WebNovelMy Demons70.00%

Red Flower

Throughout the ride from getting out of Saint Nirvana High to their home, both Jaze and Von was silent. Maybe because of the fatigue that they have experienced today.

Jaze sat down in his couch and thought deeply which one he would choose: being a successor of the Mondragon Family or becoming the strongest dweller. After thinking hard, his dweller spoke to him

“Why don’t you just become both?”

“Both?” He asked

“Yes, become the greatest, become the king on both sides, and be greedy... greedier than that cursed guy I know.”

“But how can I do that?”

“You can, because you have me. I am a king, the most powerful king. With me you can defeat anyone.”

A smile flashed in the face of Jaze and he laughed.

“Say my name, call the name of your dweller, and ask what do you seek, what do you need, and what do you desire.”

“My dweller: the Flame Dragon, Enryu, make me the king, enough to make anyone bow down to me!”

“Kuahahaha! I, Enryu, have heard thy desires loud and clear. Accept my power to make your desires true.”

Jaze felt a heat inside of his body. A heat that made him scream at the top pf his lungs, he felt like he was burning. That pain he experienced only lasted for a short time but for him, it felt like eternity and when it ended he passed out.

When Von got home, he immediately lay down on his bed due to exhaustion, not because of what happened today but instead because of...

“Man! Finally we don’t have to silent anymore.”

“Ugh! Will you shut up? I want to sleep.”

“To be honest, I agree with him. You too, right?”

“I-i don’t know , I’m just happy because we can protect him more.”

“Aww our tiny member is so cute, don’t you think so?”

“If you consider her appearance for now.”

“By the way, why are the both of them still silent?”

“Oh! You mean them? They”

Von can’t stay silent anymore so despite of his exhaustion... he shouted in anger

“I should be asking why the heck are you so noisy?!”

“Oh my, what a rude dwelling.”

“Well... since you already know us, we don’t have to be silent or stay hidden, right?”

“I know,but why are you so noisy?”

“We can’t help it, do you know how hard it is to stay quiet for freaking 18 years?!”

“18 years? So you’ve been awake inside of me for 18 years?!”

“Yep, though Belphegor wouldn’t mind that since he prefer sleeping... and also the other two.”

Von got nervous when he heard the name “Belphegor” because he read it once in a book when he was a child that Belphegor is the name of a demon, one of the seven deadly sins... Belphegor the sloth.

“But you know... you’re a very interesting human because not only Belphegor, but you’ve got all of us.”

“W-w-what do you mean? What are you? No, who are you?”

“Oh my, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myslef, my name is Asmodeus, the sin of lust and one of the seven deadly sins.”

“I’m next! Hi Von! I know we’re gonna get along, I just want you to become greedy, okay? I’m Mammon the sin of greed. Next one to introduce herself, is her!”

“Please to meet you, I’m Leviathan, the sin of e-envy.”

“*yawn* I’m Belphegor, sin of sloth.”

“I’m the last one to introduce myself for today. I’m Beelzebub, the lord of flies, and the sin of gluttony.”

Von could only laugh because he thinks to himself that he is impure for harbouring those kinds of demons. But he notice something was missing in the introduction. And so he asked

“You said all of you, but I only heard five names.”

“The other two didn’t introduced theirselves because they don’t like you. You don’t have their sins and they don’t accept why a person like you could be their dwelling.”

There are seven deadly sins known to mankind: Greed, envy, sloth, lust, gluttony, wrath, and pride. Von just heard the five sins and according to Beelzebub, they don’t accept him because he doesn’t have their sins which are the wrath and pride. He knows the reason why and that’s because he really don’t get mad despite all of the things they did to him. And as for pride, he has it, but only a tiny bit or maybe it’s gone because of what he have been through.

“It seems a pesky one have planted something under your bed.” Mammon


“Get out of the bed, if you don’t want to blow up.”

When Von heard the warning of Belphegor, he immediately jumped out of the bed then... BOOM! His bed exploded and some sharp objects that was thrown due to the explosion wounded his arm.

“Ugh! How did that happened?!”

“Hoho, I was for sure that you died from that. I guess your dweller helped you in the nick of time.”

When the smoke cleared up he saw a man whom he thought that was kind and gentle due to his appearance.

“Mr. Jin? Why?”

“Why? Because... I don’t know, maybe for fun. You see, unlike Jaze you are pitiful.

Now then... why don’t you scream for me.”

A smiled creeped at the face of the gentle looking old man and when Von saw that, he ran away.

“Shock wave. 7 meters, 3 seconds.” Jin

Because of the shock wave that exploded in front of Von, he was brought back in front of Jin.

Von was stunned and his ears was ringing because of what just happened and when he regained his senses he was already being held in his neck by Jin

““Hahaha! You think you can run away from me? My dweller is a trapper. I say what kind of trap, how far it would be planted, and the time it would take to trigger.” Jin

“W-why are y-y-you *cough* telling me these?”

“Why? Because I’m boasting! Hahaha!

Shockwave, 1 meter, 3 seconds.... 3, 2, 1!” Jin

Von groaned at the pain.

Jin punched him in the gut, chest, and in his face. Then after punching him he would cast a shockwave. That cycle repeated for five times.

Is this how I’m going to die? Damn it, I still don’t have that one thing I’ve always wanted. Why? I don’t want to die like this.What did I ever do to suffer this way? This guy when I got out of here

For the first time, in the verge of death, all those pent up stress, all those pain... he finally let out what he wanted to say to all of them

I’m going to kill them. All of them!

Von thought to himself and when he was about to pass out, he heard a voice of a man, but instead of a mature voice it was a playful and full of cheekiness voice.

“That’s right! Hahaha! Become greedy of your desire! Now tell me, What do you want to do? What do you seek?

What do you desire? Call my name and say your desire.”

“I call Mammon!”

“No! Stop!”

When Jin heard the name Mammon he threw Von into the wall causing him to cough blood and faint. Jin knows that Von was about to make contract with his dweller.

Did he say Mammon? No! It can’t be!

“Explosion! 4 meters. 1 second!”

Jin thought that he already killed Von but what Jin didn’t know that because of his nervousness, he miscalculated the distance of Von.

Von was saved by only a meter from the explosion occurred and because of that he regained his consciousness. He was being covered by the smoke from the explosion and Jin couldn’t see him because of that.

Von stood up and continued the contract

“I call Mammon! The sin of greed, one of the deadly sins. Heed my call and destroy all my enemies, that is my desire, that is my greed!”

“Hahaha! I, Mammon, will help you in your desire. Accept my sin and destroy everyone.”

When Jin heard Von... it was already too late. Too late for him because the contract was done.

“No! No! No!! It can’t be! Explosion! Sonic wave! Shrapnels! Binds! Toxic gas! 5 meters! Snares! Foothold trap! Conibear trap! 1 second!!!”

Jin was panting because using all those traps at the same time took a lot of toll in his body especially because of his age. This time for sure that his dead he thought to himself but he heard a voice beside him and that sent shivers in his old spine.

“Is that all?”

Jin shouted and cast a trap in himself

“Bungee rope! 100 meters! 1 second!!”

The rope tied in his belly and the other end attached outside of the house that was opened due to the explosion. Jin could only think that he needs to run, he need to get away as far as possible.

A second have passed, then two, then three, four, five but still his trap didn’t activated

Jin looked behind of him and there he saw, a young man, holding the cord of his bungee.

Von couldn’t help but laugh because Jin only looked like a fool that was waiting for something that will never happen.

Von approached Jin with a smile on his face but Jin couldn’t think straight anymore and just threw everything he could think of. But despite his desperate struggle, he couldn’t get out of the grasps of Von. No, the grasps of greed, Mammon.

Von punched him in the face, and then another, and another, and another one.

How the tables have turned... the trapper became the trapped. The predator became the prey and what he thought that was a prey, became the worst predator.

Von grabbed the neck of Jin and he lift him in the air. He looked in the eyes of Von, and it made him for what he saw was darkness, a very deep darkness that once you stare for too long, it can swallow you up.

“P-ple..ase, help m,me.”

Jin begged but Von smiled and then he laughed!

“Pitiful. What did you say to me a while ago? Ah! That’s right. Now then, why don’t you scream for me.”

With a cold voice he said those words and those were the last words that Jin heard before he was thrown into the sky.

Von threw him in the sky and he jumped much higher than that using both of his arms, Von punched him in his abdomen. Jin threw up a blood.

“Ora! Hahaha!”

Because of the strength of his punch, Jin’s back stuck into the land. Unconscious with a full of blood.

Truly, he looked like a flower, a human red flower.

“What an ugly flower.”