Chapter 6: Volunteers

Rin's POV

"Good morning, Miss Number Two." Aki greeted me. What a nice way to ruin my day.

"Good morning Rin! I bet seeing my face will make your day," said Yuno with overflowing confidence. I'll just pretend not to hear him. I hope he's informed that he's so annoying, next to Aki.

It's Saturday morning and this is the first day we will volunteer at the Promised Hope Orphanage (PHO), a small orphanage sponsored by our school. Gin and I just arrived at the meeting place, of our group but only Aki and Yuno are here at the convenience store. Talk about early birds.

Later on, the club members arrived one by one. Sir Adachi came with the school van to give us a ride. When we arrived, we were greeted by a beautiful woman who's in her 30s and welcomed us.

"Good morning sir, are they the volunteers?" she asked.

"Ah, yes ma'am. They're the health club." our teacher replied with a smile.

"Oh please, don't call me ma'am. Just call me Sara," she said as if she was embarrassed.

"Sure, S-Sara." Sir Adachi replied. Wait, I think something's going on between them.

"Ehem." their eye contact was cut off when Chelsea coughed. I wonder why she's been glaring at them all this time.

"Oh sorry, uhm, let me introduce myself. I'm Sara, the manager of this orphanage. It's nice to meet you." she said with a bright smile. She looks so beautiful with a kind heart.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too," we replied.

"Come on in, I'll introduce you to the kids," she said and guided us inside.

As we enter, a medium-sized living room welcomed us. The children are playing with their toys, some are quarreling, and the older ones are taking care of the babies.

"Attention kids." Ms. Sara said and clapped her hands to get their attention.

"I want to introduce to you the volunteers that will be with us twice a month. Please listen as they introduce themselves, is that clear?" the children sat down and looked at us.

"Yes!" they answered.

"Hi, I'm Rin-"

"I'm Akio Tanaka." He interrupted as I talk. Why must he annoy me here, of all places?

"You can call me Aki. I'm pleased to meet all of you," he said. I can see in the children's eyes that they love him already. He looks so charming, yet annoying.

"I'm Rin Ayuzawa," I said and forced a smile. I saw Aki looked at me and giggled. What's with this guy?!

"Hello kids, I'm Mine Claes. Nice to meet you." Mine greeted with a sweet smile.

"I'm Yuno Minerva and I like pretty girls-"

"Ehem." Chelsea cleared her throat and cut off what Yuno's about to say.

"Chelsea, just call me Chels."

"And last but not the least..." said Ms. Sara while looking at Miyu.

"I'm Miyuki Arima. Please call me Miyu." we could hardly hear what she said.


"I'm Miyuki Arima. Please call me Miyu."

"Sorry, we can't hear you-"

"She's Miyuki Arima, please call her Miyu," said Yuno.

"Okay so today, we will divide the tasks that the volunteers will do," said Sir Adachi and Ms. Sara agreed.

"Rin and Aki, you two will be assigned for food preparation." We both looked at each other and I frowned. Why do I have to be with him?

"Do you have any problem with that?" Aki whispered to me.

"Yes," I replied.

"I like being with you though."

"And that's a big problem for me," I said. There are seven of us in this group and Aki is the one I will work with? What a pain in the ass.

"Chelsea, Mine, and Gin will be in charge of cleaning."

"You can count on us!" Mine and Gin said actively.

"And lastly, Yuno and Miyu will take care of the kids."

"Don't worry sir, I'll teach them a lot of things," Yuno replied with a suspicious grin. Sounds creepy. Everyone knows that Yuno likes girls so I don't know what he will teach these innocent children.

"Okay, let's get started!"

To be continued...