Dylan kissed me and he said that, he didn’t plan on doing it. He can’t just say that it’s just an accident. No one pushed him for his lips to touch mine, no one did. And I’m absolutely sure that what he did was already part of his plan. What is his reason for kissing me? Just to get the girl out of the picture? That isn’t even right at all. Nothing fits at all. Why did he even kissed me? Why am I feeling happy and in the same time mad about it.
I’m happy because the person I liked kiss me but the guy who kissed me is a so called playboy and I think that this guy is the kind of person who do things as he pleases to any girl that he wants to target. After being friends with him, this is the plan? Targeting me?
Everything is just complicated and especially what makes things more complicated is when he told that brunette that I’m his girlfriend. The whole campus will know about us and I don’t care about what they are going to say about me, what I just don’t like is people giving me false accusations. Like the fact that I’m Dylan’s girlfriend even if I’m not.
After the incident last night, I and Dylan have this awkward situation. He drove me home and both of us didn’t spoke a word at each other. I just told him that I’ll head inside and he just nodded with a weak smile placed unto his lips.
I don’t know if he really did mean it because if he did, why is he having those actions like he was also confused on what he has done.
I’m so frustrated with all this thinking and this is bad for me because the nurse told me not to stress myself too much. If I did, I’ll find myself lying in the clinic and I don’t want that.
Everything is just so confusing and I just want to get my head bumped into a hard wall and with that, I’ll get an amnesia. Having an amnesia will help me forget everything, making my life much easier.
I roll myself back and forth on my medium sized bed. You know what time it is? It’s 4 o’ clock in the morning and I just had 5 hours of sleep. Thinking about what happened yesterday finds it difficult for me to sleep.
I don’t have the feeling of getting back to sleep and I don’t know how to resolve this. This problem is all because of Dylan’s so called plan that didn’t even turned out to be a benefiting thing for me. Whatever happens later, I’ll be hoping for the best.
I looked like a zombie. My eye bugs aren’t helping, hair’s a mess, clothes crumpled up because I didn’t have the time to iron it because I’ll be late if I did, and I am panting because of all the running.
I was able to make it on time and what bothers me the most when I walked down the hallway, I was able to get those judgmental and mean stares from girls that I don’t even know.
I placed my textbook on my desk and focused my eyes on the board where my professor is. He have this lectures that I find difficult to understand because I’m tired of all the running.
The guy who was seated in front of me handed me a crumpled paper. I asked him from where did it came from and he just said that they just passed it to him to pass it on to me. Whatever this is, I’m sensing it’s not good.
I opened the crumpled paper and I wasn’t surprise about what’s the content of the letter.
“What kind of magic trick did you use to get Dylan Winters to be your boyfriend? Slut.”
I sighed and placed the paper under my desk, ignoring it will be a lot better than fighting back the person that wrote it. I’m not weak, I just think that I don’t have the time to waste for a pathetic persons like them.
I ran my hand through my hair and lean my head against the desk, this is just stressful. Can’t Dylan tell them the truth? Why will a playboy, like him claimed to have his own girlfriend? Doing that will just let girls draw a line in between. He’s driving them away and a playboy won’t do that unless if he’s serious of having someone to be with him and I don’t think he already have one for his own.
Dylan Winters! What is your problem?!
“Dylan Winters!” Ryan came to me with a high tone of voice. His face shows a hint of anger, and whatever is troubling him, I think it’s something serious. Austin was beside him, hands on his pocket and he have this defiant smirk placed unto his lips.
“What’s with this rumor I’m hearing about?” Ryan said with an angry tone of voice, he ran his hands on his awfully messy hair. Things are starting to get ugly than I thought.
I shut my locker with a loud bang and lean my back against it, “What rumor?” I said.
“So you’re serious of having a girlfriend?” Austin speaks up as he went beside me. He looked at me seriously, observing my features.
Ryan lean his back against the lockers and look to face me once again, “Are you really serious?”
How can I explain this? I don’t know what to say or what should I do. I don’t know what’s happening to me. My real plan yesterday was to pretend kissing Kate but I ended up kissing her and in the same time, I claim that she’s my girlfriend. What the hell is wrong with me? Why is this rumor spreading so fast?
I scratch the back of my neck, thinking of the best words to say and I don’t know what because every time I think, the kiss starts to play back inside my head. I have many girl that I kissed but with Kate, it’s different.
“That was all a misunderstanding.” I clearly stated.
Ryan folds his arms, “When is a misunderstanding turn out to be like this? You kissed her and claimed that she’s your girlfriend?” He protested.
Austin pats my shoulder, he tried to get my attention but he failed. I don’t know what to say anymore and I’m fuckin’ speechless.
“I’ll explain later. Can we just head back to class?” I head first and didn’t listen to what they were saying. I just need some time to think for myself.
And none of what they’re telling me is helping at all.
“He what?!” Beth said in a high tone of voice.
We’re at the pathway, outside of the school’s building. I told her that I want some alone time with her and she agreed. She was worried about me and I started talking of what happened yesterday. She was obviously, shocked.
“He kissed me and told me that he didn’t mean or plan to do it.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and examined her facial features.
She doesn’t know what to say, she’s speechless.
“Don’t you think that he liked you that’s why he did it?” She said. She’s back to her normal self, like as if she was able to cope up that easily.
I shake my head in disbelief, “He’s not that kind of person.”
She placed her hand on top of my hands that are locked together, calming me down and comforting me.
“He’s a playboy, we all know about that. But we also knew that he’s a nice guy. He won’t just kissed you just because he wanted to. Those girls that he kissed back then has already their eyes on him that is why he was able to touch them but he won’t just touch a girl unless the girl doesn’t want to.” She paused and tried to catch my eyes, “Did you ever saw anyone going out with Dylan and doesn’t even like him?”
Come to think of it, no one did except for me. But mine is another story. What Beth is trying to imply that Dylan is a playboy but he won’t go to an extent to play with other girls’ feelings? I get some of it but it still confuses me.
“I just want this to be over with.” I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes. Whatever shall I do?
“Can we talk?” A deep and husky voice said. I knew it wasn’t Beth and I was startled by the fact that whoever it was, can’t he see that we’re talking.
“I’ll see you later, okay?” Beth hugged me and started walking out of the scene. I turn to look at my back and face whoever that guy is. It was no other than Dylan Winters. What does he want now?
“Can I sit beside you?” He asks, pointing the space beside me.
I nodded, “Sure.” I didn’t looked at his eyes and avoided eye contact. After the incident, I wasn’t able to look at him straight in the eyes.
“About last night.” He stated, “I’m sorry.”
I swallowed the lump on my throat and started talking, “Sorry for kissing me? For claiming me to be your girlfriend? For what?”
I heard him sigh, “I’m sorry with both of what I’ve done but I’m also sorry because.” He paused and he didn’t continue on what he was going to say.
I can feel my heart pounding against my chest and it was unbearable for me to take, I felt uneasy with him because of what happened and I’m getting a feeling that the feelings I have for him is starting to grow and it’s no good.
“For what?” I said in a soft tone of voice. I felt weak whenever I’m with him.
“Because I didn’t regret what I have done.” He said in a straight forward manner.
It startled me that made me look at him. His eyes were settled upon me and I felt my chest pounding making it hard for me to bear.
I was speechless on what he said to me and I don’t know what to do and reply to him.
“I don’t know what to say.” I said. I’m unsure of what to tell him and I don’t know how to react. I feel butterflies swirling inside my tummy and I don’t know if I’ll be happy about it.
“I don’t regret kissing you but to tell you the truth, I really didn’t planned to do it.” He locks his hand together. “I don’t know how to explain this, we all knew that I already kissed a lot of girls.”
He folded his arms, “But when I kissed you, I have this different feeling. I can’t seem to forget you inside my head and it bothers me.” He bite the bottom of his lips.
I placed both of my hands on my lap, my hands are sweating and it’s because I’m nervous. What is he trying to tell me? I can’t understand him.
“Kate.” He called my attention.
“Why do I feel different when I’m with you?” He added.
I’m screwed. I don’t know what to say. I can feel my heart wanting to explode and it’s not good.
“Kate, do you think that, I like.” He paused for a while and tried to compose himself. Why can’t he just finish what he’s going to say to get this done with? Like what Dylan? What?
“No.” He startled me with a sudden change of topic. “That can’t be.” He said in a mumbling way.
What Dylan? Why are you being like this? Why are you being a coward?
“Dylan, say it.” I said.
He settled his eyes unto me and I did the same to his.
Why can’t she be removed inside my head? This is not good. Don’t tell me that I liked her? That’s impossible. I can’t, it’s not me. That’s the old Dylan. Falling in love isn’t my thing and I knew that love thing won’t give me any happiness. I’ll just end up hurting in the end, like my past relationship. I’m not ready to this sort of thing.
“Dylan, say it.” She said, disturbing everything inside my head.
I settled my eyes unto her and she did the same.
I felt uncomfortable and as if my heart is playing with me. I can’t like her and fall in love her. I won’t and I don’t. I will not let that happen. We’re friends and that kiss doesn’t mean anything. Maybe I can’t get her out of my head because of the kiss that I didn’t meant to do. Maybe I was just worried of she’ll get mad of what I’ve done but why did I let myself kiss her anyway? Why did I kissed her when my only plan is to pretend kissing her? I can’t handle this stress any longer.
I cough and divert my eyes to the field in front of us, “What I want to say was, I’m sorry for telling them that you’re my girlfriend and the kiss.”
I should’ve not told her that I didn’t regret kissing her and about the different feeling when I’m with her. I hope she didn’t extend the topic any longer, about what I said a while ago.
“It’s okay.” I felt her eyes still settled to me. “So, what’s the plan?” She added.
If I told everyone that she’s not really my girlfriend and it’s a pretend, everyone will still keep asking why I’ve done it and I don’t want being asked and her to be talked about all because of me.
“Can you pretend to be my girlfriend for a while? I mean, until this month ends let’s pretend that we also break up. I’m not only thinking of myself here, I’m the one responsible and doing this plan will make it easier for me and you.” I scratch the back of my neck, “If it’s okay with you? I don’t have any more plans under my sleeve and this is the best thing I got. If I told them that yesterday was just a pretend, everyone will keep on asking and I doubt that they’ll get this off the hook that easily. I don’t want them talking about you in a mean way all because of what I did.”
She nodded and didn’t argued with what I told her, “Sure.”
“I’m sorry.” I apologize again, this is the third time. I don’t have anything to say but to apologize for what I’ve done.
“Don’t be.” She stands up from where she is sitting, “So, who are the only ones who know about this pretend thing we’re having?” She stated.
I stand up and went beside her, “The guys and I think you told Beth as well.”
She wore her backpack in one strap, “Yeah.”
I think our friendship is about to end because of what I’ve done.
“We’re still friends right?” I asked her.
She paused for a minute and then she faces me with a weak smile on his lips, “Of course.”
I took her bag out of her shoulders, “Since I’m your pretend boyfriend, I’ll get that for you.” I tried to cheer her up because of what I’ve done.
She chuckled, “You don’t have to do that you know.” Her smile is still weak compared before and I got the feeling it was because of the incident.
I owe her big time and I’ll try to make up to her. I’m also sure that I don’t like her, what I felt towards her was just feeling bad of what I’ve done. Yeah Dylan, that’s it.
Dylan doesn’t really like me but I on the other hand have feelings for him. Why did I ever agreed on being friends with him? Just to get my feelings vanish? But how can I do it when the whole campus knows that we have something going on? Plus, this fuckin kiss he placed unto my lips. I can’t helped but to remember every single detail of it. And Dylan was just being cool with it?
Everything is just so complicated.
We head inside the building and he was beside me. Many students are in the hallway because its lunch break. We walked, passing by the students who have their eyes settled on the both of us. I can’t help but to feel tense and get nervous because all of what’s happening to me now is not what I plan on the first place.
I flinch when I felt his hand touch mine. I felt my heart throbbing and butterflies swirling all over my tummy. I shouldn’t be feeling this way. This feelings must fade, not grow.
Oh Kate, this friendship isn’t turning out to be well than I thought it would.