WebNovelMy Demons30.00%


I reached my school and now I’m ready to open the door of hell (classroom).

“Here goes nothing”

I said to myself preparing for what’s about to happen

But when I opened the door, I saw not a single person was there and I looked around the hallway and no one was there. I decided to look around the school, teachers lounge, field, canteen, library, and pool and yet still found no one.

Then decided to go to the gym

I looked at the door of the gym and remembered something funny

“We played dodgeball in here and it was really fun for them but not for me, it was a nightmare.

It was 1 versus all of my classmates and our teacher didn't mind the unfairness of it and said it was only appropriate for the likes of me. Hahaha.”

When I opened the door, I saw everyone there, all of my schoolmates, teachers, the headmaster of our school, the guard, and even the cook and janitor was also there but what caught my eye are the two persons with unfamiliar faces talking in the stage.

The one who is talking is a man with... and beside him is a lady...

All of them are focused at the in front of us and they didn't’t even noticed me when I opened the door.

I grabbed a chair at the very back of the gym where there’s only a little light and decided to sit in there when the man noticed me and our eyes met then inside me I felt something, like a rage.

Sullivan's POV

How many hours have passed since I started my speech?

Well... I'm only here because of the request of that old man and his request is that I should said to all of them that my "Saint Nirvana High" and his school have entered a friendly relation.

Not to brag but my school is the leading and known as the best school all around the world. All of them wanted the influence of my name and school.

I shouldn't have accepted the request of that old man which is the headmaster of this school!

Well I can't turn him down since he is an old acquaintance of my dad.

Just when I was about to be give up, I saw someone opened the door a young man entered.

He was also the one whom I saw yesterday. He noticed me looking then our eyes met when suddenly I felt something, like a rage.

What is this this feeling? But one thing is for sure, he definitely has it.

"He's here."

Valentine's POV

"He's here."

I heard him and looked at the crowd but couldn't find anyone who has it other than the guy who is sitting in front and we already know he has it.

“He must be exhausted from all the talking.”

I thought to myself but then I looked at him and saw Sullivan smiling

That smile...

I looked again at the crowd and there I felt it

From the very back which there's only a little light there, an ominous aura

A cold sweat run through my forehead.

I looked at Sullivan once again

He's still talking but I can see that he is excited and happy while his eyes are locked on the boy who is sitting at the very back all alone.

Then he looked at me and noticed that I also felt it.

Von’s POV

“That concludes my speech. Thank you and have a great day.”

Those were the words of the man who is talking to in front.

But I wonder why does he keeps looking at me?

Just when I was about to stand up that guy spoke again

“Before we leave, we’re going to attend one of your classes and choose someone whom I will transfer to my SNH (Saint Nirvana High). Bye!”

And with those words it send a great joy and excitement to everyone and some are even crying.

Of course that would be the normal reaction when you heard those words since that school is the most prestigious of all and only the elites can enter.

“I see, so he was the headmaster of that school. Well, I wouldn't be chosen.”

I said to myself before heading to the classroom

“That guy, he is strong.”

I heard a voice again but these time it’s a different voice. Rather, a voice of someone who is sleepy.


All of us are in the classroom now including our teacher who is teaching in front of us and those guys (jerks) are all sitting uptight with a gleeful smile on their faces and they‘re not even bothering me because, The principal, Sir Sullivan, and I think his secretary are with us here in the classroom.

They said that our class was chosen to see which student they would transfer into their school and that’s the reason why all of my classmates are doing their best to put an act that they are an excellent student.

“Okay Class, does anyone know the answer on the board?” Asked by our teacher then all of my classmates raised their hands even those who don’t usually participates in our class. But the teacher picked Jaze. Then Jaze again at the next question, he was also picked in recitation, even reading in front of the class and he would also be mentioned also by the principal that he was the best student My classmates doesn't seem to be bothered by the favouritism they are showing towards Jaze. Clearly they wanted him to be transferred in SNH (Saint Nirvana High) and also act as the representative of this school.

“Jaze is really an outstanding student. As expected of someone from a “ very prominent” family.” One of the praises of the Principal towards Jaze and he even emphasize the word “prominent”.

What a joke.


3rd person’s POV

After the school hours, five people are gathered at the Principal‘s office; The Principal who is sitting at his table, the teacher who is the class adviser of Class 2-A (class of Von and Jaze), Sullivan who is casually drinking a tea with his legs crossed and Valentine is just there standing at the side of Sullivan and Jaze.

“Jaze, do you know why you are here?” Asked by the Principal.

“No, sir.” Answered by Jaze with an excitement and cheerfulness as if he knows where this is going.

“I see. Then, we will tell you that you have been chosen to be transferred to SNH by Valentine herself.” Principal. As soon as Jaze heard those words he smiled gleefully.

“Yes! Thank yo-“ As Jaze was saying his thanks he was interrupted by Sullivan

“Ah... Wait, I want to choose someone too.”

“Why?” Principal

“Hmm? Is there any problem?” Sullivan

“None sir, but may I ask who is the student of your own choice?” Principal

“I didn't get his name because first of all he wasn't introduced, well that may be my fault since I didn't request to introduce their selves and the only student we know is that guy who you kept calling and praising.”

Because of these words the Principal and the teacher felt ashamed and embarrassed by their actions. “And second, he was also late in the assembly.”

“But Sir, he is just a disgrace and I’m sure that he would also bring shame into your school!” Said by Jaze because he knows who is Sir Sullivan talking about and only one person came into his mind.

“By disgrace, do you mean him? Sir Sullivan, you should consider your decisions sir..” Said by Principal.

“Oh... A disgrace, you say?” Sullivan, with a gentle smile on his face ask this and he stood up and them walked towards the Principal. He reached out his hand and pointed at the Principal

“I don’t care whatever you call him but remember this: never question my decisions again.” With a low and calm voice, Sullivan said these words. From the others point of view it may look like just a warning but to those who are in there, it served as a threat to them.

“What is this pressure?” Thoughts run through the head of Jaze as he was looking at the back of Sullivan. He looked at his teacher who is trembling behind him and the Principal who looks pale with a lot of sweat that’s flowing down of his face.

“If you got that, we will take our leave now. Bye.”

While Sullivan and Valentine are walking out of the school they saw Von who is also walking out of the school.

“Is that the one you chose, sir?”

“Yeah, you also felt it, right?”

“Yes Sir. However unlike mine and that kid called Jaze, the one inside of him is a dark one. Just like your dweller.”

When Sullivan heard those words, he smiled at Valentine and looked at her and said

“No, his dweller is much more darker than mine.”

Valentine knows Sullivan and she knows that he is called a lot of names but a liar was never one of them. Valentine could only brace herself and sigh in disbelief when she heard what Sullivan just said to her.

“We’re going to find out anyway what kind of dweller he has when “she” saw him.”

“Yes, Sir Sullivan.”


Von’s POV

It’s a beautiful morning once again and I’m not late, actually I’m on time for my first subject. I should be learning by now in my classroom so... why? Why the heck am I on the principal’s office?! And what’s more Jaze is also here and I think he’s mad at me or whatsoever.

“Mr. Ferrer, do you know why you are here?”

“No Principal, why?”

“Because both you and Jaze have been chosen to transfer to the Saint Nirvana High.”


“Yes. It would be a relief for us to see a disgrace leave us but do your best to never be disgrace once again in that school. It would bring shame to us when people knew that you were from my school.” Said by my teacher with a smirk on his face.

Ha! You‘re not the only one who is relieved because I too are in relief to leave this cursed school of yours. You baldie!

I wish I could say that but I’m a respectful person so I hold myself back but I guess I’m stuck with this guy again. I just hope we’re not in the same class.

“Yes sir.”

“Well then, both of you Jaze and Von can go in the gate because someone’s waiting outside for the both of you to escort you on your way to the SNH.”

“Yes Principal.” Answered by me and Jaze in unison.