I tuck some few strands of my hair behind my ear as I stare myself in the mirror. My lips are pale and I decided to put some lip gloss on. I don’t like putting something on my face and when I do, it’s seldom. I’m at the comfort room, good thing our professor allowed me because he seldom allow some of his students to go out. Trust issues maybe? A while back, someone asked his permission to go out because he needs to go to the comfort room and later on, our professor saw the student outside of the building and he’s smoking. That’s the reason why he’s strict about students going out.
I closed my eyes and take a deep breathe, “Kate, you can do this. We still have three weeks before the month ends. And after that, everything will be back to normal.” I said to myself.
I can’t believe that I’m doing this. Why the hell did I even agreed on doing this? If I can turn back time, if only I can. If there’s a time machine, I’ll go back to the time when he asks for my jacket and I’ll tell him that I don’t allow strangers borrowing my jacket, after that I’ll go out of the convenience store and forget that we met. If only there’s a time machine but sorry to say, we still don’t have one.
Fingers cross, hoping that the coming days will turn out to be well and this will be over with. I can’t wait for it to end. I opened my eyes, going back to reality.
“I can do this.” I said.
I went out of the comfort room and head back to class, I saw our professor look at me and I knew that he was just checking. I sat down my chair and I was surprised to see a note placed on my desk. Whatever this is, please be good.
I unfolded the piece of paper and take a look whatever is written on it.
“So, you’re really Dylan’s girlfriend? Been so long since he have one, again.”
It wasn’t so bad at all but I can’t help but to be curious whoever it was. I roam my eyes around the room and check to see whoever wrote this and in my sight, I saw a guy looking at me with a smile forming unto his lips. He was just seated two seats away from me.
He gave me his playful wink and I decided to get back to the letter. Is he the one who wrote the letter?
I took my pen out of my pocket and started writing, “What do you mean it’s been a long time since he have one and what’s with those looks?”
I handed the letter to the guy beside me and he passed it on the guy who gave me his playful winks and weird smiles a while ago.
After some minutes, the paper was handed back to me again.
“If you want to know, let’s hang out after school.”
I don’t know if what he’s saying is true or he’s just messing with me. Why will he share such information like that? He doesn’t even know me and what is his benefit from telling me those things? What is he even planning to do? There are many things inside my head, again. I’m avoiding thinking too much but I can’t help but to ask things that’s confusing to me.
“How can I trust you? You don’t even know me.”
I handed the paper to the guy beside me and he passed it on the guy again. I’m glad the guy beside me isn’t irritated because of the passing of the paper over and over again.
“Well, we can work on that. Trust me, I’m not some kind of person who manipulates or uses people. I don’t intend on doing that. Just wanted to be friends with Dylan’s girlfriend. Name’s Marc.”
Should I accept his offer or not? I should think carefully because if I don’t, I’ll end up doing a terrible mistake again.
I looked at him again and he gave me his sweet smile. He diverted his eyes and faced front. Should I or should I not. It’s not like I’ll be doing something wrong, it’s just a hang out and he seems nice.
I hope that I won’t regret this. “Name’s Kate.”
I looked at him as soon as he received the paper, he gave me his pleasing smile and I did the same. What is his motive for doing this? I’ll still be careful because what if he turns out to something different. It’s better to be careful than not to be.
The class ended. I can’t believe that I’ll be stuck with homework this weekend. I placed my book and notebook on my bag and the guy who sends me the letter came by beside me.
“Hi Kate. Should we hang out today or you tomorrow?”
I didn’t looked at him and decided to talk, “I’m kind of busy tomorrow and I don’t feel like going today either.” Well, it’s true. I feel like going home and do some sketches. It’s been weeks since I last draw.
“Are you really his girlfriend?” He sighs, “Let’s go today then!” He clasp his hand around my wrist and started pulling me out of the classroom.
“Hey, what are you doing? Do you want to make a scene or something?!” I exclaimed, irritated.
“Not unless you started shouting.” He replied.
To describe him, he have this cute green round eyes, brown hair and a built body of an athlete. He’s attractive and I think some girls are already under his spell with those looks of his. Is he and Dylan friends? He should hang out with them sometime, he’s perfect joining in his group. He have the looks, I just don’t know about the attitude.
He lets go off his hand that are clasp around my wrist, he came to face me. We’re still in the hallway and I don’t know what his plans about the hang out thing is but whatever it is, I want to go home already.
“So, where do you think shall we go?” He runs his hand through his brown hair.
I rolled my eyes, showing irritation. “I don’t know, why don’t we just go home instead?”
He hissed, “That’s not a good way to treat your friend.” He ended his sentence with a sigh.
I heard someone called my name and I turn my head to face whoever it was and in my surprise, it’s Beth. She have her arms wrapped around her books and I think it’s kind of odd because she isn’t wearing her glasses. I thought she can’t see without her glasses on? Contacts maybe?
“I am--,” She pauses for a while when she saw Marc, “Who?”
I was about to introduced Marc to Beth not until Marc started talking, introducing himself.
“I’m Marc Reed.” He lends his hand for Beth to shake, “You must be Bernadette?” He gave her his signature smirk.
“Please, call me Beth.” She shakes Marc’s hand back. “So, you two going somewhere?” She looks at me and based on her facial features, she’s in the state of confusion. Like, why am I with a guy who I just met? And why did I even entertain a guy who I just met.
I’ll explain later Beth, for now it’s between me and him.
“Yes, we’re actually going somewhere.” Marc grins cheekily. He’s such an irritating guy.
“Well actually, I was about to go home but he started pulling me and telling me that we should hang out.” I defended myself. He was just the one who decided to hang out without my consent.
“Oh I see. I should be going then?” She looks at Marc and smiled at him, “Nice to meet you Marc.”
She gave me a peck on the cheek and whispered on my ear, “You have some explaining to do.” She smiled and then left without uttering another word.
“She’s nice.” Marc said in an amusing way. He lands his eyes back to me, “We should be going then.” He clasp his hand around my wrist and he started walking. He didn’t even asked my opinion and started to drag me out of this building.
We stopped by at the parking lot and he was busy looking for something that I don’t even know what.
“Why are we here?” I said out loud, disrupting those little voices inside his head.
“My bike.” He said. “Found it.” He added.
A bike? He’s a senior and he used a bike on going to school? Does he thinks that I will allow him to get me ride a bike with him? No way, not in a million years bro.
I followed him towards where he’s walking and what’s on my mind wasn’t what I thought it would. It’s a big bike, a motorcycle. He should at least say that it was a motorcycle than bike.
“Cool bike.” I said, emphasizing the word bike.
“Yeah, thanks.” He handed me his helmet as he starts the engine of his so called bike. “Hop in sweetie.” He said, smiling.
I rolled my eyes, showing irritation. “Don’t ever call me that.” I get on his back and placed the helmet on my head. I placed both of my hands on his shoulders and I can feel him laughing silently.
“You should place your arms around my waist if you don’t want to fall.”
I sigh and just listened to what he told me. I placed my arms around his waist and he started his motorcycle and then we took off.
“Hi Beth.” I greeted Beth with a smile placed unto my lips. I’m with the guys and Beth just stopped by before she gone off. She and Austin has something going on and I fully support them, I just don’t know about Ryan.
“Hi.” She greeted back with weak smile. She seems a little bit worried about something and I don’t know what it is. I can’t just ask her what it is all about because I’m not that close to her.
Austin started talking with Beth and I didn’t listened to whatever they are talking about because it’s between the two of them.
“Ryan.” I called Ryan’s attention. He was busy playing on his phone that he ignores us even if we’re talking to him.
“Ryan.” I said again.
“What? Can’t you see I’m playing?” He retorts as his eyes still settled on the game that he was playing.
“Whatever.” I said in a mumbling way. I should start walking and go home but I can’t do that because I have to drive Kate home. It’s not like she asks me to do so but I owe her and also because of the pretend thing that we’re doing. Besides, we’re friends.
“Beth.” I disrupted her conversation with Austin. “Where’s Kate?” I bite the bottom of my lips and waited for her reply.
She tried to compose herself and it took so long before she gave me her answer. “She’s with someone.”
Someone? Who? Jeff? His Lab partner? But I don’t think Kate will ever agree to go out with Jeff even if it’s a project thing. I don’t know anyone else who is close to Kate but only Beth. Where is she going? Who is she with?
“His name was Marc Reed.” Beth said, avoiding eye contact.
“He’s in our soccer team.” Ryan joined our conversation. “He’s just as good as you Dylan.” He added.
Marc Reed huh? We talked for some of the times but what is his intension of being friends with Kate Hughes? I felt as if something is wrong and there is something bad about to happen.
“I don’t trust that guy though.” Austin takes a hold of Beth’s hand, “He’s known as the bad boy kind of guy. He loves messing around that’s why he’s in usually in detention. He’s with Grey’s.”
“You mean, Grey’s group of friends? Those party animals?” Ryan clarifies Austin’s sentence.
Austin nodded, “Yeah.”
“Why didn’t I know that?” I asked them. Why didn’t I know that Marc Reed is with Grey’s group of friends?
Grey’s group of friends are known as the wild and party animals. We get along well and they tend to invite us when they will be having a party on Grey’s mansion but I didn’t know that Marc Reed is with them. I seldom see Marc and I seldom talk to him too.
I find him mysterious and the so called guy that you get awkward with. In the soccer team, he usually talks with the least good players like Russel. Never did I knew that he is a trouble maker. How did Ryan and Austin get that some kind of information?
“Austin told me.” Ryan shrug his shoulders, “Austin usually see him in the principal’s office that’s why he knew.”
I gave him an unappealing look, I’m unsure of what to say and how should I react but my guts is telling me that I should go after them.
Kate shouldn’t be going out with someone that she just met. She should not trust people so easily even if they wanted become friends. Like as if I’m pertaining myself.
“You should call her.” Austin suggested with a confused look on his face.
“I’ll do that.” I took my car keys and phone on my pocket, “I’ll go ahead.”
“So you decided to take me to the park rather than the mall? I’m impressed.” I said in sloppy tone of voice. I just really want to go home and this guy is making me nuts.
“Thanks for the compliment. I think?” He finishes with his signature smirk placed unto his lips.
My phone started ringing and I was surprised to see who it was from.
“Aren’t you going to answer that?” He said, smiling.
“No, I guess not.” I switch it on vibrate and placed it back on my pocket. “So, what made you decide to be friends with me?”
He chuckled, “Nothing. I guess I just wanted to be friends with a new girl.” He buried his hands on his pockets.
“New girl huh? I’ve been here for months and now that I’m finally noticed because I’m Dylan’s girlfriend, then you recognize me?” Totally true, isn’t it?
“No, actually.” He stops his tracks and came to face me, “I noticed you before, and it’s just that I’m not the talkative kind of person.” He said in a serious tone of voice.
“Really?” I crossed my arms against my chest and look at him straight in the eyes, “You’re not joking, are you?” I finally came up with a conclusion that he isn’t really joking with the look on his face.
“I’m not.” He started walking and I did the same, “So, what makes you his girlfriend?” He changed the topic.
“I liked him, I guess?” Wasn’t sure of the best words to say. Maybe because of this pretend thing.
“What a nice answer from her girlfriend?” He points out the bench not so far from us, “Let’s sit there.”
My phone kept vibrating and I can’t help but to look at it. It was another missed call from Dylan and based on what I’m seeing right now, he already place seven missed calls.
What does he want from me? Is pretending to be my girlfriend not enough?
In my surprise, Marc took my phone out of my hand and he have this annoying look on his face.
“Give me my phone back.” I said, showing irritation.
He looks at my phone with a smug look on his face, “Your boyfriend is calling, again?” He kept the phone on his hand, extending his arm upward so that I can’t be able to reach it. “Should I answer it then?”
I told him not to answer Dylan’s phone call but he didn’t listen and decided to follow what he was going to do.
Finally, she answered. I was driving and roaming around the streets, trying to find where they went but I have no luck.
“Hello, Kate?” I said, worriedly. My hands are sweating and I have the feeling that something isn’t right at all.
“Hi Dylan.” Said the guy who have this deep and husky voice. “It’s me, Marc Reed.”
I was annoyed and a little bit irritated when he is the one who answered the call and not Kate.
“Marc, gave Kate her phone back.” I said. Trying to keep myself calm even if I knew, I can’t.
“Me and Kate are busy as of the moment, so please try again later?” He chuckled, making me much irritated compared before.
“Marc Reed.” I said in an irritated tone of voice.
“Dylan Winters.” He said