Episode 2


The immediate second-in-command of the Military Institute of Supremus Imperium, Captain Kim Nam Kyu, raised his katana then swiftly moved it downward to signal everyone to show their respect to the general, Kim Jung Hwa.

Warriors of all kinds, from the dominant Demons to the few Angels, Vampires and Werewolves, and to the other supernatural creatures, were lined up in rows and columns according to ranks and troop status, bowed in sync. All stood up once again as General Junghwa stood at the steps of the institute to oversee the current members of his army.

"Welcome back," Namkyu bowed after he placed his katana back in its scabbard.

The Captain proceeded to shake the General's hand then bowed at the eight men of the First Elites, the highest troop status in the military and Royal Army consisting of fifty Elites, that stood behind the General. Namkyu stepped aside and went behind the rest of the General's men to let Junghwa speak to the rest of his army.

"I thank you for welcoming us back," Junghwa's strong and proud voice resounded across the grand open field in front of the main building.

"It is such a great news for me know that there is significant progress here in the institute while my troop and I were away for a month. Your troop leaders, your Captains have reported to me earlier and I am impressed with everyone's improvements," Junghwa announced, pride in his men's power and potential was clear in his tone.

"But then all efforts to learn more, and to train more, must be doubled towards the achievement of greatness and even to perfection," Junghwa frowned before he continued.

"Our nation is experiencing a crisis with the increasing number of attacks that were instigated by Rogues. All four kingdoms are now on high alert since our peace that we attained and maintained and then valued since the end of the last Great War, is being threatened. The assessment concludes that all warriors must be ready to right at any time."

With the approval of our Emperor of Supremus Imperium, His Highness, Park Chul Kwan, in the most recent Emperors Summit, all Military Institutes of each kingdom are to provide full support by sending their best men along with potential warriors for a momentary exchange. This is with the purpose of maximizing training opportunities in other fields with other dominant supernatural creatures and strengthen our most powerful warriors," Junghwa concluded.

"I expect nothing less from all of you. It is our duty to keep all four kingdoms safe," Junghwa nodded at everyone. He Then looked back at Namkyu as a signal that he got his point through.

"We fight!" Namkyu initiated then the Supremus Imperium's military dictum and everyone else followed suit.

"We fight!"

"We protect!"

"We conquer!"

The assembly then ended as everyone was dismissed back to their remaining duties, trainings, and other work for the day.

Namkyu's troop were then asked to stay put for the General to catch up with the members of the Second Elites of the Royal Army.

"Splendid job on keeping the institute up and running, cousin," Junghwa smiled and pulled Namkyu in for a brotherly hug.

"I did learn from the best, hyung," Namkyu patted Junghwa's back in acknowledgement for the effective knowledge taught by the older Demon. Namkyu then pulled away to look at the five people behind him.

"Though I must say that I couldn't take full credit for it. Seungso kept me sane amidst the heavy workload that came with the title of being your second-in-command," Namkyu smiled at the Angel of the troop and flashed that dimple of his to the person who adored that feature of his.

Kim Seung So shyly smiled and quickly averted his gaze away from the silver-grey haired Demon. He proceeded to bow at the General in greeting since he was just acknowledged for the help the contributed for the past month.

"Of course," Junghwa let out a small laugh while he ran a hand through his ash grey hair.

"My cousin probably wouldn't function that well without his source of sanity, strength, interest—"

"A-Alright, hyung! You can shut up now," Namkyu elbowed his cousing on the side, causing Junghwa to groan and unable to list more for his comment.

"Yes, and let's not forget about the rest of us here."

Min Yong Sun, the ever so stone-cold Demon that matches his almost pale white complexion, interjected into the conversation with his usual indifferent tone that almost sound bored.

"Yeah—Right, right—of course," Namkyu cleared his throat and sent a knowing glare at his cousin's direction, after he timidly looked away from a blushing Seungso.

"Aish! The conversation was entertaining until you ruined it! Lighten up, Yoongs."

Jung Hwan Min, a Werewolf and the total opposite of Yongsun in terms of personality and demeanor, light-heartedly complained and a bit too strongly patted the bright black-haired Demon's back of his shoulder. This then successfully shifted the General's attention to them when Yongsun stumbled forward because of the auburn orange head's strong friendly gesture.

"As usual," Junghwa proudly nodded at the duo.

"Record shows how you doubled your quota of attaining potential recruits. You even found the time to assess and train the new recruits yourself. Word about our exceptional training regimen for starters has even reached other lands. Very commendable, Hwanmin."

"Charisma does help all the time, sir," Hwanmin saluted and brightly smiled. it had everyone smile back at the Werewolf's enthusiasm that never seemed to go out no matter what.

"And Yongsun," Junghwa turned to the stoic Demon.

"Namkyu told me how you effectively fast-tracked the progress of the lower-tiered troops' combat skills into the required minimum potential for a standard warrior here. Feedbacks from trainees and troop leaders of the new and current warriors are nothing but positivity and praises for your training methods. No wonder others would want to transfer here just to be trained by you."

"I take pride in what I do for the institute, General Kim," Yongsun replied, his dark brown eyes shining with vivid emotion despite his lack of expression.

"No talent nor potential should be wasted so I do this job," Yongsun added.

"Yet you still refuse to train Park Ji Hoon," Junghwa raised an eyebrow at this fact.

"Sir—I see no point in training that stable boy—"

Yongsun's distasteful statement about the issue was put to a stop when Junghwa simply raised his hand to stop the reasoning.

"That boy has what it takes. Only you can enhance him for the greater good. Don't dare deny that you, yourself, is impressed that he can sneak into the private training grounds without our top-tiered warriors even noticing him."

He has that drive of wanting to learn from no one but the best and thoroughly practices independently. Just so he can become more than what he is of the current," Junghwa explained.

"But he's a Human," Yongsun can't help but state that.

"And we don't discriminate, Yongsun," Junghwa reminded.

The General went beside Yongsun and whispered:

"Whatever resentment you have against them, don't let it cloud your judgement against one person."

Yongsun silently nodded as Junghwa walked pass him and to the others he has yet to talk to.

"Ah! Kim Seung So," Junghwa called out to the Angel that was chatting with the two youngest warriors of he Second Elites.

"How are the medical researches by the kingdom's top medic?" Junghwa inquired the head doctor of the Military Institute.

"Proud to report that my studies paid off and we now have improved some of the current antidotes and medicines. We have cut the original time of those medicines to take effect by almost half. In no time it will be very convenient in times of battle after the basic temporary healing enchantment is applied," Seunso updated the General of his work.

"Indeed, you are an asset to the army," Junghwa's expression showed pride and a platonic admiration.

"Your intellect makes you one of the most sought out personnel and partner. Anyone would take pride of being with you with your beauty and brains."

Seungso's cheeks reddened at the compliment and shyly nodded, accepting the sentiment as he unknowingly looked at a certain Captain who was busy talking with Yongsun and Hwanmin.

"I do hope so," Seungso softly stated.

The General caught sight of the medic's line of vision and smirked. Junghwa then thought of a way to rile up his cousin.

"I do get inquiries about your availability from my men and warriors here—even in other kingdoms! You are quite the popular Angel. If you are not seeing anyone and if you are interested yourself, one of my men from the First Elites would really want to take you out on your next free time."

Seungso's black obsidian eyes widen ever so slightly, not only because of the information stated, but also because of the not-so-subtle increase in volume of Junghwa's voice. As if he was letting someone else know about this.

"I mean—Who—"

Seungso didn't get to inquire himself about who the First Elite warrior was, because someone else beat him to it.

"Who is he?" Namkyu suddenly appeared near Junghwa and Seungso, his eyes shifting between the colors of onyx and red.

"I'm just—curious—who is this from the First Elites pursuing Seungso?" Namkyu clenched his teeth a bit to calmly inquire, but unknowingly, he was clenching his hands into fists.

"Oh, cousin," Junghwa snickered at his dongsaeng's presence but ignored the question.

"I am hopeful that my cousin did not hinder you from doing your work, Seungso," Junghwa smoothly shifted the topic.

"What—hyung! Tell me who the hell is—"

"Actually, he and Junhyun contributed just as much to the progress of my work. Their inputs on medical matters were helpful," Seungso smiled at Namkyu, effectively pacifying the Demon's rather obvious possessiveness over him.

Even though they are nothing more than just close friends.

"Jeon Jun Hyun," Junghwa quickly left the Angel and Demon to avoid his cousin's inquiry about his friend from the First Elites and approached the youngest Demon of the Second Elites.

"General Kim," Junhyun bowed in greetings.

"From what I've been told, you continue to exceed expectations without any difficulties," the General commented.

"I do have the mentors here. All progress and achievements I have attained so far are simply the outcome of all my hyungs' hard work and patience in guiding me to my position now," Junhyun humbly replied.

"Give yourself some much deserved credit too. I'm sure your determination paved way to where you stand," Junghwa chuckled at the young Demon's modesty.

"Your combat skills are the best we had in years. Even your winning streaks and completed missions are beyond what anyone on an average can accomplish."

I just hope you don't let anything nor anyone distract you from achieving more and staying on top of everything," Junghwa smirked.

"It's no questionable fact that I was informed that you have the tendency to skip your trainings and studies for your other priorities and personal rendezvous with a certain someone when you are not out on a mission."

Junhyun tensed up and shot a dirty look at Namku, who in turn just huffed and smirked haughtily at him.

"Then again, I trust that you will do what's right every time," Junghwa placed a firm hand on Junhyun's shoulder then Junghwa leaned down for exclusivity on what he's about to say next.

"You keep duty and love on the same level. Never let one overpower the other," Junghwa gave a rare personal advice.

"Take it from me and my—past. Sure, one of which might seem to outweigh the other at times. But, as long as it's for the best purpose, the other will understand and will support you. You remember that and everything will work out in your favor," Junghwa smiled and ignored how everyone turned to look at him out of curiosity.

"Your family—your father most especially and most definitely—would have been proud of the man you turn out to be."

Junhyun looked up to the General and managed to keep his pent-up thoughts and emotions about his family to himself and kept a stoic façade. He only responded with a silent but determined and thankful nod.

Finally, General Junghwa turned to the last person who was silent throughout the entire time he spoke and interacted with the others. The only person who have yet to spare him a glance.

"Kim Tae Hyeon."



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From Yours Truly,

The One and Only,

Director Kim