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Chapter 8

Knights Of The Round Table

Greed or more like Mammon was laughing at the top of his lungs because finally he could feel the outside world, he can feel the wind, he can feel his strength even just the fraction of it. And he could see what he have just made, the human flower.

Von woke up in a dark place and there he heard voices which he has heard before

“Uh oh, it seems mammon is enjoying too much.”

“That guy... at this rate he will consume him.”

Huh? What is happening?

“No wonder our dwelling seems so loud.”

What is this place? Where am I?

“Oh my, you awake now?”

“W-who are you?! Where am I?!”

A green haired man approached him. His eyes are as the same of the color of a deep forest, tranquil but it possess fire within. His sharp jaw, pointy nose and his pink thin lips, the word handsome is not enough to describe his face.

“Hey kid, stop panicking. You know who we are.”

When Von heard his voice he remembered who he is because out of the five of the voices he heard before, his voice holds authority.


Then a pink haired woman spoked up

“Hey hey (ne ne) say my name also~”

Von couldn’t speak up as he was struck not by her beauty, she is a beauty. She has the looks of anyone would be jealous of, But that is not the reason why Von but because of... how erotic she looks. She is wearing a clothes that so revealing that makes her almost naked, her long legs and rich bosom. she has a pink hair that it reaches up to her butt and a bat like wings. And her eyes round as if it can see through everything together with her pointy nose and rose colored lips. She is a beauty and so erotic.

“U-u-uhhmm.. As-“

“Ara ara~ you’re blushing, how cute~”

Von couldn’t contain his embarrassment when she touched his cheeks.


“Bingo! Yeeeyyy! You know me!”

Asmodeus hugged him in front and that made Von went between her chest

“Ugh... I can’t breath, is this how I’m going to die? But I don’t hate it.”

Von said in his thoughts

“U-umm Asmo-nee san, Von will su-suffocate.”

“Oh my! you’re right, Levi-chan. Sorry~(gome ne~)”

“No, It’s fine.” I don’t hate it

“So what’s the matter Levi-chan? Do you want to introduce yourself to Von too?”

“No, not ye-yet. It’s just that someone appeared and he is s-strong.”

Mammon was still celebrating and enjoying himself outside when a brown haired guy appeared behind him.

“Hello! nice to meet you, I’m Zemo. You are Von, right?”

“Hahaha! I am Von and at the same time I’m not Von, so can you guess who am I?”

“Hmm... oh! You are his dweller, that makes it easy for me.”

“Hahaha! Ping pong! You’re right! And because of that you will become my playmate for a while.”

“Oh, don’t worry, it won’t be a while... because I’m going to end this quickly. Eleriel, manifest in my body!”

When Asmodeus heard this, she suddenly became serious and went to Beelzebub.

“Beelzebub, do you think Mammon would win?”

“Who knows, but as of now... we can’t win if we face that guy.”

“Time of the world.” Zemo

A clock appeared behind of Zemo and then he cast another spell...


When Zemo casted this spell, the state of everything returned to normal. Meaning that the house was restored, Jin was healed and Von returned to normal or more like he regained his consciousness. Everything returned to what it was before.

“Huh? I’m back.”

Von was surprised of what just happened because he didn’t think that Mammon would be beaten that easily. (Well he didn’t exactly beat him)

“Oh! Looks like you’re back, a little second later there... you would have been completely consumed by your dweller.”


“Oh, that’s right! I need to formally introduce myself again. My name is Zemo Lancelot, nice to meet you, Von.”

“Uhm... nice to me—“

Because of what happened today, the fatigue took a toll on Von’s body and he collapsed.

“Hmm... to be able to stay sane and just collapsing despite almost being consumed by your own dweller, now I know why Sir Sebastian is interested in such a gloomy guy like you.”

Zemo picked up Von who is unconscious and putted in his shoulder when a long black haired girl showed up.

“What are you doing here, twin tail?”

“Sir Sullivan called us. He wanted to talk to all members of The Knight.”

“What for?”

“I don’t know. And also... don’t call me that way! I’m still your senior you know! And also, I have a very beautiful name, Marianne Arthur.”

“I don’t care~ for me you are twintail.”

Marianne glared at Zemo. While Zemo stared mischievously at her. The first one to divert its stare is Marianne. She sighed in disbelief and asked Zemo what he’s s doing here.

“I just felt a very strong dark energy and when I arrived, I saw this guy on the verge of being taken over by his dweller and old man Jin lying or dying on the floor.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“It means that they fought and old Jin lost while this guy can’t control his dweller that’s why he was almost taken over. But don’t worry, I fixed everything.”

“I see. Carry those two together, we will bring them to our school, specially that guy.”

Zemo didn’t say anything and just carried the both of them to the car which was parked outside of the house that was left by Jin and drove towards their school.

When they arrived at the basement of the school, Valentine was there, waiting for them at the door or portal that connects to the other world.

Valentine bowed down as she greeted both of them when they got out of the car.

“We’ve been waiting for your arrival, Sir Zemo and Madam Marianne.”

“Are the other Knights have arrived yet?”

“Yes, Madam Marianne. They are waiting right now at the round table.”

“Very good. Before I forget, Zemo brought a guy who fought with Jin. Can I ask you to look for him while we’re on the meeting? And also, keep in mind that he was almost consumed by his own dweller.”

“Understood.” Said by Valentine and slightly bowed her head.

“We will go head inside right now. Have a good day.” Marianne

“See ya’ Valentine! You look pretty as always!” Said cheerfully by Zemo as he went inside the portal.

When the both of them got inside of the portal, Valentine went in to the car and opened the door. When she opened the door, she saw the guy who she thinks that was almost consumed or taken over by its own dweller.

“Really now, almost taken over on the very first day that you awakened your own dweller.

She sighed in disbelief but then she remembered something.

He only awakened his dweller a few hours ago, it means that the connection between the dweller and its dwelling would be weak. On some rare occasions when the dweller is a powerful being, it can talk with its dwelling or even make a contract but to be taken over right after awakening it, that’s impossible! Then it can only mean one thing...

“Sir Sullivan, I hope you don’t regret this decision of yours.”

11 people in the room are patiently waiting and sitting at a round table. The room only consist of a big round table with 13 seats around of it with a chandelier that was hanging at the center of the round table. Then two people entered the room. As soon as they entered the room the other 10 people stood up and bowed or a curtsy together with the two who just entered the room. They all bowed down to the one who is still sitting in the middle of the round table while smiling and drinking a cup of tea.

“The Knights of the round table have gathered upon your request, Sir Sullivan.”

“Thank you for heeding my call, Captain of the Knight, Marianne Arthur. And also the other Knights, second in Command, Zemo Lancelot, Percival, Degore, Bedivere, Kay, Galahad, Bors, Gawain, Tristan, Brunor, and Hector.”