Part 1 : The Meeting

There's nothing much more comfortable than laying on my couch with good WIFI, snacks , and extra pillows with my laptop. I've been watching this series and it is the best teen series I've ever seen in my whole life. I'm super addicted to it and also, let's give credits for the main character and all the other supporting characters.

Suddenly my phone vibrates so I grabbed it to check the caller ID, I squinted my eyes to make sure that I have a clear vision, "Oh crap, it's five in the afternoon already?!" I jumped off the couch and immediately answered the call.

Juan on the line...

"Where the heck are you? I've been waiting here since yesterday." He said.

"Dude, don't be so dramatic. I'm on my way, just give me thirty minutes." I replied to him.

I couldn't believe how time can run so fast, I promised Juan that we will hangout at five in the afternoon at his favorite coffee shop so I have to go no matter what even if I'm late, I still have to show up for him because I promised him. In other words, he is one of the people in my life that is so important to me.

We're almost like a twin, if you know what I mean. We have way too many things in common, we've been friends since we were little. Our parents are basically best buddies so that is why me and Juan become best friends.

I quickly put on my gray beanie, a red sweatshirt and jeans with my black converse. I grabbed my skate and off to the coffee shop to meet my best friend.

Then, I saw him standing outside the coffee shop with his hoodie and hands inside his pockets.

He waved at me and I did a little almost-falling from skateboard move just to mess with him a little bit.

Juan rolled his eyes at me, "You've been doing that since elementary, not gonna trick me anymore." He said then he mocked me with the fabulous acting skills that I acted that I almost fell from the skateboard.

I giggled and punched his shoulder playfully, "I just wanna make it up to ya because I was late." I joked.

He sighed, "Well that was the worst make-it-up-to-ya ever, ugh let me guess.. were you watching Teen Wolf again?" He said and I nodded.

I grabbed his hand and then dragged him inside the coffee shop, so anyways we have this friendship game thing where we guess what drink we are going to buy and it must be the same drink.

If he and me said the same drink then we will get that drink but if he and me said differently then we have to say it again until we said the same drink, well you get the picture. Best friends do stupid rituals and annoying things like what we do.

The guessing what to drink was always pretty easy for us considering we've known each other since we were kids. We know each other all too well, we have no secrets to hide from each other. We overshared everything and that's what makes our friendship so close and tight.

I looked at him with seriousness plastered on my face but he looked at me with a teasing smile, I got annoyed a little with that smile of his.

"Caramel Macchiato." We both said it at the same time.

Yes! I knew it! We share the same brain. I am his brain and he is my brain.

We ordered the drinks then we enjoyed it while chit-chatting with each other. He told me about his first year in college. It's tragic that we didn't go to the same college, I got into a different college instead and that is so sad because sometimes I feel lonely in school without him.

"Dude, I cannot believe you actually made friends there, like how many again?" I asked.

He scoffed at me, pretending to be annoyed with me because I wasn't paying attention about how many friends he made in his college, "I have four really cool friends okay, don't you made any friends though?" He asked.

I looked away, thinking about my lonely life in college. It's really complicated for me to make any friends in school because I am way too boyish for the girls in my school and the boys in my school are way too childish and annoying to be friends with. They have a brain like Patrick Star and other stupid characters from any cartoon combined.

So I decided to be alone in school and mind my own business.

"Yeah a few.." I lied because of my ego.

He nodded, "That's good."

I looked out from the window and sighed, I wish Juan would go to the same college as me so I won't be such a loner in class.

Suddenly, I saw four boys walking while talking just right in front of the coffee shop. I could tell they were walking to this coffee shop by crossing the road.

The first boy I saw has blonde hair, tan skin and he was wearing a cap.

The second boy also has blonde hair but with his hair is short, super short.

The third boy has black hair with green eyes.

The last boy, he caught my attention. Oh my goodness, He was so attractive, how can one be so attractive. He was like a walking angel. When I saw him, it was like there were lights around him and sparkling stuff. The word to describe him was the word beautiful. He has dark brown hair with a little blonde highlights and he has big brown eyes.

I couldn't even blink when I saw him.

"Oh! The guys are here." Juan smiled.

I blinked multiple times and then looked at my best friend with confusion, "Pardon?" I asked.

Juan raised a brow at me, "They're my friends from college, the people I told you about like a while ago." He said.

My eyes widened, that cute guy I saw just now is my best friend's friend?! That means we are mutual friends and that means I am going to be friends with him too because he is friends with my best friend and that means I am going to faint.


I was really nervous, not gonna lie but I kept it all to myself to conceal my awkwardness and the fact that I found him attractive.