Episode 1

"Kim Tae Hyeon!"

After a soft sigh, the said boy took a last whiff of the fresh breeze that carried a faint scent of florals and greenery of summertime before he opened his bright hazel brown eyes. He squinted his eyes to the few sunrays seeping through the leaves then unwillingly averted his sight down to the person disturbing his peaceful time in nature.

A pout made its way to his lips when he saw that it was none other than his lovely hyung that acts like his mother most of the times: Kim Seung So.

"Aish! You little—get down that tree before you hurt yourself!"

Seungso stomped his foot when he hollered at the kid sitting on one of the high branches of the tree situated in the middle of a hill; just outside the walls of the Military Institute.

"Now Taehyeon!"

"No," Taehyeon opened an eye and peeked down at his dark brown-haired hyung.

"Don't make me come up there myself and drop you to make easier and faster for you to get down here," Seungso threatened as his back slowly glowed to show that he was ready to unleash his Angel Wings.

"Alright—alright, hyung," Taehyeon laughed at how easy it was to trigger Seungso into becoming a violent person despite being an Angel: the kind that is believed to be the most peaceful and pure of all creatures.

"I'll be down in a bit."


Taehyeon drowned out Seungso's scolding that was bordering to profanities when instead of heading down, he climbed higher. He held on tightly to the branches once he reached to the top and had his upper body out of the tree's source of shade.

The brunette smiled as the sun warmed up his pale ivory skin all the while the wind balanced the feeling with its coolness. Taehyeon smiled at the weather since it only made the view of Supremus Imperium, the Kingdom and Realm of Demons, lively and surreal from up top. Then the joy in his expression lessened when he felt that longing feeling of wanting to have a different view again.

It's just impossible with his condition and he just need to accept it more.

Taehyeon was once again snapped out of his stationary sightseeing when he was now being called back down by the institute's Captain of the Second Elites, one of the best military troops in the whole Royal Army of the kingdom: Kim Nam Kyu.

"Kim Taehyeon! We have to get back now or you will get an earful of lecture from the General himself! Everyone is expected to be at the assembly! Your hyung—the General will be disappointed if he doesn't see you there!"

Hearing about the General from his Captain, Taehyeon frowned at the thought of enduring another lecture about duties and responsibilities from a person he doesn't want to see due to personal reasons. As to not make the circumstance worse, the golden-brown haired teen started to make his way down, while he listened to Seungso's rant.

"You child—I swear, you'll get hurt one day climbing that high. We all know how you're clumsy and a tad bit careless too," Seungso crossed his arms and kept a wary eye at the younger stepping down on the tree branches.

"Oh hyung! I'm not all that! And besides! I—"

Before Taehyeon could even continue with his statement, a gasp left his mouth when the next branch he stepped on suddenly made a sickening crack. With no time to reach for a piece of wood to latch onto, he was already falling; all he could do was shut his eyes and wait for the painful sensation of crashing on the ground.

But the pain never came. Instead, warmth engulfed Taehyeon's body, arms wrapped around his back and legs, as a familiar voice finished of his statement just before he fell.

"Besides you have me saving you."

Taehyeon took the courage to open his eyes and look up; his big bright eyes met a pair of serious dark grey eyes, owned by none other than the Jeon Jun Hyun.

Gazing at those grey eyes that contrasted perfectly with Jungkook's cool soft black hair got Taehyeon's heart beating erratically. Just a while ago, his heart was beating fast because of fear. Now, he was sure it was because of giddiness that made him flustered. He now felt safe as he was in the arms of the only person he sees, and admires, beyond the line of friendship; the person he is in love with.

Junhyun let out a small breath of relief afterwards, then held Taehyeon closer to him for a quick moment, assuring himself that he was successful in preventing the brunette from getting hurt. He carefully placed Taehyeon's legs down first and aided him to stand up, keeping his other arm around the small of Taehyeon's back to keep the precious boy close to him.


Two worried hyungs rushed over to them and that was how they got separated.

"My precious child! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Seungso pulled Taehyung away from Jungkook just so he can properly check up on the younger boy's condition; to see if the boy required medical attention from the medic.

"I—I'm fine, So-hyung. Just a bit shaken up is all," Taehyung meekly answered with a small smile.

While Seungso was busy fussing over Taehyung by throwing in a few sermons every now and then, Namkyu went up to Junhyun to talk to him. Namkyu followed Junhyun who went back further uphill to retrieve his standard uniform jacket that he dropped just in time to get to Taehyeon.

The silver-grey haired Demon slightly nudged the black-haired younger Demon in a lazy attempt to get the other's attention. But Junhyun purposely ignored Namkyu since he was staring at the young brunette while dusting the dirt off his uniform.

"Yah," Namkyu started, disbelief written all over his face.

"You're not supposed to here."

Junhyun heard Namkyu and again, ignored his hyung, because that line was getting. It was no use reiterating it to someone who has a tendency to simply brush it off.

When Namkyu stood beside the younger and smacked the back of Junhyun's head, Junhyun now fully shifted his attention to his hyung.

"Ouch—Yah! What the fuck?"

"Manners, you little shit," Namkyu hissed.

"You're supposed to be at the training grounds! Sparring with your hyungs back at the institute!" Namkyu pointed out.

"And I know your leisure time is not supposedly in effect 'til later."

Seeing that the younger didn't bother with coming up with excuses and simply turned to look pass him and back at Taehyeon, Namkyu pinched the bridge of his nose and reminded himself to be patient with his little Demon.

"Jeon Jun Hyun," Namkyu crossed his arms and went in front of Junhyun to block the boy from further looking at the other.

"You have to focus on your trainings and studies. You can't slack off and go wherever you want—or at least wherever Taehyeon is, at any time you want," Namkyu sighed.

"You're getting distracted by Taehyeon."

"I am not," Junhyun sharply replied with a glare; the hierarchy of ranks between him and Namkyu momentarily disregarded because their conversation turned into a personal matter.

This was now a conversation between two friends.

"I can keep up with anyone who is training and studying now and still remain at the top of everyone's high standards and expectations for me. I'm even ahead of most my superiors in terms of knowledge and power. You know me well enough to know what I am capable of and that I can prove it any time."

"That is not the point here, Junhyun. There are still a lot of factors you have to and must improve on if you want to achieve any of your goals. There will always be someone better than you. As you have claimed that you want acknowledged as the best among us, you can't keep neglecting your share of responsibilities."

Namkyu glared back at Junhyun, his onyx eyes starting to turn a dark shade of red.

"There are things that must be prioritized over anything else, Junhyun. You have to let Taehyeon be and—"

"And what?" Junhyun snapped, eyes now fully in the shade of red because of the flash of anger he felt.

"Let him get hurt? Like what almost happened a while ago?"

"That is not what I meant—"

"I would like to protect the person I care the most, hyung."

Junhyun held his deadly gaze at Namkyu then the next thing he knew, Taehyon was back in his arms, making him break away first from the tension.

The innocent boy quickly made his way back to Junhyun and unknowingly calmed the latter with his mere presence and touch. The change was evident when Junhyun's eyes faded back to their normal grey.

After Seungso reminded Taehyeon to be more careful and always consider the possibility of having no one to save him from dangerous circumstances, the older let the younger out of his grasp and had him go to Junhyun to thank him.

Taehyeon then wrapped his arms around Junhyun's waist, hugging him since it was the brunette's way of thanking the black-haired Demon.

"And I know you would do the same thing for him, hyung."

Junhyun hugged Taehyeon back and looked pass Namkyu, nodding at the person he was pertaining to.

Namkyu looked back to see Seungso walking up to them with that soft sweet smile the Demon grew to love and anticipate to see from the Angel.

"Whatever you two are talking about, I'm sure that can wait," Seungso smiled at Namkyu then motioned for the two younger ones to go ahead.

"Let us head back now. General Kim will be arriving soon."



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From Yours Truly,

The One and Only,

Director Kim