
I left the house and started running. The farther I went from home, the more tears ran down my cheeks. Without realizing it, I entered the forest at the end of the street, there I used to run before that horrible night and I never entered in any forest after. The fear of forests no longer seemed so important now. At one point I felt someone running after me, I panicked and started running with all the speed I could until a hand touched my shoulder. Blinded by tears I screamed in horror. The next second someone was holding me tight in a hug and stroking my hair but I was struggling to escape.

"Sam, it's okay, calm down." It was a familiar voice, but the horror had numbed my brain.

"Baby girl, what's wrong with you?"

Just one person calls me baby girl.

,, Connor? Thank God! ”

I nestled on his chest and began to sigh.

"I'm sorry I scared you."

"It's okay Connor, it's not your fault."

I kept my head down and my hands clasped by his shirt.

"Where did you run like that and why are you crying?"

I unhooked my hands from his shirt and walked away. I wiped my tears with my fingertips and turned my gaze to one side just to avoid his gaze. I didn't sigh anymore but I couldn't stop the tears.

"You're asking me too many questions, Connor."

He wrapped his hands around my shoulders and bowed his head to my level.

"Sam look at me."

I turned my head and looked him straight in the eye.

"Now, tell me what's going on with you."

,,I do not want to talk about this." I said in a whisper.


"Because it doesn't matter. Anyway, no one cares what I do or how do I feel."

He hugged me again and rested his chin on the top of my head.

"I care baby girl, I care."

I did not hug him back, my hands fell inert .

"Do you want me to drive you home?"

I shook my head.

"Do you want to take a walk?"

"Yes ! But can we go somewhere else?" I don't like forests. "

I spoke so slowly that I wasn't even sure he could hear me.

"Okay, let's go then."

He took my hand and led me to the place where his car was parked.

I was in a state of semi-consciousness, I was trying to concentrate so that I could control my body's mobility, but it was like my body and brain were no longer communicating, I was very tired, without strength.

After I got in the car I was inert in the passenger seat, Connor fastened my seat belt.

,,Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know." I whispered.

"Would you like to go eat breakfast or we can have a coffee?”

"I don't want to go where are to many people, I don't want to see anyone."

,,Ok, but do you want a coffee or something? ”

I nodded.

,,Coffee, thank you .”

Somehow we reached the lake outside the city and somewhere on the way Connor stopped and bought two coffees cups.

We got out of the car and sat on the edge of the lake. I stared at the lost smooth surface of the lake and memories that I didn't want came to my mind . Slowly, slowly I felt my heart shatter into thousands of pieces. Bitter tears flowed down my cheeks.

I held the coffee cup in both hands and from time to time I sipped the hot and bitter liquid that mixed with the salty tears.

I felt Connor lift me off the ground and place me on his lap, resting my head on his shoulder I let go of the pain crying all the tears gathered over time. Connor's warm hand stroked my hair and warm lips kissed my forehead.

"Whatever happened to you, I'm sorry, Sam. I wish I was closer to you so I could protect you from anything that caused you this pain. ”

I stayed like this for a long time, until I cried all the bitterness from my soul.

I raised my head and looked into his eyes, they were sad and red like he was crying as well. I smiled sadly at him.

"Thank you Connor!"

"Anytime, baby girl." He answered me and kissed me on the forehead once more.

"Happy birthday, baby girl!" Welcome to the world of adults. ”

His reply made me smile.

"The adult world you say. Do you think, this is a better world?

,,I do not know ! I'm new too. ”

After a few moments he asked me.

,,What do you want to do today? How do you want to celebrate?

"I'm not exactly in the celebration mood."

"You don't have a choice baby girl, today it is a celebration."

Saying this, he got up and took me with him, then let me on my own feet, facing him, he took my hand and we get back to the car. He opened the passenger door for me. After he fastened my seat belt, he told me.

"I have to make a few phone calls before we leave."

Carefully he closed the door and walked away from the car, taking his cell phone out of his pocket. I watched him talking on the phone facing me and constantly smiling. After a few minutes he got in the car smiling.

"I'll take you home to change your clothes and then I'll take you somewhere."

I need to know where we're going. "

He grinned at me

"You'll know at the right time."

"I need to know what to wear."

"Something simple would be quite appropriate."

"Connor, please."

He reached out and lightly touched my cheek.

"Give me the pleasure of today's baby girl."

I nodded without enthusiasm.

Arriving in front of my house he stopped the car engine and asked me.

"Is it okay to pick you up at 6pm?"

I nodded again without saying a word. I opened the car door and before I got off I looked into his eyes and smiled somehow.

"Thank you Connor!"

He smiled at me too.

"Anytime, baby girl."

I entered the house. It was quiet. My mother was probably locked in her room. I went upstairs. Brad's door was open but he wasn't there. I took a towel from the room and went into the shower.

At 5:45 pm I was ready. I wore black jeans, a blue lace top and black sandals with thin straps and high heels, the makeup was a little more than usual, I was determined not to show the bitterness from my heart, if I could not heal my wounds at least I had to I hide them , one way or another I had to move on.