Taking the wrong leap

Leaving the village wasn't a problem, from where we had packed, no one was going to see the two huddled up in the backseat of my car. "mmh, Quacky, why is this box moving and why are we in it" Faith asked looking around the car curiously.

"Hey quacky, " I said giggling making Mella frown. Seems like she didn't know or see anything funny about the name when it sounded relatively like the action of a duck. "This box is called a car, it has four round tyres and we are going to where I came from. " she answered looking into the little girls eyes. "oh, but we can't leave, dada will get mad, " she said looking at Mella with pleading eyes. " well he can get mad for all he wants, am taking us out of this place. " she said in a stern voice. "No, we have to go back, I don't want dada to be mad, we can't, " I looked at Mella and realized she was getting frustrated, I knew what was going through her mind and I didn't want her to maybe throw her little sister out of the window.