Part 2 : Friends

Juan waved his hand to the four guys then they all greeted each other in a cool way. You know those typical cool dudes greet each other when they meet. They did like a fist bump and then hugged each other but they made it look cooler, a cool type of hug.

I couldn't believe Juan actually made friends with these guys.

During our high school days and even elementary days, Juan was stuck with me and never really had any close guy friends but things has changed a bit since he went to college. I was indeed happy for him and his new life, he has people that he can call friends in school.

"Guys, meet my best friend Valerie." Juan introduced me to them and my eyes widened looking at the boy that I think was attractive earlier. He smiled at me and was waiting for me to shake his hand, I just blinked like an idiot in front of him. I bet I looked like a complete fool who have poor social skills when it comes to talking with cute guys.

Juan waved his hand to my face, "Bruh, are you day dreaming again? These are my friends from college." He snapped his fingers at me and I shook my head a little to wake myself up from dreaming about how handsome my best friend's friend is.

"Oh yeah sorry, I was just thinking about my dead lizard." I said it out of nowhere, I don't actually have or had a pet lizard and Juan knows that.

I said that because I was really nervous and shy around boys that I found attractive.

This guy, Juan's friend from college. He was really cute and I looked like a complete mess.

In other words, he's out of my league.

Juan's brows furrowed, "Dead lizard?"

I giggled awkwardly, "Never mind."

Juan shrugged, "Okay? So by the way, this is Christopher." He introduced me to the cute guy that I sort of have a crush on. I felt my cheeks were burning a little because he was really cute.

We shook hands, "I heard a lot about you, finally get to meet you." He said.

Of course, I wouldn't be surprised that Juan talked about me to his friends.

After that, the other three guys introduced themselves to me.

Then I recognized them all, Christopher was the boy I found attractive, Daniel the tallest among them all with short blonde hair, Ricardo the one with the swag appearance and personality with blonde hair and nice tan skin and last but not least Eric the one with bright green eyes and black hair.

They all sat down and out of all of them, Christopher was sitting next to me.


For goodness sake, I was sweating hardcore and my legs kept on bouncing. I was having anxiety because I didn't put on any makeup before coming here. If I knew Juan would invite his friends over, I would apply some makeup before coming here.

"Actually I think you're prettier in person than in pictures." Christopher complimented me and it made blush a little but I do hope it wasn't obvious.

He thinks I'm pretty?

I nodded awkwardly with my head slightly down, I was avoiding eye contact or I might explode at any time. "T-thanks." I was struggling to thank him for calling me pretty but I bet he was just being kind to me, let's not lie. I am no way closer to being called this word 'pretty'.

He smiled, "You're welcome."

"Yeah she is pretty but her pretty face doesn't match her personality, she's too boyish. Sometimes I forgot that my best friend is actually a girl." Juan laughed and the rest of them giggled because of his stupid words describing me.

I slapped his arm and it made him winced in pain, "Ouch! See! I told you guys, this girl is a monster." He laughed.

I bit my lower lip in annoyance because of Juan, don't he dare to embarrassed me in front of the guy that I have a crush on but to be honest I just really like Christopher's appearance, the way he looks. I mean we just met, I can't possibly be in love with him already.

It's safe to say that I had a little crush.

I've never been in love before and so did Juan but when I laid my eyes on Christopher, it felt like I am complete, happy and it felt like I am in a good mood when I see him. I know what having a crush on someone feels like, it was when I see Christopher.

"I heard Juan said that your major is photography?" Christopher asked.

I nodded, "Yes, I really do enjoy taking pictures but mostly scenery, natures and cities." I said.

Christopher smiled at me, "That's cool, my major is the same as Juan. We're in the fashion marketing major, I like the idea of styles and business but I also love music too." He said and I've noticed the way he talks about his passions, he look and sound so happy.

Juan scoffed, "Chris, everyone likes music. You're not that special." He said.

Christopher faked a laugh, he threw a napkin at Juan's face for mocking his interests and at that point I started to like him even more.

"So Valerie, if you have time. You could show me some of your works." Christopher said.

I nodded, "Yeah sure, I would love to take a picture of you." I just spit that sentence out without knowing my words, Christopher and the others looked at me with confusion.

I gulped, "What I meant was I would love to show you the pictures I took." I awkwardly giggled.

Well that was embarrassing.

Juan clucked his tongue so I looked at him and I think he knew what was up with me, okay but screw him.

Juan smirked, "Chris, I think my best friend right here is interested in showing you all the pictures she took so that means you two should hangout more." He said.

Oh Juan, you really did it this time. My eyes widened and my heart was racing so fast, the fact that my palm was sweating too.

Christopher nodded, "Yeah that would be a great idea. Don't you think Valerie?" He asked and I nodded, I got really shy all the sudden because all thanks to Juan, "Hmm yeah.." I said.