WebNovelMy Demons50.00%


“Yes, sir!”

“As if we’re going to say that! Do you think we will just accept what is happening?”

“Hahaha. I see that one coming.

Relax, Mr. Mondragon. I’m going to explain everything to the both of you.”

Ms. Valentine showed us our sit and we sat in there and offered us some tea.

I grabbed the tea and sip some of it but Jaze, didn’t.

“Sorry, but I won’t be drinking that. It may be drugged or any other chemicals you mixed in it to that can make us believe that all of these are true.”

I secretly spit the tea that I sip back to the cup and put it back at the table.

“This young man is really not that trusting, huh?”

Said by the old lady who is sitting at the side of the table of Sir. Sullivan.

“Uhm... excuse me, who are you ma’am?”

“My my, where are my manners? I haven’t introduced myself. I am Florence Eversky and I am your guidance councillor. And you are Von Ellis, right?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“And the untrusting young fellow there is Mr. Jaze of the Mondragon, right?”

Woah! Seriously? “Of the Mondragon”? What kind of middle name is that. Hahaha

“That’s right. I’m from that family so you better explain or else—“

“Or else, what Mr. Mondragon? What will you do? Maybe a genius like you can’t understand what is happening right now. Because you can see that the laws of nature and science don’t apply in here.” Sullivan

“Then can I ask, who and what are you?”

“That’s not right question you should be asking us, Mr. Ellis. You should be asking: why are you here.”

Okay, I’ll ask that then

“Why are we here?”

All of them stared at me with baffled look.

“Why? You said I should ask that so... I asked, is that wrong?”

“I don’t know if you’re being serious or sarcastic.” Mr. Sullivan shook his head with disbelief on what he just heard.

“Tsk. Just forget whatever he said Mr. Sullivan and explain everything.”

Mr. Sullivan sighed and began explaining everything.

“Do you believe in guardian angel?”

“No, there’s no such things as those. They are not real.”

If they are real as my grandma said, then they should’ve protected me from everything, they are called guardians after all.

“No Mr. Ellis, they are real. They are always with you. You cannot see nor hear them but they are with you.” Sullivan

“Huh? Then how come you know they are real if you cannot see or hear them? Because according to science if you cannot see, feel, smell, or touch a certain thing it means that it’s not real.” Jaze

“As what I’ve said before Mr. Mondragon, your science don’t apply to us and the guardian angels... the only ones who have those are the normal people .” Sullivan

“W-what do you mean?”

“There are two types of beings that protect you: first is what commonly known as the “guardian angels” and the second one are called the “dwellers”.”

“What are dwellers?” Jaze

“Dwellers are special and powerful beings. Unlike the guardians, you can hear and see them. But what makes them truly terrifying is that you can use their powers. They don’t physical bodies instead they are spirits and they are living inside of your souls.” Sullivan

“In our soul?”

“Dwellers? Special and powerful beings? Guardian angels? What kind of bs is that?!” Jaze

Sullivan stared at Jaze who still doesn’t believe in him and let out a breath.

“Yeah... I guess you’re right, then I should just saw you what I’m talking about.”

He snapped his fingers and suddenly... we were transported in another place.

“W-w-what just happened?!”

“What did you do?!!”

Both me and Jaze couldn’t take all the information that keeps coming inside our head. First they showed us another world and now magics that are defying the laws of nature. In our surprise we can’t help but get confused from what’s happening.

“Calm down both of you.” Said by Ms. Valentine who is quite and just standing beside Sir Sullivan.

“Nah... It’s alright Valentine. What I did is that I showed you what my dweller can do. His power is that he can manipulate space and that’s why I can teleport from wherever that I’ve been to.” Sullivan

“What is this place?“

“This place is called sanctuary. In here you can meditate and connect within your soul and spirit.” Answered by Ma’am Florence

“Why? Why did you brought us here?” Jaze

“Look down.” Sullivan

We look down and saw some strange characters or writings...

“Those are special characters that will help you connect through them and awaken it.” Sullivan


“Yes, your dweller.”

“Awaken it?” Jaze

“That’s right. They are asleep or dormant but once you awaken them, that’s the time you can hear and use them. But for now they are just sleeping and they are less like the guardians.” Sullivan

Sleeping? Then what is that voice that I heard and also that time in my sleep, from whatever angle you see I’m the one who did that.

(A/N: see it in the chapter “voice” if you don’t remember it.)

“Then how come you know we have a dweller?” Jaze

“That’s easy, by releasing and spreading what you call a haki or aura. Once your haki was spread you can notice who is a dweller and who is a guardian and that’s the reason why we chose the both of you. Do you have any other questions?”

“Do you trust me now?” Asked by Mr. Sullivan with a smile on his face.


“Why? Hahaha.” Sullivan

“I don’t trust you but I will believe in you.”

“That’s fine. How about you Mr. Mondragon?”


“I will also do the same as what Von did.”

Even though I said that, I really don’t want to believe him.

No, I’m refusing to believe him.

“Then we will teach you how to properly connect with your dweller.

First, calm down then inhale until you can’t and once you’ve inhaled enough, slowly and gently release it. Do that cycle until you’ve reached a trance or peace of mind.” Sullivan

I started doing what he instructed and for some reason I feel calm and it’s like the time has frozen still. And when I opened my eyes I saw something huge, beautiful and majestic.

Together with the flame like color scales, the claws that’s so sharp that can cut through anything. Those piercing eyes as if it can look through your inner self and with the wings so huge that can fly through the ends of earth. I’ve never seen so beautiful.

“Finally you woke me up, Jaze.”

“I see... you are my dweller.”

“Yes, I am the flame dragon, Enryu.”


As per instruction of Sir Sullivan, I started meditating... but while meditating I can hear another voice inside of my head... a different voice not like that time when I heard a voice warning me.

“You don’t have to do that to wake us up because we are awake, awake for so long.”

Don’t mind it just focus and concentrate. Then as I was meditating I opened my eyes and saw seven figures each with a different size.

The smallest figure offered its hand. I can’t see their faces but the hand was so clear, it’s like the hand of a little girl. And when I was about to grab it I heard a loud and panicked voice from outside and I was brought back to reality.

I opened my eyes and saw Ma’am Eversky lying on the floor, fainted.