
Edward and Luke were officially the owners of a house. The only thing left for Edward to do was buy a car. The men quit their jobs at McDonalds the following morning and they went to a car dealership. Edward fell in love with a black Porsche which had price tag of $180,000. He did not even hesitate to buy it. He gave them a bag full of hundred dollar bills and left with a brand new car. Edward did not go home after this. He went to Sandra's place to show off his new ride. He parked by their gate and called out, "Sandra!" Sandra went to outside to find Edward in a new car.

Sandra: Eddy is this your car?

Eddy : I am fine thanks, and how are you?

Sandra: (Smiles) I am fine Edward. Is this car yours?

Eddy : Hundred percent. As you can see there are no plates on it.

Sandra: Yes, I can see that it's still new.

Eddy : I am coming from the dealership right now. I bought it today.

Sandra: Wow! I see your life is improving.

Eddy : Get in!

Sandra: I am not even properly dressed.

Eddy : I said get in. I will buy a nice dress for you.

Sandra got in the car and theh drove off. There was silence in the car until it was broken by Sandra's question.

Sandra: Where did you get the money from?

Eddy : Charles hooked me up.

Sandra : Charles, your brother?

Eddy : Yes him.

Sandra: So he just gave you the money?

Eddy : No! We made a deal.

Sandra: So you bought a car and you sent $50K? How much did this car cost you?

Eddy : I also bought the house. This car is worth $180K.

Sandra was excited. They went to Louis Vuitton and Edward bought a suit and a dress. They left the shop dressed in their new clothes and went to the most expensive and classiest French restaurant, La Grande. Edward ordered the most expensive meal and he didn't even hesitate to eat the food even after hearing the shocking prices.

Eddy : Mademoiselle! Tu est belle.

Sandra: (Giggles) Merçi beaucoup.

They had their meal and headed straight to Edward's place. They drank a few shots and played some music. "Are you going to move in?" barked Edward. "I will think about it. Just promise me that whatever you are doing to get the money will not cause harm or misunderstandings or even death," replied Sandra. "I promise," whispered Edward, aiming his lips at her succulent lips. "Let me drive you home." Edward grabbed his new keys and drove off in his Porsche. He left her in her house and talked to her mother, Mrs Smith, a bit. Sandra's father was staying in Miami. Edward went back home and dozed off. Later during the week the men checked how far they were to becoming millionaires. Edward checked the charts and figures on the laptop.

Luke: Man, how much did we make this week?

Eddy: Gold, we made a profit of $100,000.

Luke: Wow! And currencies?

Eddy: A profit of $150,000.

Luke: So in total we have $1.25 million.

Eddy: We will give Charles $200K and trade $1million again.

Luke: Then we get $50,000.

Eddy: At this rate we will be millionaires in 6 months.

Luke: Yes! We are going to be rich.

Eddy: Let me call Charles and give him feedback, and his money back.

Edward called Charles.

Charles: Brother!

Edward: How are you?

Charles: I am good. Do you have good news?

Edward: Yes actually. We made $250K.

Charles: That's good. And my share is...?

Edward: $200K!

Charles: That's good. If you keep up the good work I will add another $2million.

Edward: Give me your account number so that i can send your money.

Charles: Let me text it to you.

Charles received the account number and transfered the money immediately. He took the laptop and started the trades again. The following morning a suspicious neighbour, Mr Brown, came over to the bachelor pad. He knocked and Luke went to the door.

Luke : How are you Mr Brown?

Brown: I am fine and you?

Luke : I am fine. Please come in.

Mr Brown enterd the house and started to scan the house until he directed his gaze at some sneakes.

Brown: Are those even out yet?

Luke : Special order.

Brown: The reason I am here is because i received your mail at my house. Here you are.

Eddy : (Enters the room)How are you Mr Brown?

Brown: I am good, Just about to leave.

Mr Brown stood up and walked towards the door.

Luke : Mr Brown! You can takes the shoes.

Brown: Thank you. By the way what work do you do?

Eddy : (Smiles) We are entrepreneurs.

Mr Brown left and Edward closed the curtains in that room.

Luke: Man!

Eddy: That man is on to us.

Luke: Why do you say so?

Eddy: I was in the other room upstairs when i saw him taking out our mail from our mailbox. Our mailbox! (Emphasises)

Luke: What!

Eddy: Creepy right?

Luke: No! I mean i gave away my $3,000 sneakers to that man.

Eddy: Classic Luke.

Luke: But it's not like we are doing anything illegal here right. So why do we have to be so alert or private.

Eddy: You are right but Brown can be dangerous.

Luke: We just have to play it cool.

Eddy: Yes.

They cleaned the house and made order. The house was spotless. "I am going out with Sandra at 7," barked Edward. "Okay bro," replied Luke. Edward took a quick shower and dressed. He wore a nice Louis Vuitton suit and turtleneck. "Did you drown in your cologne?" uttered Luke. Edward grabbed his keys and drove off. He bought a dozen roses on the way to Sandra's place. He called her when he got there. "You look lovely," said Edward handing over the roses to Sandra. "Thanks handsome," Sandra returned the compliment. They went to a classic restaurant called The Chance. It was one of the most rated restaurants.

Edward: What do you want to eat?

Sandra: Meat, salad and ice cream dessert.

Edward: Okay.

Waiter: $130.

Edward: And some wine please.

Waiter : $250.

Edward: Bring them.

The food was brought to the table and they started to eat. There was silence for a few minutes then Edward popped a question.

Edward: When are you moving in?

Sandra: I was thinking tomorrow.

Edward: (Looks at her)

Sandra: Is it fine with you?

Edward: No! I mean of course yes.

Sandra: Good.

Edward: I will pick you up at your place early in the morning, at 9.

Sandra: I will be waiting.

The two left the restaurant and headed home. Sandra was dropped at her place.

Luke: Why do you look so happy?

Eddy: Guess.

Luke: She agreed to marry you?

Eddy: No dude.

Luke: She agreed to marry me?

Eddy: Not cool.

Luke: Well, tell me.

Eddy: Sandra is moving in tomorrow.

Luke: Great.

The following morning the two men cleaned the house and ordered some nice furniture. He grabbed his keys and went to Sandra's place. Sandra was already waiting for him at her gate. He took her luggage and they drove off. "Welcome to your new home," shouted Edward. "Wow! Quite a transformation in here," uttered Sandra. The house was flaunting its new furniture. The floors were spotless. The furniture was not too extreme. It was simple but lavish. "Less is more, huh," barked Sandra. Edward took Sandra's bags to their room. Sandra scanned the house. "You got a pool table and table tennis, wow!" she cried.

Sandra: So what do you do here all day?

Eddy : We sit and eat.

Sandra: All day?

Eddy : Yes!

Luke : Actually we trade.

Sandra: Oh! Makes sense. I thought you were dealing drugs or something.

Luke : Not even.

Eddy : Lets play a game of monopoly.

Luke : I'm down.

A week had passed and it was time to check their profits. Edward woke up early and checked the amounts.

Eddy: Luke!

Luke: Broo!

Eddy: Come over here and check this out.

Luke: 2 minutes!

Luke went downstairs to the living area.Luke: What's up?

Eddy: Profit!

Luke: How much?

Eddy: Read!

Luke: Gold $144,000.

Eddy: Yes! Yes!

Luke: Forex $238,000.

Eddy: Yes!

Luke: Thus $382K.

Eddy: We are rich.

Luke: We give Charles $300K.

Eddy: Then we remain with $82K. It's your turn to pay the bills.

Luke: Yea, I know.

Edward transfered Charles' share to his account. Charles immediately called them on Edward's phone. "Come to my office, boys," Charles shouted through the phone. Luke grabbed his keys and they drove off in the Mustang. They entered the CEO's office. There were two other unidentified men in the office. The men were childhood friends of Charles' father back in Africa. Charles' father, Charles Sr, had less than eight childhood friends. Four of them moved to USA. Two of the four in the USA were in the CEO's office.

Charles: Boys! Meet my uncles from Miami.

Edward: Oh!

Charles: This is Lucas.

(Points at Lucas)

Charles: This is Trent.

(Points at Trent)

Charles: These two make up the Cabal Cartel. They major in drugs and weapons, and they are the most dangerous men in Miami. The policemen don't mess with them. They are also dangerous in Mexico but not too dangerous.

Edward: So why are we here?

Lucas : Who is this one with a big mouth?

Edward: I am Edward.

Charles: Ally's son.

Lucas : Oh! Unbelievable!

Trent : I don't believe it!

Lucas : Did you know that your mother killed Charles' father?

Edward: Step mother!

Trent : I am Trent Smith, but you can call me Coach.

Edward: Smith! From, Miami!

Trent : Now I see the big mouth.

Edward: Do you happen to know Sandra Smith.

Trent : She is my daughter. Why do you ask?

Luke : Awkward.(In a shrill voice)

Lucas : Enough of this, guys!

Charles: Lets talk business.

Luke : Yes!

Charles: I want you two (points at Edward and Lucas) to join these guys. You will be dealing cocaine and guns. It's a profitable business men.

Edward: Drugs already ruined me. Why should I do this?

Charles: You will be running at least twice the amounts you are running now.

Luke : Hmm, he is telling the truth.

Lucas : Yes. We are talking six figures.

Edward: But it's illegal. I can't go to jail.

Charles: Do not worry boys.

Trent : Yes. Chill!

Charles: Since I own the the biggest transport company in DC it will be easy. I will get the goods from Trent and Lucas in Miami. My drivers will transport the goods to my garage. You will get the good and go with them to your place. I will give you a van. You will keep the goods at your place until the buyer comes to get them. The buyer will give you money and you will take 20% of the money as your own. The other 80%, you will bring it to me as soon as you receive the money.

Edward: I hear you brother.

Luke : So when are we starting?

Charles : Next week.

Trent : I am receiving 2 tonnes of cocaine on Saturday .

Lucas : Not forgetting the guns.

Charles: Okay. But these boys will not be dealing with guns. I will just give them five guns for protection and a bodyguard. The bodyguard will only be there for you from 10a.m to 4p.m.

Luke : Okay sir.

Charles: Trent, when are the goods coming.

Trent : They will arrive on Monday.

Charles: Boys, you need to be at my garage on Monday. Here are the keys to the Mercedes Benz van outside. I will give you a small phone where all the calls will be made.

Edward: Okay brother. By the way, how is your mother.

Charles: Brother, she is fine.

Lucas : Trent lets go!

Edward: We are also going.

Edward drove off in the black van. They got home and began to talk. Sandra was at school at that time. Luke took a bottle of wine from the refrigerator and they started to drink.

Eddy: If we become millionaires what should we do?

Luke: We will buy some property and cars.

Eddy: I mean, should we keep on doing drugs?

Luke: No! Of course not. Drugs are not your thing, right?

Eddy: Yea. Sandra shouldn't know about this.

Luke: Let me call Chun to have him know that I don't need him anymore.

Eddy: Why?

Luke: I just want to rub it in his face.

Eddy: Fair enough.

Edward dialed the number and he got through to him.

Chun: Boy! Your suspension is not over yet.

Luke: Yes I know. I want to tell you that I am out.

Chun: Why?

Luke: I am now playing with the big guys. Better suppliers.

(Luke hangs up)

The men were creating a new life or was it a new death? Either way they were creating something new, right? On Monday the goods arrived. The men received a call. They drove off to the garage in the van. "These are the goods you are going with," barked the truck driver. The men received a hundred kilograms of cocaine and and four guns. The went back with Martin, their bodyguard. After an hour they received a call. They had to be ready for a guy who was coming to get thirty kilograms of cocaine. The guy came in a van and parked it in their garden. "I am here. John Paul!" he barked. They loaded his van and they received a bag. "Two million cash," uttered John. The boys took their share of four hundred thousand and gave Charles his share.

Luke: Man, we just made $400K.

Eddy: Yea! And trading, we have $356K.

Luke: Man, we are rich.

Eddy: 3 more months and we will be talking seven figures my man.

Luke: All this money.

Sandra arrived and the boys changed their story. She went upstairs and returned in two minutes. "Edward Chapnick!" she shouted. "Please tell me it's not cocaine I saw in that room. Tell me it's flour!" Edward looked at Luke. "It's not flour," he whispered. "I don't want any part of this. I am going back home," Sandra barked.

Eddy : Listen! I am doing this for you. I want you to stay here with me. I want you to live your best life here, with me. You should stay. It's only for 2-3 months, that's all.

Sandra: I don't want to be involved.

Sandra went upstairs.

Eddy: Man, we have to stay low.

Luke: Yea.

The following morning Edward went to the car dealership. He bought a brand new red Ferrari.

Eddy : Sandra! Come out.

Sandra : What!

Eddy : Look what I bought you.

Sandra : Ahhh (screems). What!

Eddy : Yes.

Sandra : Ferrari! Wow!

Eddy : I haven't forgiven you by the way.

Edward splashed two hundred and thirty thousand on Sandra and hie sent another one hundred and fifty thousand to his parents. He was becoming extravagant but to be fair he didn't actually work hard for the money, did he? The next day he received another call. Another man was coming to take fifty kilograms of cocaine. Edward and Luke made some order in the house and brought the goods downstairs. The man arrived and loaded the goods. He gave them a bag. "This is $3 million. I respect quality," barked the man. He drove off in his truck.

Luke: 3 million!

Eddy: Man we are rich.

Luke: This means we are getting like $600K.

Eddy: This week alone we made a more than a million.

Luke: What will we do with all this money.

Eddy: I don't know.

Luke: Come on. Lets give Charlie his money.

Eddy: No wonder Charles is a multi millionaire. He is making more than two million a week. From drugs alone.

Luke: I bet he doesn't even care about these small packages. Would he notice it if we stole some.

Eddy: Of course he wouldn't. His house lies on 20,000 acres and he has around eighty sport cars.

The men dove off to give Charles his money. This time they did not have to talk to the receptionist, they went straight to the CEO's office. They did not even knock.

Charles: Brother!

Edward: Bro! How are you today.

Charles: I will be happy if i hear how business is.

Edward: Everything is fine.

Charles: Luke! How much do you have for me today?

Luke : $2.4 million.

Charles: Oh ok. I thought you were going to lie or cheat me. I know the figures.

Edward: No brother.

Charles: It's fine boy. This business is dangerous. Be careful.

Luke : We are very careful boss.

Charles: Thank you for the cash. You can now return to your place.

Edward: See you later bro!

The men went back home and it was around three in the afternoon. No sooner had they entered the house than armed men in black surrounded. "FBI! You are under arrest and you know why," shouted one of them who was squeezing one of the small packs of cocaine. "Do you have a warrant, " barked Luke. One man in suit pulled out a sheet of paper and showed it too Luke. "Well, this is a conundrum. We need a lawyer," uttered Luke. "Get down!" screamed one of the men. The bodyguard exposed his gun and one of the armed men pulled the trigger. Luke and Edward were lying down. "What if we give you a million guys. We can talk," barked Edward. "Are you trying to bribe the FBI? You better be quiet or else we will use every sound you produce against you. You will never escape this predicament," uttered the man in suit.

The door handle was pulled down and the door opened. "Noo!" Edward screamed. The trigger was pulled once again and Sandra dropped on the floor. There was no pulse. Sandra had kicked the bucket. The men were put into custody. Even if they were to escape, would they survive Trent? I doubt.

"You are sentenced to six years in prison and 200 hours of community service."

Charles was sentenced to only one week of house arrest. This doesn't seem fair does it. Utmost corruption.

"You involved my daughter in this. You better die in jail because whatever I am going to do to you, boy..." whispered Mr Smith.

"I can'tdo this anymore. I am divorcing you Mr Trent Smith. I just lost a child because of YOUR illegal quests," whipped Mrs Norah Smith.

What did Chapnick do wrong?