CHAPTER 2: Strange


I keep on walking back and forth, restless as we waited for the news together. Erynn and his Mom have been missing for a day already but until now policemen still haven't been able to determine their whereabouts. Even Jerard's father's personnel are helpless. Ezekiel and Jeff's family helped as well yet it is still not enough.

Me, Ezekiel, Jerard, and Jeff are the only ones left at Erynn's house because the others had gone home already. Though we understand because it's already midnight.

I sighed. I approached Uncle Ryce who is reclining on the sofa while staring at his phone, he's hoping that someone would call so he can redeem his wife and son. I sat down next to him. I did not know what to say so I just decided to tap him on the shoulder so that he can feel that we were here for him and our friend.

I caught his attention and even though it was hard, he tried to smile. "It is eleven o'clock at night. Aren't you leaving yet? You don't have to accompany me here all night, especially since the Police are here. " He stated. Ezekiel, Jeff, and Jerard immediately approached us when they heard that.

"We won't leave, Uncle," Jeff said. Uncle Ryce just nodded to us and we then, once again fell in silent until we were all alarmed and aroused due to the hasty arrival of the Police.

"Mr. Urbano, we have found your Wife and Son! They are safe."

Uncle trembled in happiness. His tears quickly fell as he smiled. "W-Where are they?"

"We brought them to a hospital but you have nothing to worry about because they are both safe. They just need rest. Though your child was stabbed it's not severe and he has already been healed."

Uncle Ryce sighed in relief. "Then what else are we waiting for? Bring me to them!"

The policemen immediately nodded. They all quickly headed outside without even lookin' at us as if they have totally forgotten are existent. It just fine though, we just shook our heads and breathed a sigh of relief. Finally. That idiot is safe and that's enough.

"Are we going to follow them?" Jerard asked but I immediately shook my head as an answer.

"We should let them talk first. It's their familyʼs crisis after all. Let's just go home for now and we'll just visit Julio, tomorrow."

Ezekiel agrees. "Yes. Let's give them time and tomorrow I will punch that Julio Erynn Faustin in the face. That Idiot. He fuckin' made us worry! " Zeke stated. I just smiled.

Zeke is right. That idiot indeed made all of us worry. Imagine, weʼre feared at the University yet he was abducted just like that. Tsk. He embarrassed our whole group so he probably deserves a punishment.

"Let's go," Jeff stated and we nodded. We just instructed the maids to close the gate after we left and we immediately went straight to our house.

I texted my Mom about what happened so that she won't scold me but fuck! THAT WAS A BIG MISTAKE!

"O-Ouch! M–My.. D-Damn! It hurts, Mom!" Mom twisted my ear as soon as I step a foot inside our house. Sheʼs glaring at me and I can clearly sense danger right now. Shit!

"I've been calling you the whole day why aren't you answering?! You fuckin' made me worry, you Punk!!"

"M-My.. I texted you, didn't I?" I reasoned but her face just darkened.

"Text? You just texted once saying you will go home late! You didn't even say the reason, you dimwit!"

"Serves you right!"

My eyes immediately widened as I heard Joshie. I looked where her voice came from and there I saw her sitting on our sofa with her arms crossed. What the heck?

I looked at my wristwatch to check the time. It's already 2 am for fuck sake, what the heck is she doin' here?

Mom rolled her eyes as she let go of my ear.

I face Joshie. "Why are you here?" I asked. Nicely. But the feisty just rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Hmp. Tse!" The only word she uttered before completely walking out not minding my presence. The fuck with her?

I just frowned and looked at Mom. "Why is she here at a time like this, Mom?" I asked, seriously confused.

Mom glared at me. "You are really asking that? You punk. What else? That child has been waiting for you, Idiot. You know she cares for you even she's always annoying." I see. I just winced and shrugged it off.

Care? Tsk. That feisty won't complete her day if she didn't annoy me. She has always been a huge pest in my life yet Mom thinks that that brat cares for me? Unbelievable. If I know, she just can't sleep and rest without rolling her eyes on me.

"Go up to your room and rest. I know you are tired. Just visit your friend at the hospital tomorrow. "

I was about to do that when I suddenly felt stunned as I realize something. It made me frown. How the heck did Mom find out that a friend of mine is in the hospital? I haven't told her that yet..

"Oh? Why are you still standing there? Is there something wrong?"

"How did you know that a friend of mine is in the hospital, Mom?"

She stilled for a brief moment but got recover fast. It just made me frown even more. "O-Oh, t–that.." She paused for a second to clear her throat. "I just heard it from an acquaintance of mine who lives near your friend's Village. They are rich so the news about them is resounding. The child and wife of Mr. Urbano got kidnapped, isn't it?"

I nodded but still frowning. "Is that so?" I just uttered but there's still something telling me that Mom is lying. Am I overthinking again?

"Y-Yea. Just go to rest." Mom turned her back on me in hurry and climbed the stairs. "Good night, Son." She said before completely losing my sight.

Why do I feel like she acted strangely? Tsk. Maybe it's just because I am really tired today. I should really get some rest.