It's finally lunchtime! I was on my way to the cafeteria when I saw Mine and Chelsea.
"Rin, have lunch with us." Mine invited as Chelsea waved sparingly.
"Okay," I replied and went to the cafeteria with them. Mine keeps talking about her 'crush', while Chelsea and I eat our food.
"Did you watch the tryouts for the volleyball team? I saw the handsome captain of Aoko High!" she said happily.
"Are you blind? My brother isn't attractive. " Chelsea opposed.
"You're the blind one here! Rin, take a look." Mine said irritably and showed me the picture of Ymir on her cellphone.
"He looks fine," I answered and continue eating.
"He's not just 'fine', he's so fine!" Mine protested. She's head over heels for Ymir, Chelsea's brother.
Ymir Kaede, a 2nd-year captain of the Aoko High's volleyball team. Just like his sister, he is tanned, short-curly-haired, has freckles and eyeglasses. He is tall, fit, and good-looking. No wonder why girls are cheering so loud for him every game.
"Chelsea, one day I'll be your sis-in-law," said Mine then flipped her hair.
"PFFFT!" I suppressed my laughter as I saw Chelsea's shocked reaction. She almost choked on the food she was eating.
"Big bro isn't interested." Chelsea frowned.
"Why you guys won't support me?" Mine said then pout. She looks cute every time she does that.
"By the way Rin, how are you?" Chelsea changed the topic and looked at me.
"Well, I'm good... if Aki didn't show up." I replied.
"Did he teased you again?" Mine asked.
"Yeah, as always... and I hate it!" I complained.
"Why is he teasing you? What is the reason?"
"I-It's a long story," I said and avoided answering the question. It's a long, embarrassing story that I don't even want to remember.
2 yrs. ago, Rin is 15 yrs. old, a junior high
I am Rin Ayuzawa, a girl who excels in almost everything and is obsessed with winning. I never lose to anyone so far, and I don't plan to do so. If there's someone greater than me, I'll do everything I can to surpass them. Hard work will take me to the top.
That is my view of life. Especially in my studies. We are not as rich as others so I have to study hard to get into a prestigious high school. And finally, Gin and I received a scholarship here at Aoko High.
I ended up being in the star section, class a-1. This is where I started competing with the top students, and there's Aki, above them all.
I became rank two in a flash. Akio Tanaka is the only one left and today is the release of our report cards. This is the time that I will see the fruit of my labor. I barely sleep to review for every exam. I doubled all my efforts just to beat him. I want to surpass him!
I silently read the list of top 10 students overall on campus. I'm expecting to see my name at the top. Hmm.
Top 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4...
Top 3, Average: 95, Jean Silva
Top 2, Average: 97.43, Rin Ayuza- WHAT?! ME?!
Top 1, Average: 98.01... Akio Tanaka
Tears welled up in my eyes. This is the first time that I was pushed to double my efforts but still I... I lost... to that guy! I looked around and went to Aki and pulled him to a corridor with few people.
"Hey, what are you doing?" he said irritably but I ignored him.
"What's your prob-"
I suddenly faced him and before I knew it, my fist already landed on his lips. He was obviously surprised and wiped the blood on it and looked at me sharply. Argh, what have I done? It's embarrassing!
I was shaking and did not know what to do. Even I was surprised by what I did. I can be expelled because of this. No way.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."
"And you just did," he cut off what I'm about to say and stared at me intently.
"Please don't tell the teachers." I pleaded.
"I won't. But I'll call you Miss Number Two 'til the day you beat me." he pulled me closer to him. He's taller than me so I tilted my head to see his face. Suddenly, something within me went crazy when our eyes met. So this is how it feels to have someone to look up to... someone I wanted to beat.
"Someday, I'll surpass you," I said while looking directly into his eyes.
"I'd love to see you try, Miss Number Two," he said with a grin.
He called me Miss Number Two since then because from that time to the day of our graduation, I ended up as rank 2.
"What?!" I just realized I've been spacing out while eating.
"What are you thinking?" Mine asked.
"Ah, nothing." I sighed and finished my meal.
To be continued...