Part 2/2
Real or fake, love causes ...
My name is Melinda Clouds but I go by the name Clouds. I stayed in the hood for a long time when I was little. In the hood I met people like Charles, Trent and Lucas. At school I met people like Li and Junior. Since they all lived in the States (Rest In Peace Charles), I too moved to the states. I had become successful in the cosmetics business and my company Mel-Cosmetics has attracted various women and influential people. I opened my some branches in USA. Dealing with my business and pursuing a career has swallowed my social time. Yes, I am single but I am not searching for a man. It's my first week in USA so I am planning to scan the whole of California on Saturday. Did I mention that I am rich. I was duped the richest single in my city and the richest self made millionaire in the country. I had three condominiums in USA; one in Beverly Hills, one in New York and one in Washington DC.
The piercing sound of my alarm clock halted my sleep. I grabbed it by it's vocal cords and dropped it on the earth. Unfortunately it didn't survive the the crash. I jumped out of my amazing bed and snatched my toothpaste from my bag. I actually do not recall placing it in there but I knew it was in there. "What happened last night?" I asked myself. "Where is my toothbrush? " My other toothbrush was in my closet so i reached for it. I brushed my teeth and took a shower, and wore a suit. My new suit was pretty and I looked sexy indeed. "All the gents will bow to my feet today," I uttered compliments to myself. I grabbed my Gucci purse and drove to my office. My black Bentley was robbing people of their attention. "Work is hectic, "I told myself. "At least I have money, right?"
My office was looking clean. The air was fresh. Beautiful art paintings were displayed. Some renovations were yet to be done since I had just bought the building. Everyone has a smile on his or her face. "Morning Ma'am, morning ma'am" is all I hear. "Good morning mates," I reply. I enter my room and sit on my beautiful comfortable chair. There is a lot of work and many papers are waiting for me to print my signature on them. I take my pen and begin signing until I hear a knock on the door. "Come in!" I shout. A pretty and attractive girl dressed in black enters the room. It was my personal assistant Ella. She was the most amazing lady in the building. I could dress in all the fancy clothes i would like but Ella Brown was one fine lady.
Ella: (Sits down) Miss Melinda, this is your schedule for today.
(Hands over a sheet of paper to her.)
Me : What! I have an interview with Studio 7?
Ella: Yes Melinda.
Me : So in 30 minutes I have to check some of the clothes we are introducing in our brand?
Ella: Positive.
Ella exits the room and I just stare at her as she leaves. "This is not healthy," I tell myself. I open my purse and reach for some gum. I start to scan my room. Everything was in orderly. The art, touching and loud. It spoke to me. I went down to the floor where the designing was being done. I had to approve some of the designs and samples. "Ma'am, these are the designs," uttered my senior or chief designer, Mary. I directed the gaze my gaze on a nice red dress. It was beautiful. "Can you make one like that of my size," I request. Yes I do not wear a normal size. Why? I am so built and curves. Men would say I am hot or sexy. I know I am but I am too successful to be hanging out with men and some men are too scared to even ask me out. Maybe it is because of my strictness but no one knows about that here in USA. Hopefully I will meet some guy who is sweet and successful. Whilst my dress was being made I decided to take a look at a magazine about cars. "Which car is beautiful? Or should I say; which car is lavish and makes people know how rich I am?" I ask Ella. "What about this Rolls Royce?" Ella picks one. The dress was made and I grabbed it. I go straight to the changing room and dress up.
Me : How do I look.
Ella: Amazing. The sexiest 38 year old.
Me : (Smiling) That's what I needed to hear.
Ella: You look so fine. I bet the men's jaws will drop to the ground at the studio.
Me : Oh yea, I have to go to the studio! Take my purse and come to my car.
Ella: Okay ma'am.
Ella takes the purse and comes to my car. She enters and we depart.
Me : Tell me something. Are you seeing anyone?
Ella: No! Not really.
Me : Why, why not?
Ella: I want to focus on my work for now.
Me : Then you will end up like me.
Ella: Then I really want to forcus on my work. I have nothing else going on in my life.
Me : Do you know how many single guys of my age there are. A few, ugly and broke ones. I regret not being normal. Now I am old and lonely.
Ella: You are not old Melinda. You are just the right age to be married.
Me :(Laughing) Liar!
We reach the studio and there's someone waiting for me already. The guy was wearing a
black suit and a black tie. He was probably a security guard since he ushered me into the building. The building was nice I guess. I got to the real studio where I was going to be interviewed by Francis and Jenny. The studio is run by people from my country so we spoke in our native language for a while before the interview commenced. The interview begins.
Francis: We have our very own Melinda Clouds, of Mel Cosmetics, here with us.
Jenny : It's nice to finally interview a successful lady. Ladies can be successful too.
Francis: Melinda.
Me : Yes!
Jenny : We want to ask you some questions.
Me : Go on!
Francis: At what age did you start your company?
Me : I started making some designs and clothes at the age of 28, 4 years after graduating from University. I started selling some makeup items or beauty products at the age of thirty but I registered a company a year later.
Jenny : So, when did you make your first million?
Me : I'm not really sure but at 34, my bank account had $2.7 million.
Francis: Wow! My bank account only reaches six figures only if Ido not pay my taxes and if i don't buy anything for like three months. You are amazing.
Me : Thank you Francis.
Jenny : So, do you have a boyfriend?
Me : No I am not seeing anyone right now.
Francis: Wow! Rich folks from our country are always single.
Me : Really? Like who?
Francis: Well, we interviewed a multimillionaire last year and he said he was single.
Jenny : Oh yes! Charles Blue.
Me : I have heard that name before. But the one I know is dead.
Francis: Well, the one we are talking about is very much alive and very single.
Me : I get what you are trying to do. It won't work. I am probably older than him.
Jenny : So, why did you come to USA?
Me : Well, it's a long story. I want to expand my business and most of the guys from my hood are here. I just haven't found them yet.
Francis: Oh, okay. Who inspired you to start the business?
Me : Kylie Jenner.
Jenny : Nice.
Francis: I have been meaning to ask this; what is your net worth?
Me : I don't really know. Just know I have 3 places here which are worth well above $10 million. You have your phone right?
Francis: Yes.
Me : Check what google has to say.
Francis: Well, google says; somewhere between twenty and thirty million.
Me : I am not really sure. But soon in enough I will be in the billions.
Jenny : Since you became famous, how many celebrities have approached you?
Me : Around six.
Francis: And you didn't even give them a chance?
Me : Yes. I don't have time for their drama.
Jenny : Wow!
Francis: So what car do you drive?
Me : A Bentley for now.
Francis: Nice.
Me : I guess.
Francis: That's all for today folks. Have a nice day.
Me : Wait! I have some small gifts for you.
Jenny : For us?
Me : Yes.
I handed them their little wrapped boxes. The boxes looked so cute that no one could ever guess what was in them.
Francis: What! Is this mine.
Me : Yes.
Jenny : What did u get?
Francis: A Rolex. Open yours.
Jenny : Aww I got a bracelet. (With a tune of displeasure)
Francis: Thank you very much.
Jenny : Thanks Melinda.
Francis: How much was this?
Me : The watch or the bracelet?
Francis: Both.
Me : The watch was around $40,000 and the bracelet was around $110,000. The bracelet was custom made.
Jenny : Wow! That's a lot for a bracelet.
Me : Yea, I know.
Francis: I bet it's just change for you. It doesn't even make your bank account blink.
Me : Don't say that.
Francis: That's all folks. Pass by Mel Cosmetics on your way to anywhere. She is the best.
Jenny : (Removes headphones) We are off. Your dress is nice.
Me : Thank you. It was made by my designer. You have to come to my workplace one day.
Jenny : Okay.
Me : I am off to work.
I exited the perimeter and went straight to work. I reach my workplace and I see the designers waitimg for me. "Do you approve of these three designs?" Mary shoots a question. I looked at them and touched the material. They were beautiful but one of them needed to be improved.
Me : These two are fine. (Pointing at at two of them.)
Mary: And this one? (Pointing at the other dress.)
Me : I don't like it.
Mary: Okay.
Me : Ella, what do you think? Is that one as good as the other two.
Ella : No, not even.
Mary: Let me redesign it.
Me : Sure. (Walking towards the elevator.)
Mary: Wait ma'am.
Me : What is it again?
Mary: We have to talk about the pricing of these dresses. Take a seat.
Me : Okay, let's be quick.
Mary: What should be the price of this one.
Me : How many hours did it take to design and make a sample.
Mary: Three.
Me : How many people made it?
Mary: Two.
Me : Make it $900.
Mary: And this one? It took four hours and one person made it.
Me : Just make it $700.
Mary: Okay ma'am.
Me : Make ten more of those that cost $900 and fifteen more of those that cost $700.
Mary: I will see to it ma'am.
Me : And after work we have to go out. You girls look drained. (I laugh)
I walk to the elevator and call Jenny. "I need you in my office. I want someone to talk to. It's lonely up there," I shout. "I am coming Melinda," she shouts back. Melinda follows and she sits with me in my office. We talk and laugh. After work I take my girlfriends, Ella and Mary, to the movies. After the movie I went home and rested after the arduous activities.
I wake up and wear my short Gucci dress. I want to flaunt my attractive body to all the people of California. They just have to know that I am curved and rich, a good combination. I take my Gucci purse and my Bentley car keys. I start the engine and leave fot the nearest mall. The mall was huge. It was bigger than the ones from where I come from. I enter the Gucci store. "How much are the sneakers?" I ask. "Three thousand dollars ma'am," she replies. "I am taking them," I bark while handing over my black card to her. I take my package and move out. No sooner had I stepped out of the store than a random man bumps onto my body. I drop the package by mistake and he bends down to pick it up.
Him: Sorry Miss.
Me : Be careful next time.
Him: I said sorry.
Me : Li, is that you?