Group 10 Introduction

Olivia was looking around her small apartment, trying to figure out if there was anything else she needed. Since her sister had called and told her what was happening, she had ran through her lab, ignoring the questions from her coworkers, and she had cleared out her personal lab and office. Now she was just packing some clothes and other things to get her by.

Olivia and her twin sister, Olayna, were all each other had left. Their parents had died when they were twelve, leaving them to an elderly Aunt. She, too, had passed when they had been seventeen. They both had honey blond hair and hazel eyes. They were considered pretty, but Olayna was typically favored. When they had graduated from college, Olayna had decided to work for the government. Both girls had the option to, Olivia simply didn't want to work for them. She wanted more liberties and freedoms.

In truth, she was considered the 'mad scientist' of the two, her twin following rules much more so then her. She wasn't given nearly the same amount of respect that her twin had, but she was content to fight her way up. There was nothing better than the challenge of doing so! It was a slight addiction for her.

She threw their photo album into the suitcase. Her sister had told her that they would meet up at Olayna's lab. She agreed, she would need to talk to her to learn what she knew of this epidemic. Olayna wanted to find a cure for it, it would be on both of theirs minds. But Olivia was curious about this sudden disease. The government didn't even know what to think! She laughed at that idea!

There was a knock at her door. She had heard the sounds from below and knew that there were infected around. Though, infected wouldn't bother knocking. She straightened herself up and walked to the door. She picked up a fire poker along the way, figuring better safe then sorry. She looked through the peep hole and sighed. It was Tim and Nathaniel. They were two of her coworkers.

So, she let them in. “What do you want? I am rather busy right now.” She snapped and went back to packing. The two entered, Nate had brown hair and warm brown eyes, he was always 'mister nice'. Tim was a shaggy redhead who happened to be a bit boisterous. They both followed her around like puppies. They recognized her intelligence and wanted her opinion a lot. She was their team leader after all! They both had bags in their hands and were watching her. “Well?” she asked with a cocked brow.

“We knew that something was going down with the way you were acting. We grabbed our essentials and came here hoping to catch you. Tessa and Shelby are down in the vans waiting. We are going to follow you to where ever you are going so don't try and tell us not to!” Tim told her sternly.

She smiled at this. Her team had more people, sure. But those four were her best, and being the smartest, knew when to move! She was happy about that. Tessa was Asian, she was a tiny little thing with feathered hair. Shelby was a brunette who was mousy, she happened to worry about safety and protocol a lot. Which was fine with her. In a group, someone had to after all.

“Good job team! I was hoping you would get a clue and move your asses as well. At least now I know you are competent enough to do what will be needed. Boys, we are meeting my sister, then we will be running research and experiments on those reanimated corpses out there. Olayna will want us to focus on finding a cure. I just want to figure these things out. Who's side would you be on?” She asked them.

“Your's of course!” They both said in unison. They always enjoyed the work she had them do.

“Good, let's hit the road.” Olivia stated as she started for the door. Nate took her bag and Tim armed himself. She was pleased that they had already gotten into the mode they will need for survival.