Group 8 Introduction

Stephan was hanging around the counter of his gun store. He had a thick Russian accent, which was accompanied with white shaggy hair and pale blue eyes. He was a skinny guy, who happened to love rap music and wished he was black. He was singing Jay Z's 99 Problems while cleaning some of his weapons when there was a bunch of loud screams. He quickly filled a few guns, getting ready for anything that could happen. Three girls ran into his shop and shut the door behind them.

The first girl was bi-racial, maybe Indian and African American mixed. She had shiny, long black hair and a dark caramel complexion. She had light brown eyes that were wide with fear. She was looking around and then noticed him. “Umm, hi? We just needed a safe place to go!” She said quickly while eying the guns in his hands nervously. This caused the other two to turn around.

There was a girl that looked almost exactly like her, but a few years younger. He had put her age to be around 20ish. The mini her, he would guess, was around 13. The other girl had pink hair that dangled above her shoulders. She had clear blue eyes and was Caucasian. They all looked at him a bit scared.

“Can you please help us? I'm Alexia and this is my older sister, Carmen, and her best friend, Lisa.” The 13ish year old said, not being as freaked by him as the other two and pleading with her eyes.

“Help? Why do you need help?” He asked them, he didn't have a clue what was going on. The screams were still going on outside! “What's going on out there?”

“There are people that have started attacking other people. They are eating them!” Lisa exclaimed, getting slightly hysterical. This caused Carmen to shush her saying that they would find them.

“Why would they-”


They jumped and looked at the door. There was a guy standing there. He was missing some of his hand, the one he was using to continuously hit the door. The girls whimpered and moved farther into the shop. A few more people joined him. Each with various injuries. They were all banging on the door now. The girls started looking around again. All were glad for the metal reinforcing.

“We need to barricade that door before they get in.” Lexi whispered while looking around with a calculating glint. “Those shelves right there, we need to move the boxes off them and move them to the door. Quickly!” she told them and pointed to said shelves. They quickly got to work. “What's your name by the way?” She asked him.

“Stephan.” He replied with his thick accent while moving a box.

“Well Phan, we need to load up some more guns, can you show me how to do so correctly? And maybe how to take care of some later? I don't plan on being dinner for a bunch of zombies.” She said with her hands on her hips. She may be thirteen but she had her head in the game.

“Yeah, come this way. You ladies got this?” He asked the other two. They nodded. He then showed Lexi what she wanted to learn. The bangs never stopped. When it was time to move the shelves, he helped and they all had a gun on them soon enough. He turned to see Lexi packing more and ammo.

“Guns are good, but let's try to be quiet. By the way....... who has a plan?” She asked the adults.