Jabez Wilkes

;/ breaking news, a man that was being investigated by the police died after an accident near downtown. According to the witness the car that the man was driving exploded right after he entered. Some people say that it was no accident but the police said that the car was broken from the beginning that caused the explosion. The police also find out that the car was stolen and was used as a hot car. The investigation is still ongoing.

"Job well done," I said before turning off the television.

"Thank you, sir," Lucas said.

"I'll give you a bonus on your payday. You can take a break from now until the investigation is over," I said while looking at him. Lucas is the one I hire to do the job for Mrs. Evangelista. He's only been here for 1 year but he did a great job

"Thank you," he said with a smile on his face. His eyes wandered like he's looking for someone.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Ah, nothing sir. I was just wondering where's Mr. Wilkes?" he asked as he pointed at Jabez's table.

"He didn't usually leave his table," he said. Oh, I remember. Jabez is the one who recruited Lucas here at my company. I guess they know each other.

"He's on a job," I answered.

Lucas looked at me with his eyes wide open. "What?" he shouted.

"He's out to investigate someone," I said as I showed Lucas the target.

"Wow!" he exclaimed as he looked at the picture of Chris Liam. "I know this guy, he's a big shot! Are you going to kill him?" he asked.

"Not yet," I replied.

"What do you mean, boss?" he asked.

"We haven't accepted the job, also like what you have said he is a bigshot. It won't be easy," I explained while holding the background information of Chris.

"Yes, he is filthy rich and has a lot of connections! I don't think I can even finish him," he said while laughing.

"Right, that's why if we happen to accept this job I would hire Jabez."

"Mr. Wilkes?" he exclaimed. "But why him?" he asked.

I laughed. "Oh, I remember you're just new here. Who trained you?" I asked.

"Mr. Park. Sir," he answered.

"Is he a good mentor?" I asked.

He nodded with a smile on his face. "He's so strong and intelligent! He taught us a lot and because of him I'm able to get a higher ranking," he said.

"Park was once trained by Jabez," I explained while looking at him. I can see how surprised he is. None of the hired men knows anything about me or Jabez, we keep our past and future plans to ourselves.

"What?" he exclaimed.

"Yes, all of the elites here are trained by Jabez. But he decided to take a break from killing and started to take the role of an assistant. It fits him well; you'll never know how violent he is if he's sitting down at that chair looking at his computer," I said while laughing.

"Wow! I never knew Mr. Wilkes was such a cool person," he exclaimed. "Thank you for sharing this to me, Sir. I'll get going now," he said as he walked out of the door. Such enthusiasm for someone who just killed. I remember when I was a kid, I always asked my father about killing and police because I once dreamt to be like him.


"Dad, is killing people bad?" I asked.

"Yes. Whatever the reason is, you should never kill anyone. We have no rights to kill, but in this world we live in we need to do so. To survive and save people," dad answered.

"Then have you ever killed anyone?" I asked.

"Yes, but it is because I need to save someone. We never intended to kill, we wanted to save but there are bad guys who're willing to kill and die. We have no choice but to shoot them down to save many lives," dad explained.


Why do I have to remember that scene? It's no use reminiscing about the past, I already disappoint him enough. I decided to keep myself busy so I can avoid thinking about the past when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in," I said as I fixed the papers on my desk.


I looked up and saw, "Jabez? I didn't know you were back already. How's the investigation?" I asked as I walked towards him.

"It wasn't that easy, he does have a lot of guards but I asked some of my friends. They gladly gave me some information I need," he said while handing me a black folder.

"What do you mean friends?" I asked while staring at him. "You have no friends and what do you mean they gladly gave information to you?" I know for sure that he has no friends. Jabez isn't a friendly type and we are running a dangerous business. It's not good to get involved with other people, also I know he threatens those people that's why they gave him information.

"Just get the folder already and stop asking me stupid questions," he said while looking at me. I laughed, he's always serious.

"So what do we have here?" I said as I opened the folder. "Woah! Where did you get this evidence?" I exclaimed. This is too much, everything's written in here.

"So what do you think? Is this enough for us to do the job?" Jabez asked while waiting for my answer.

"What do you think?" I replied.

"Why are you asking me? You're the boss."

"I'm asking you as my friend, not as an employee. Now tell me what you think," I said while looking at him. Jabez is good at judging the situations, I know he will give me a good answer.

"As you can see in that paper, everything he's planning to do and things he has already done. He will bring chaos to our country," he explained. He's right, according to the evidence that he has gathered; Chris Liam is planning to sell the country to Russia for a huge sum of money. He'll let Russians rule over us for his own satisfaction.

"Then we have our answer. Call Mr. Castellano and told him we accept his request," I said as I put the envelope at my drawer.

"Alright, who's going to do the job?" he asked while holding the telephone.

"Of course, he is a powerful target. We need someone who has a lot of experience and knowledge," I said while trying to think of a person who can handle the job.

"Are you talking about me?'' he asked with a smirk on his face.

"I'm not forcing you, but if you are willing to do so? Then I will not stop you," I said as I smiled at him. "After all, you're the elite of elites."