WebNovelMy Demons20.00%


It was sunny and warm afternoon here in the country side. You can hear the cicadas from the trees, kids laughter while they are playing in the farm and the sound of the chimney everytime. 

When suddenly my grandma walked in the terrace with my dad reading a magazine of cars.

As I look at my Grandma, I can't help but wonder and so I asked her.

"Hey Grandma, why are you still alive even though you're old?"

I asked that question with an innocent smile and a curious look.

So why is my Grandma looked so surprise?

Then suddenly my dad...

Hit me with his magazine!

"You stupid son!"

"Ouch! Why would you hit your own flesh and blood?!"

I massaged my head where my dad hit me with his magazine.

"Because of your stupid question, dummy!"

While me and my dad were bickering, we heard a sweet laugh and looked at where that laughter came from.

"Hahaha, both of you are at it again."

"That's because of your son."

"But I just asked grandma, mom."

"He asked her why she is still alive."

"You really got curious on the weirdest things Von, hahaha. Grandma, can you answer the question of this silly boy."


With a smile on her face, Grandma called me.

"Okay, come here Von."

I sat in front of my Grabdma and as I look at her, I can see the softness and calmness in her eyes. Then she answered my question.

"Von, you asked why I'm still alive, right? You see, all of us have a guardian angel."

"A guardian angel?"

"Yes, a guardian. They are with to protect you. You may not see or hear them, but they are always with you."

"Does that mean that I also have a guardian angel?"

"Yes, you also have."

With an excitement and thrill of what I've just heard, I jumped with a gleeful smile in my face.

"Yes! You heard that mom and dad I have a guardian angel!"

As I was celebrating... I heard a cold and yet terrifying voice that sent shivers down my spines.

"She's right. But we are not an angels."

As soon as I heard that, I knew it was not from my Dad, Mom, nor my Grandma because what I heard just now,

was like the voice of death.


I woke up in my room and I saw the stars. My ceiling is a retractable one that was made from a fiber glass so that I can appreciate the beauty of the night sky.

I let out a breath

*sigh* "That dream again."

That was 10 years ago and since then I keep dreaming about it.

Welp... better go to sleep again, My class will start early tomorrow.

Then morning came, I can see the light of the sunrise from my ceiling and the birds are chirping but those are not the reason why I waked up, but because of this freakishly annoying alarm of mine! It has the sound of a siren alarm.

I always think that one day I'm going to die because of my alarm. But I can't throw it because it was gift for me.

Then I got off my bed, fixed my bed then went to the kitchen to eat my breakfast which are egg, fried eggplant, and a fried rice that a soy sauce that has a lime on it.

After I ate my breakfast, I went to the bathroom to take a bath and then I changed into my school uniform.

Our school uniform is a simple one. A plain white polo with a light blue tie that will indicate that you are a second year, a black pants, and a black shoes.

Finally! I reached my school, the Academy High. A school for the rich and spoiled kids and I only got here because of my scholarship. And because of that, I've been a target of certain things.

"Look, it's that guy."

"Who does he think he is going to our school?"

"He really is a disgrace."

Those are their whispers as I walk through the hallway. In our school, I'm known as the disgrace.

It really hurts when they call me that, but at least I have someone whom I can call my only friend.


"Hey, Jaze."

He is Jaze, my friend. He is a popular guy, has a great personality, of course handsome, someone who has a lot of friends and he is the son of a CEO in a multimillionaire company. He is so bright, unlike me.That's why I'm really happy that he considers me as a friend.

"You're as gloomy as ever, Von. Hahaha."

"I don't also feel great today."

"Is it about what they call you?"

I didn't answer. They would only laugh at me if I admitted and know that I'm getting affected by what they call me.

"Hahaha. Don't mind them. Come on, let's go to the classroom. I prepared something for you."

"What is it?"

He looked at me with a grin and said,

"That's a secret. Open the door, quickly!"


As I was about to open the door, I heard a soft voice of a girl warning me.

"Don't open the door."

I looked at my back and my other side but found no one. Then I asked Jaze,

"Did you say something?"

"No, why?"

"Then did you heard someone?"

Then he looked at me with an annoyed face and said

"No! What are you talking about? Just open the door now! You don't want to miss what I've prepared for you."

I immediately opened the door, when suddenly something was thrown on my face that made me fall down on my back. Then I heard my classmates laughter like they saw something funny or amusing.


Said by one of my classmates.

I immediately sat and noticed the book that was thrown at me and saw a blood dripping into my clothes then I felt a pain on my lips.

They are all laughing at me like I'm sort of an entertainment. I looked at my side to see if they also threw something at him, but instead, I saw him laughing too.

Jaze was also laughing

He then walked to those guys whi threw at me.

"Am I free now?"

Free? What is he talking about?

"Of course! You did a great job for finishing the bet. Hahaha"


Then I looked at one of my classmate whom I can call my friend.

"Jaze? W-what do you mean by free?"

He looked back and walk in front of me with a tissue box.

Then he took out a piece of tissue and reached out unto me.

"Thank yo—-"

As I was about to grab the tissue, he let go of the tissue causing it to land to the floor and then, he stepped on it. Then I looked at him nervously and I saw how he looked at me.

He looks happy.

"W-what are you doing? Aren't you my f-friend?"

"Hahaha! Do you think we're friends?! I only did it because I lost a bet!"


"Yes! A bet where I have to pretend to be your friend."

"You're just kidding, r-right? You don't mean it, right?"

"I will never consider someone like you as a friend! You are a disgrace."

I reached out my hand but then...

he spitted on it and smiled. A satisfied smile.

I looked around and all I can see are the laughing faces of my classmates.

I'm already on my breaking point but when I looked at him again, our eyes met and I can see in his eyes that he is looking at me not as a human being, he looked at me like a garbage.

As I saw that looked on his face...

I ran away.

"Hahahaha! Serves you right!"

"Get out of here!"

"You stink of poverty!"


"You do not belong here!"


Those were the words I heard before I got away from them.

As I was running towards the gate of our school, I saw these two adults in a suits. One of them is a tall and handsome guy with a silver hair and the other is beautiful woman with a blond short hair that only extends at her chin.

"Hmm? That kid..."

"What is it sir?"

"Nothing, I just saw someone interesting. Let's go Valentine."

"Yes, Sir Sullivan."

As I got home, I fell unto my knees then cried. They are always doing these kinds of things to me but this may be the worst of all.

I was humiliated, casted out, and betrayed.

I took a half bath. After I tended my wound, I went into my room and lie down. It was already night and I can see the stars and moon from my ceiling but I can't enjoy the beauty of it. I just can't.

"Do I even have a guardian angel?"

"No, you don't."

"I heard you before. Yes, from that time."

I think I'm getting crazy. I'm hearing another voice inside of my head again.

But this voice, it sounds familiar.

These are my last thoughts before I fell asleep.

"That was a great sleep! and it looks like my alarm doesn't need to ring to wake me up. Hahahaha"

As I was laughing my lungs out, I noticed something strange.

"Why is there a glass in my bed?"

Did someone just threw a rock on my house?!

But this is a fiber glass!

Unless the one who threw it can break a steel and that would make sense. Hahaha

Is it them? Definitely a no. They can't do such things as this.

"They're just a bunch of jerks."

I gritted my teeth. Just thinking about them makes my blood boil.

But then why would someone that strong would throw something at my ceiling?

Is he practicing his throwing skill?

I looked around to look for the thing that was thrown by that "someone".

But I found nothing, instead I noticed that something is missing.

Then I looked at my ceiling and saw a black square that resembles...

"Hmm? My alarm?"

I frantically looked where I put my alarm last night and saw that it was not there.

Now I know what is missing.

"Hahaha that's strange."

"If my alarm was there, does it mean that I'm..."

As soon as I noticed this, I immediately looked at the wall clock and saw something scary.

"Aahh!! It's already 8:30! I'm gonna miss my first subject!"

I have no time for fixing my room so I hurriedly got into the shower. I looked in the mirror and saw that my lips are all healed.

"Hmm? That's weird. How did it healed up suddenly? No! I don't have time for this!"

Why am I rushing?

For what?

Just to be bullied again?

I don't deserve to be there.

"No. I need to graduate so that I can achieve my dream."

Then I changed into my school uniform and did the anime thing. The one where the anime character would run with bread on her mouth and eat it on her way to the school.