Chapter 5.5: Chelsea's POV

Chelsea's POV

"Chels..." I heard my brother call me as he knocks on the door.

"Hnggh." I have no intention of waking up anytime soon. I'm still sleepy because I put up an all-nighter last night and binged watch an anime.

"Wake up, I'll be late for the tryouts," he said then entered my room.

"I'm still sleepy - haaah." I replied while yawning in front of him.

"What happened to your eyes? Why are they swollen? Did a guy make you cry? Just tell me and I will punch hi-"

"MY FAVORITE CHARACTER DIED HUHUHU!" I shouted in frustration and rolled over on the bed. I became fully awake when I remembered the sad scene last night.

"Aish! I don't know why people like you cry over a cartoon!" he said annoyingly.

"ANIME IS SO DIFFERENT FROM CARTOONS!" I shouted and slumped off the bed. My brother just shook his head and put his palm on his forehead.

"Anyway, just hurry up and get ready for school." he finally left my room. I should've flying kicked him, how dare he call anime a cartoon!


"All right, see ya, lil sis," he said while carrying a paper bag where his shoes and jersey are kept. I just ignored him and proceed to my classroom. I'm still annoyed because of what he said. There's a HUGE difference between cartoons and anime! Why do normies always think of it as the same?

Today is the release of the results of our first quarter exams. I ranked 5th place in the mock exam, but I'm not sure if I did well here. I haven't been able to review because I chased after the latest AoT season. I already read the manga but they said that the animation of season 4 is amazing.

"CHELSEA!" I heard a Mine shouted my name while running towards me.


"You're the rank 6 AAAAAAAACK!" she said and hugged me tightly. Aish, everyone is looking at us because she's too noisy. And she keeps on brushing her oppai against me. Tch.

"Cool," I answered lazily.

"What's with that answer? I couldn't even get into the top 10, but you don't sound happy that you're rank 6?" she complained.

"What should I say? I'M SO HAPPY I COULD DIE?" I said sarcastically and she pouts. Why is she so cute? We walk towards the bulletin board to check the results. There, we saw Rin staring blankly at the wall.

"Rin..?" Mine slowly approached her.

"Yo?" She smiled faintly as I wave at her. She looks so sad as if someone passed away. But as her friends, we know what that means. She lost to Aki again.

She became our friend when we were in junior high. Since then, she has always been a strong-willed person that is eager to win. In just a few months, she immediately entered the top 10, then top 5, top 3, and became top 2, unable to beat Aki.

"I WILL SURPASS AKI SOMEDAY!" The students around looked at us when Rin suddenly shouted while doing a super saiyan pose. Here we go again.

"Chelsea, are you finished with the platforms?" she asked me.

"Yes," I answered.

"We will win this election!" she said and smiled. I admire her because she doesn't know how to give up, no matter how many times she lost to Aki... even though sometimes, it seems impossible.

Mine and I went to the classroom and our boring Science class started. I have already learned our lessons from Dr. Stone, Cells at work, and others. The lessons here at school are boring.

"Chels..." Mine whispered and handed me a piece of paper.

'Are you okay? You look pale.' she wrote here.

'I'm fine.' I write back to her. If I told her that anime is the reason why I am not in the mood, she'll just make fun of me.

'No, you're not!'

'I said I'm okay!'

'I won't stop until you tell me.' she insisted. Aish.

'Just listen to the lesson.' I replied.

'Even if I listen, I won't understand anything.'

"Pfft-" Shoot, sir Adachi almost caught me laughing.

'ALRIGHT, BUT DON'T TELL ANYONE OKAY?!' I can't lie to her.

'Yes, promise!' Tss, I don't trust that 'promise'.

'My favorite anime character died...' I said. I looked at her as she was reading it and she had no reaction. I think I'm safe-

"HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA-" I covered her mouth when she suddenly laughed out loud. My classmates and Sir Adachi immediately looked at us.

"What are you two doing?" the teacher asked seriously.

Mine slowly showed the paper and sir confiscated it and read it. I remember Mine writing 'even if I listen, I won't understand anything.' We screwed up!

"You two... pay attention in the class! Especially you, Mine." the teacher sermoned us.

"And Chelsea... I understand how you feel," he said with a nod. I gave him a confused look but he already resumed the discussion. That's when I realized that he is wearing an Attack on Titan jacket. So this means he- he's a weeb!

To be continued...