'If only we are given one chance to turn back the hands of time'
The private investigator Friday sat down at the reception of James Osazuwa office waiting to be called in , he had with him a brown enveloped that contained the information's he had concerning The People he had been asked to look for its been two long weeks and he had ran certain investigations before but non has left him as flabbergasted as the news he had discovered and he didnt know weather to simply deliver the news personally to his Employer senator James or just drop the Envelop which contains confidential information's with his beautiful secretary who seem to be throwing constant glances at him.
Yes Friday .was a handsome man and he seem to enjoy the fact ladies seems to fret helplessly at his presence but his mood with the news he was carrying wouldn't allow him to flirt with the poor woman whom he was sure was still drooling at him.