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Seven Dwellers

“I can’t believe these two, I’ve only instructed what they should do and they succeeded it on their first try. Even from here, I can feel their powerful presence, even though they only managed to wake it up. This is not normal. It can only mean one thing... they’re dwellers are exceptional beings.”

Sullivan thought to himself while he is observing the two.

He continued to observe them and decided to ask Florence Eversky to know what kind of dweller does Jaze and Von have... But when he saw her, she was trembling with a pale look on her face and she looked at him and fainted.

Sullivan shouted her name and that cause for both Jaze and Von to be distracted with their meditation.

Sullivan snapped his fingers and all of them were transported to the infirmary.

“Valentine, take care of Ma’am Eversky until she wakes up.”

“Yes, sir.”

Valentine slightly lowered her head as she agreed to the orders of Sullivan.

“What happened, sir?” Asked by Jaze who is unlike before, he had these presence of like a King. Sullivan noticed it but decided to not be shocked by it.

Then he looked at Von but saw nor felt any changes in him. Unlike Jaze which can be clearly felt, Von didn’t.

“Then what were those times that I have felt it? Could it be a fluke? No. Then does he know how to hide it? No. They only just managed to awaken them, it will be impossible to that for now. Unless... his dweller were already awake.” Sullivan said to himself as he looked at Von.

“Ma’am Eversky is just tired that’s why she fainted. We better get going I’ve got something to say to the both of you first.”

Sullivan teleported together with Jaze and Von back to his office.

“I guess the both of you managed to awaken your dweller.”

“Yes, sir.” Jaze

Von just nodded his head.

“Since you’ve awakened them, I want the both of you to stay here and practice on how to control it. The both of you have only just gotten to the point where you unlocked the door. You’re just at the entrance but you haven’t opened it yet. If you didn’t managed to control your dweller, sooner or later, they will control you.” Sullivan

The both of them couldn’t utter a word because they know what kind of risk will happen if they didn’t control their dweller. They just nodded in agreement.

“Mr. Jin is waiting for you outside to sent you home. But before you go, I just want to say once again, welcome to the Saint Nirvana High.” Sullivan said in a high tone

“Yes, sir.” Said by Jaze and Von and they stepped out of the room. Then as they got out of the Castle or Saint Nirvana High, the door which serves as a passage to this world once again and Mr. Jin was infront of the door, waiting for them.

“Sir Sullivan, Ms. Florence is awake now.” Said by Valentine

“Okay, I’ll be right there.”

Sullivan snapped his fingers and teleported to where Valentine and Florence are.

“Ms. Florence, what happened? What did you see?” Asked by Sullivan as he approached her who is sitting at the bed holding a cup of water.

Florence remembered what just happened and then her face turns pale and she smiled.

“Jaze, his dweller is a dragon... a fire king dragon.” Said by Florence and both Sullivan and Valentine widened their eyes and was shocked on what they have heard.

“Dragons are one of the mythical creatures and to think that Jaze... then what about Von?”Asked by Valentine

When Valentine asked Florence, she trembled in fear as she remembered what happened before she passed out.

“H-he has a seven dwellers! I saw them! They are definitely there! And one of them saw me and looked me straight in the eyes. His eyes was pure darkness.” Florence was trembling as she explained to them what she just saw. Sullivan and Valentine, was speechless and couldn’t process what they have just heard.

Florence Eversky is a seer and has the power to look at someone’s soul. She encountered a lot of souls, spirits, and dwellers but what she just saw was pure terror.

“You should rest for a while now Ms. Florence. We will take our leave for now.” Sullivan

“Okay.” Florence

As they stepped out of the room, Sullivan asked Valentine

“Do you know anyone who has a two or more dweller inside of them?” Sullivan

“No sir. Because having more than one dweller can lead to the destruction of their own soul.” Valentine

“That’s right and to think that he has a seven dwellers. Jaze has a fire king dragon and Von has a seven dwellers, I think something will happen in the future.” Sullivan

“But just having a lot of dwellers doesn’t mean that they are powerful. I still prefer quality over quantity.” Valentine

“Jaze may have a dragon, a mythical creature and yes, it is very powerful but Von... his dwellers can see Ms. Florence. Jaze’s dweller can’t do that and also my dweller can’t do it either because it was impossible and yet, his dwellers did it.” Sullivan

“D-do you mean?” Valentine

Sullivan just smiled at Valentine and ordered her...

“Summon the knights, because starting from now... things will get exciting.”