Part 7 : Unexpected

It was evening and the boys were still partying hardcore in this resort that Juan aunt's owned. The music was so loud and I was just sitting at the one of the chairs inside while watching them having fun. Christopher and Daniel were playing those pool table thingy which I have no knowledge about.

Christopher look so fine when he's all serious with aiming the ball on the pool table. He smiled every time he succeeded targeting the ball into the hole thingy for the goal.

Juan and Eric was dancing, I can tell they were super wasted because of the beer that they drank. A random chick came to Eric and started dancing with him. Ricardo was ordering another drink for us and I just gladly took a glass of beer from him and mouthed thanks because it was loud.

I drank a lot because Juan was with me and I trust him just incase if I couldn't control myself.

A few minutes later, Christopher approached me then rested his arm around my waist. I smiled at him and said "So you won." I was way too confident because the affect of the beer.

He nodded and smiled, "Hey you were watching me the whole time, aren't you?" He asked while biting his bottom lip in the most seductive way. Was he trying to seduce me? He looked so good with his hair being messy , it made him look ten times hotter.

"Yeah I was watching you." I said and with that he leaned in closer to me and I felt his hot breath touched my bare skin, the fact that I was still in my shorts and bikini top.

He kissed my cheek and it sent me electric shock all over my body, oh god it was new to me.

"Do you wanna dance with me?" He asked.

I looked at him and questioned how can a girl would reject that face. He was so handsome and charming, I would to do anything with me regardless.

Christopher was holding my waist the whole time we were dancing, it was very intimate at first. The way our bodies were very close to each other. He and me kept on staring at each other's eyes and I loved the feeling. I didn't want to stop. He then turned me around so that my back was facing his front, we were still enjoying the music while dance to it.

My body was so close to his that I felt my butt touches his crotch. He was wearing thin pants with no shirt on.

I turned around to face him, I swear this dude really likes holding my waist. He bit his bottom lip again and I was about to faint every time he does that. He was such a torture and a temptation to me.

Suddenly he pulled me closer and then my vision went dark, blacked out of nowhere.-----

The next morning I woke up and I was in bed inside the room that me and Christopher shared. I looked over to my side which was Christopher's bed and he was there playing with his phone. My head was hurting that it made me feel like I was about to puke in any second.

I squinted my eyes, "Good morning sunshine." He greeted me with a smile and then he placed his phone down on the nightstand.

I waved at him lazily, I was half alive and half dead. I thought about how much did I drink the night before the tragedy happened, my head was throbbing in pain. "Yeah good morning .." I groaned. "Do you have an Advil? I'm having a headache."

He nodded then rushed to get an Advil from his suitcase then he hand it to me with a glass of water. I drank it with one gulp and then I rested my head on the pillow.

"Christopher what happened last night?" I asked him because all I could remember was me and him dancing then I blacked out. I guess I was really tipsy last night?

He nodded, "Yeah you were .... super drunk last night." He said.

I raised a brow at him then I fixed my sitting posture on the bed. I was overthinking though, "But you and me, we didn't right? I mean we didn't do anything right?" I asked and his eyes widened, "No no, I didn't do anything to you, in fact Juan was the one who carried you all the way back to our room." He explained.

I nodded in relieved.

Then he continued, "But last night was fun, I didn't know that you're good partner to dance with." He smiled.

My face was starting to feel the heat, I still remember what happened that night when me and him were dancing, it was fun but at the same I couldn't believe I had all that confidence to vibe with him that night.

I giggled, "I was going along with the music and besides I like the way you lead me to the dancefloor at the first place." I said.

He started rubbing the back of his neck, "This will sound crazy but do you want to go on a date with me tonight?" He asked.

I almost choke on my own saliva and my heart was beating so fast that I felt like it was going to burst out of my chest at any time. It was the first time that a boy asked me out on a date.

I nodded and couldn't help but to smile a little, "Yeah sure, I would love to." I said.

He threw a fist in the air and said, "Yes." with a huge grin plastered on his face. He stood up, "Hmm I'm going to meet the boys to discuss something. We'll see you soon. Just rest for a while for our date tonight." He said then he left the room.

I can sense someone was excited.

Frankly, I got excited too that I couldn't believe Christopher would ask me out but was it a green light telling me that Christopher really liked me?

I grabbed the pillow to cover my face from blushing too much. "Omg!!! I'm going on a date with my crush!"