carlos. I don’t want to talk to him now, I don’t even want to see him! I had been always hoping for him to notice me, Carlos and every time… he always disappoints me. And now.. I am starting to get hurt… HERE!”,Dina cried while pointing her finger towards her heart. Seeing Dina so desperate, Carlos instinctively hugged her.

He doesn’t want Dina to become like this… she is fragile, she is a woman… and this is Dina’s feminine side. This is what had captured Carlos’ heart during their college years. He is so in love with her and he doesn’t want to see the woman he loves being like this.

Rico saw Carlos embracing Dina inside the car. He is fuming mad and he hurriedly got off his car. He couldn’t explain where his anger is coming from when he saw Carlos hugging his wife. He quickly opened the door and pull off Carlos’ hands away from Dina. Carlos felt like he was being poured by a cold pail of water and was shocked to see Rico already there. Rico used this opportunity to take Dina out of the car.

“Let go of me! You’re hurting me!”, Dina hissed as she is struggling against Rico’s steel-tight hands but Rico ignored her because he is still angry.

”DINA!”, Carlos shouted and he tried to run after Dina but while doing so, he was taken aback upon seeing Rico’s reaction. He came unto realization. Rico is Dina’s husband… and he… has not right to poke his nose to the married couple. He wanted to help Dina and take her away… but he doesn’t have the right to do it. What is his position to be an obstacle to the married couple?

I love Dina! I don’t want her to get hurt! I don’t want to see her being treated this way! Isn’t that enough? Isn’t love enough?!, another part of Carlos had answered for him on his mind and he was ready to stop Rico… but he started to talk.

“I told you I will fetch you, right? Why did you go with that man?! I told you I don’t want you to get near him!”, Rico yelled in anger. He is still holding Dina’s wrist tightly. He doesn’t have any plans of letting her go or allowing Carlos to steal his wife away from his grip.

“Yes! I know! But you can’t blame me! Carlos is all I have!”, Dina yelled back but was crying. Rico was stunned to see his wife in tears.

“Every time you invite me to go for a stroll, I became happy! I am always excited! Because I know you don’t have time for me… because your time is EXCLUSIVELY for Alice only. And all I could do is to wait… when you’ll finally have time for me, while I am always prepared to give my time for you. Even though in the end, you always disappoint me! Earlier, you told me that you are going to fetch me! I was so happy! I asked permission to go home early because I thought you were waiting for me… but why?!:, Dina cried as her tears continuously fall. Rico fell silent, he wanted to explain and tell her that he was actually practicing basketball for her but he is too embarrassed to admit it.

“Dina, it’s because---"

”I think you’re with Alice again. No… because it’s for sure. While I patiently wait for you here and everyone had gone home already, I still waited… I’m so stupid, right? If Carlos hadn’t come to get me, I might have end up crying alone! Don’t you really know why I have waited that long for you, Rico? Haven’t you notice it Rico?”, Dina yelled at Rico angrily.

“D-Dina…. Stop cryin---“,Rico was interrupted to what he was about to say. He wanted to hug Dina and wipe her tears away.

“Aren’t you smart , Rico? You should’ve known what my feelings for you are… I LIKE YOU, IDIOT!”,Dina said courageously. Rico was surprised. For this reason, he loosens up his grip on her hand. Dina took this chance to cast Rico’s hands away from her.

“I like you, Rico… but I mustn’t because you have your Alice. I like you but you loved another. But don’t worry, I’ll let you go, Rico… it’s not that hard to make myself to like Carlos again. He is the best I have. So, don’t be too conceited because even though I like you, I won’t disturb you and Alice. You have my word, promise I’ll let you go… soon.”,Dina said.

Rico couldn’t say anything, he doesn’t even know what to react. Dina took this opportunity again to go back to Carlos. And just like earlier this morning, Rico was left alone. He stared at his hand, the hand he used to hold Dina…

“Dina got away from my grip…”, was all what Rico could say.

With what Dina had revealed to Rico, he felt an unusual feeling. An emotion he hadn’t noticed that has been there, slowly growing, seeping and developing deep in his heart.