2: Another day


"Hello?" I was just about to park my car in the parking lot when Aze suddenly called.

"Where are you?"

"Parking lot, Why?"

"We are all together. Don't go to the gazebo yet, wait for us there." Then he hung up.

I winced. "How dare that Idiot, hang up on me?"

I was about to leave the parking lot when I met Aze, Charles, Jeff, Jules, Euan, Jerard, and Percival.

"How's our stupid friend?" Euan asked as we walked.

"He's in the hospital. Let's visit later. That Idiot needs a punch, he fuckin' made all of us worry." I answered.

Since we are kind of famous at the Campus, we quickly grabbed the attention of the students by just simply walking. Well, it happens every day so we are kind of used to it. Some are jealous of us, fantasizing about us, but most of them are scared of us. We are the only group here at the University that dares to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. We also do not hesitate to bully someone, oh well, those who just deserve it of course. We are used to the eyes that are always on us so it just feels like nothing. We just kept walking peacefully until someone just suddenly dared to block our way.

"I.. I k-know.. I s-shouldnʼt come near you G–Guys.. b-bu—

"Crop the shit. What do you need?" I cut her off. We don't know her but I must say I'm amused by her guts. I stared at her. She looks very simple. She's thin, has eyeglasses, and yea, so so.

"I.. I j-just.. ugm.. j–just w-wanna ask about.."

We're not even doin' anything yet she seems so scared. Tsk.

"Don't be scared, Miss. We don't bite. Come on tell us, what do you need?" As usual, It's Jules gentle approach towards girls. A fuckin' womanizer, what do I expect?

Unfortunately, Gays are more attracted to him than ladies. I smirked at the thought.

"Y-Yesterday.. t–the news a-about Erynn w–was spread.. a–all over campus, I.. I j-just u-ughm.. w-wanted to.. ugm k-know if he's a–already okay.."

I see. She must be one of those ardent fans of that Idiot. This is not new. We're all resonant to the girls in this school. Well, we're not just famous because we often break rules. We are also varsity and we are known for being the most solid basketball team in our District. That's where our fandom started. Ugh, anyway, the courage of this woman to approach us is just for that? Does she even know that she is wasting our time?

"And who are you?" Reyalyn who suddenly appeared from nowhere, ruggedly uttered. She's raising an eyebrow with her arms crossed. She just arrived yet sheʼs already having an ill-tempered, tsk. She came together with Roxanne, Shandelle, Mikey, Kristal, Jaiden, and Xian.

I almost rolled my eyes when Cival immediately approaches Roxy. He put his arms around her shoulder while Roxy put her arms around his waist and here comes the love birds again. Do we really have to endure this fuckin' PDA couple?

"I.. I a-am C–Cryti—

"Bitch, the hell I care with your name?" Reyalyn cut the poor girl off. I don't know whether I should pity the girl or just walked out because this is really a waste of time.

The woman bowed as if she is about to cry. "I.. I j-just.." Because of their arrival, the girl became more scared. I just shook my head in dismay. She's scared yet she still dared to approach us? I smiled when I thought of something.

She must really like, Julio huh?

Jeff playfully moves his eyebrow up and down as he smirked and I knew immediately what he meant by doing it. Aze even pointed Reyalyn using his mouth. I just chuckled devilishly.

"She asked how's Erynn.." I face Reyal and uttered innocently as if I meant nothing by it when in fact, I know it will quickly trigger her. Well, she said she doesn't like Julio but only she believed in it. She can fool herself as long as she wants but not us.

I saw how Reyal's face darken in just a blink of an eye. "Is that true?" She coldly asked.

I wanted to laugh right away because of her tone and expression. Her sudden change of emotions really affects the Girl in front of us. She's now trembling. I looked at others and they're secretly grinning as well.

"I.. I d-don't m–mean anything, I.. I j-just ughm.. want t-to k-know how is he becau—

"Oh, Bitch. Do you have a death wish? Do you want me to erase you early from this planet earth? " Reyal is already glaring at the poor girl. Tsk. Tsk.

"I.. I-I'm s–sorry.." The girl quickly runs away. We just chuckled.

"You should haven't done that, Reyalyn. You scared her away." And here comes the Xian the kind. If we have Jules the gentle, we also have Xian the kind. They're really like a match made in heaven.

Reyal just rolled her eyes on Xian and Kristal rolled her eyes on Reyal. "You should have scared her away faster, Girl. She wasted our time, you know?"

"I know right," Reyal replied.

Tsk. Tsk. What a bunch of girls. They really are the dangerous type. I smirked. Gladly, Sc isn't as bitchy as them. I'm still lucky. We eventually just shrugged it off. We continued heading to our spot till we reached it.

I frowned when I noticed Shandelleʼs swollen eyes. I sat beside her and put my arms around her shoulder. "Why are your eyes swollen? Did you cry?" I gently asked but she just stared at me.

"Hey. Tell me.. Is there a problem"

I tried to ask more but she rolled her eyes at me.

"Isn't it obvious? Stop asking, okay."

"I'm just asking, why are you mad?" Be thankful I love you or else.. "Do you want me to throw you away?"

Her face darkens. She glares at me. "You dare!" She warningly uttered. I just chuckled.

Just because she knows I am a slave of my love for her, she's already abusing me? Tsk. It must be a time to teach this woman a lesson.

"Can you not date here? You two are giving me goosebumps." Jaiden who's sitting beside Sc, ruggedly uttered. I smirked at what she just stated. Date? Hmm.. sounds good.

They all know that I like Shandelle except for this woman itself. She's numb, she can't even feel my feelings.

"Don't be jealous, come here and I'll woo you too." Euan teasingly stated to Jai.

"WhoOoOoooooa." We all laughed as Jai quickly blushed.

We don't have alcohol today because we plan to visit Julio later. We just wasted our time playing, talking, and so on so forth till the class ended.