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Saint Nirvana High

I still can’t believe that I’m going to attend Saint Nirvana High! When my teacher announced that in our class, they can’t believe it. They accepted easily when they knew Jaze will be going there but when they knew that I’m also going there, there are a lot of confusion and they couldn’t believe it.

Well, believe it or not I’m going there!

As we we’re walking, For some reason Jaze keeps glaring at me. Outside of the school in the front gate, we saw a man who looks like in his 50 but you can still tell that he is handsome. What do you call it again? Yes, romance gray.

“Good day Mr. Jaze Mondragon and Mr. Von Ellis,

I am Jin and I’m your escort for today.” He said while he slightly bowed his head.

“Please get in the car and we can be on our way.” Jin opened the door of the back sit.

Jaze immediately entered the car and shut the door.

“Oh my, what a rude person.”

“I’m sorry sir, I just think he’s in a bad mood.”

“Ho ho, what a kind young man. If you don’t mind you can sit beside me.”

“Thank you, sir.”


When we arrived at the Saint Nirvana High, you can easily tell that you are at the Saint Nirvana High because of how big the sign is. I was amazed by the structure of the school. How large and wide it is and how sophisticated it was made.

“Now then, shall we?”

“Okay, sir.”

I thought Sir Jin was going to tour us around the school but instead...

We’re in the basement of the school.

What the heck? These is new to me! Even that Jaze can’t hide his amazement. I mean, where can you see a school that has a basement underneath it?

“This is as far as I can guide the both of you. Miss Valentine will guide you to your next destination. Please wait for her. Thank you and goodbye.”

Sir Jin said that before taking his leave and returned to the surface.

The word “next destination” keeps replaying inside of my head and what does he mean by it?

“Jaze, what does he mean by “next destination”?”


“Nothing hehehe.”

He clicked his tongue then he answered my question

“It means we’re not there yet.“

“But these is the Saint Nirvana High, right? We even saw that big sign in front of the gate.”

“I know! That’s why you better shut up because I also don’t know what will happen.”


Awkward... what is these situation?! We’re all alone here in the basement and the silence in here is deafening.

“Tch. There’s no reception in here.”

Jaze sounded like he’s frustrated well I’m also frustrated. Maybe this is a trap or they’re going to sell us!

Hahaha. As if that’s going to happen.

As I was laughing at my own imagination, a white door appeared. The door opened and miss Valentine stepped out of it.

“Thank you for waiting, Mr. Mondragon and Mr. Ellis. Please step inside of the door and follow me to Saint Nirvana High.”


“What do you mean by that?! Isn’t this the Saint Nirvana High!”

“No, Mr. Mondragon. This is not the Saint Nirvana High you will be attending. You can see it once you stepped inside.”

We stared at the opened door but we can’t see anything inside of it, just plain darkness. Then I noticed an inscribed characters at the at upper center of the door.

“That is a tamil writting. One of the oldest writing in the world. “Marroru pakkam” meaning, other side.” Valentine

“Other side?”

“Yes.” Valentine

With hesitation, we stepped inside of the door. I thought it would be a pitch black but instead what we saw was simply breathtaking.

A land full of grass and mountains. A glistening clear lake that you can literally see the bottom of it. A waterfalls that came from the peak of a mountain a sun so bright and warm and you can see the two moons...


T-two moons?

W-what the heck!! I can clearly see two moons! No no no! That maybe a special effect. Yes! I maybe dreaming hahaha.

I looked at Jaze and I saw him trembling... pfft! He looks like a new born chicken. Hahaha

I’m not one to talk! Because I’m also trembling.

“Look behind you and you can see your new school.”

Both me and Jaze looked behind at the same time and saw our our new school. No, this is not a school...

“That’s a castle!”

“What is these?! Where is this place and what the heck is happening?!” Jaze

Jaze sounded desperate. My... this is the first time I saw him like that. Really, what a sight for a sore eyes.

“This place is called Nirvana. No, it’s not a place, it’s more like a different world.” Valentine

More and more confusion keeps piling up inside of my head.

“Now then, shall we?” Valentine

We entered the castle and it seems all the doors are opening automatically. The castle was made modern it has a combination of white and golden. Too bright for me if you you ask me. It has red carpet and the ceilings are so high with a lot of chandelier hanging. The castle was really made beautiful to the very tiniest detail of it. But what really amazed me is that.. there is a vending machines!

“Uhm... Ma’am Valentine, can I ask a question?”

“Mr. Sullivan wanted those things. And he said that that was his most favorite invention of humanity. So he insisted installing them.”


Ms. Valentine already know my question without me saying it. I guess those really loos out of place in this castle.

“Here we are. Mr. Sullivan is inside of the room together with the guidance counsellor.”

H-huge! What is this door? It’s freakishly huge!

The door opened and inside, we saw a handsome man sitting in front of the desk while his hands are crossed and an old woman with glasses and a staff sitting at the couch was waiting at us.

“Welcome to Saint Nirvana High! Mr. Von Ellis and Mr. Jaze Mondragon.”

“Yes, Sir Sullivan!” Von and Jaze.