
chapter 13


"You were the one who spread the gossip about my parents all over school!"

"Everybody hates you."

"Ugh, I'm so glad I get to leave this dead end town!" She groaned, "And so excited to start our newlife together in LA!

She walked over to the man to place a kiss on his lips, giggling.

He nodded, taking a file from atop his desk and handing it over to me. "Yes, I got it. The cause of death was asphyxia as a result of ante-mortem, constriction of the neck."

"In English, Max, please," I grumbled, taking a look at the file placed in my hands.

"She was strangled to death," Max explained casually.

"Hello, Officer! T-There’s a girl lying in the alley! She...She's not moving...I think she might be dead!"


"It's the girl reported missing by her parents this morning - Skylar Jones," Kagami informed her partner, glancing at the dead teenager’s face. They were currently at the death scene of Skylar Jones, which happened to be an alley.