
Part 69 : Are you kidding me?

This morning was fine, it's Sunday and my mother told me to take a day off from work so that I can go on a cute date with Felix and stuff like that.

I know it sounded so cringe-worthy but Felix sent me a good morning text early in the morning and I replied 'hi'. It was still awkward to me but we will get there somehow, the non-awkward stage where it makes me want to die.

I was eating my pancakes whilst listening to my playlist on a bluetooth stereo. At one point, I miss the weather in Malaysia because it's tropical unlike here in New York.

Suddenly, Athena called me.

I haven't seen her in like weeks because she's in New Jersey but we've been talking online so the friendship is still vigorously active.

"Hellooooo....." I sang.

She giggled, "How are you?"

Chewing my pancakes, "I'm good and you?"

"I'm fine too, Val by the way I think you should check Christopher's facebook. He posted something." She said and I sat there on my couch, frozen.