Episode 4

An arrow shot through the air and perfectly landed at the center of the target in a blink of an eye.

Without even the slightest consideration to rest, a hand grabbed another arrow. It was then quickly aimed at the same target where a few arrows were already stacked.

Despite the heat from the midsummer sun, and the uncomfortable feeling of sweat and thin clothing sticking to his skin, Kim Tae Hyeon continued on with his intensive training in archery. He doubled his strength and speed, and challenged himself to another level of difficulty in speed in correlation to strength and accuracy.

He chose to train independently for the time being, hence the the intensified training regimen.

All trainings were done inside the walls of the Military Institute. But ever since Taehyeon's promotion to an Elite, and with the training and mission assignments with top to lower-tiered warriors became unbearable, he now shifted then preferred to train outside.

He had set up his own area on top of the hill, a few trees away from the nearest institute wall. Only here can he concentrate and train the best without whispers reaching his ears, and without looks distracting his sight.

Taehyeon had set multiple targets situated and hung at different heights of the trees of the tree line that served as borders between the open field of the institute and the Supremus Imperium's vast North forest that stretches out until mountains. He always like being in the midst of nature since the red and grey walls of the institute felt too stiff and constricting.

Though his sweat was already dripping from his forehead down to his neck and shoulders, Taehyeon continued to fire arrows at a constant speed t the same target he has been working on for the past hours. He had a goal of penetrating the middle most arrow, hopefully cutting it in half to embed the next arrow in the middle of the target.

Seeing that he was at his second to the last arrow, Taehyeon stopped being hasty as he was already slightly panting. He then decided to take his time to see if it will make a difference and took a deep breath despite his lungs screaming for more air.

With the proper stance and undivided attention, the archer was ready to breathe out and release the arrow he was currently holding. Then his delicate ability to focus and blur out everything else but his target, was shattered by a deep alluring voice behind him that gave out a meaningful yet distracting compliment:

"You always look ethereal when you're all so serious."

Taehyeon's fragile bubble of concentration that aids his mind and eyes to maximize focus, disappeared and he was forced to have his normal vision back in a second. The sudden change of his eyesight caused him to gasp out instead of breathing out slowly. His hand then ever so slightly loosened its grip on the arrow.

Therefore, the arrow was fired unintentionally when the arrow nock slipped from Taehyeon's fingertips. It then missed the target by a lot from the ruined calculated trajectory.

A soft huff of momentary irritation left Taehyeon's lips as he felt his cheeks redden from the failed shot because of a compliment. With a glare and a pout, he turned around to face the intruder.

Taehyeon couldn't help but drop his initial expression into shock and awe the moment he faced a shirtless Demon leaning his side on the tree, shamelessly displaying rose beige colored skin. Toned abs and strong muscles are accentuated by the thin layer of sweat that glistened because of the sunrays hitting his skin through the gap of the leaves.

He felt his face heat up even more when he noticed that familiar arrogant smirk, making him realize that he was already staring.


Taehyeon averted his hazel brown eyes after he fleetingly made contact with those piercing dark grey eyes that glinted with such intensity. Like a predator eyeing its prey.

Jeon Jun Hyun pushed himself off the tree and stood up properly now that the minute of resting from his speed run was enough for him to get himself together. He shook his head a bit to let some sweat drip off from his damp hair while he let out a low amused chuckle.

It really was a sight to see when Taehyeon's demeanor can turn from serious and dangerous with his weapon on hand, to a blushing and shy mess, fiddling the end of his long-sleeved shirt with his right hand while his left lowered the personalized bow.

The innocent view was just driving the predator inside of Junhyun crazy. Especially with Taehyeon being unaware of how he was presenting himself in a rather tempting view when the archer pulled up the lower half of his shirt and wiped off the sweat off his face, exposing his small toned stomach.

What really caught Junhyun's attention was the beads of sweat rolling down Taehyeon's neck. It was slowly coming to a stop by his collarbone and shoulder that were exposed due to the fact that his thin white shirt was loose.

With the sight of smooth and unmarked skin along with the fact that Taehyeon was breathing a bit heavily, Junhyun can barely keep his thoughts pure.

The Demon internally groaned at how his attraction towards the archer was making the short distance between him and Taehyeon unbearable.

"You made me miss," Taehyeon huffed, attempting to sound indifferent of Junhyun's presence.

"Let me make it up to you then," Junhyun smirked at the opportunity to get closer Taehyeon in that state and made his way towards the unaware archer.

Taehyeon was set to aim his last arrow when he was swiftly pulled back, emitting a small gasp from him. His back was now flushed against Junhyun's chest, making his body heat increase. Yet it was nowhere near uncomfortable.

The archer didn't get the chance to ask the warrior what he was up to because Taehyeon held onto Taehyeon's hands and effortlessly controlled the latter's body into a proper stance in firing. Both of their left feet forward, enough for their bodies to turn sideways to the right but kept their heads facing forward.

Junhyun then leaned his head to Taehyeon's side of his brown head, teasing Taehyeon's ear by breathing into the shell of it since he knew that the brunette was sensitive and ticklish there.

Taehyeon bit his lip but barely held back a whimper from escaping lips when he felt Junhyun's breath at the back of his sensitive spot. As a response, he pressed himself back into Junhyun's body more to move his ear away from the mouth of the mischievous Demon.

Junhyun chuckled darkly at Taehyeon's reaction and relished on the body contact. He decided against doing any more playful acts towards the archer and focused on helping the younger to train.

With their left arms outstretched to the front while their right arms pulled back the string for the arrow's leverage, Taehyeon felt the slow rise of the chest against his back and easily matched Junhyun's pace of breathing in. Their focus now in synch.

Not a moment longer, both Taehyeon and Junhyun released their hold on the arrow and it flew across with such speed and force. It reached its target faster than Taehyeon's usual and it chipped off the arrow nock then grazing the arrow shaft of the middlemost arrow that the archer previously managed to set in the first place.

Taehyeon admired the success that they did together while Junhyun got ahold of the bow from the brunette.

"Not bad," Taehyeon smiled, tilting his head to the side as a habit when he admires something.

"Only Junhyun-hyung can bring the best out of me."

Taehyeon shyly admitted, unknowingly causing Junhyun's heart beating a bit faster with just one statement filled with sincerity.

The archer leaned his body back in relaxation and tilted his head to look at the warrior. Taehyeon let out a soft laugh when he saw a tint of red on Junhyun's cheeks. He couldn't help but feel giddy and pleased that he had such effect on the serious Demon.

"Yah—I told you to drop the formality when it's just the two of us."

Junhyun cleared his throat and avoided Taehyeon's eyes by looking off to the side, trying to keep his façade calm and cool.

In the end, he couldn't help but let out a small smile when he heard that melodious laugh from Taehyeon. He makes exceptions of allowing himself to lower his guard, let his emotions make him feel and show during these wholesome moments with Taehyeon.

Only Kim Tae Hyeon can make Jeon Jun Hyun feel.

"Whatever you say, hyung," Taehyeon teased, emitting an irritated click of the tongue from Junhyun as the latter wrapped his free arm around his petit waist.

"What are you here for, Junhyun?"

"Now that I thought about it," Junhyun looked back at the arrow they shot together.

"I'm here to take you back to our regular training arrangements at the institute."

Taehyeon sighed while he gently pushed himself out of Junhyun's hold. With a strained smile, he shook his head and moved away.

"It's already been weeks, Taehyeon," Junhyun glared at the younger warrior when Taehyeon simply took the bow from his hand, seemingly ready to practice his archery once again.

"You've been keeping your distance from the rest of us more than usual ever since General Kim got back. All of our hyungs want you to come back to training with us."

Taehyeon only shrugged as he looked at his empty quiver with a pout, clearly disliking that the General was mentioned in the conversation. He placed his bow down by the empty quiver and let Junhyun continue. He had the feeling that the older warrior wasn't done quite just yet.

"If this is about how others are looking at you and talking about you behind your back, I can just—"

"Please don't."

Junhyun narrowed his eyes at Taehyeon who interrupted him while looking at down at the ground.

"Please don't do anything about that," Taehyeon stated and gazed up at Junhyun's deadly stare with his pleading eyes.

"How do you expect me to just stand here and do nothing about it?" Junhyun snapped, patience wearing thin.

"Because I'm fine," Taehyeon calmly answered and walked off towards the shade of a tree to cool off, and so that he can retrieve his other quiver filled with new set of arrows by the base of the tree.

Taehyeon hoped that the conversation can now be dropped with his claim of reasoning.

"You say that you are yet here you are training alone," Junhyun followed Taehyeon and stood behind the archer who now stood in front of the trunk of the tree, ready to pick up the arrow-filled quiver.

"If I didn't know know any better, I'd say they are getting in your head and affecting you. That's why you're all the way out here."

Taehyeon paused amidst his arm reaching for the strap of his quiver. He reflected on Junhyun's words and couldn't deny it anymore wen someone blatantly pointed out the obvious.


Taehyeon calmly admitted with a sad smile as he felt that familiar ache in his heart caused by the harshness of the situation. He quickly laughed it off despite the lack of genuineness of it to which Junhyun scowled at.

"But, actually, I'm out here to keep you out of trouble."

"How so?" Junhyun raised an eyebrow at Taehyeon as the latter turned around to face him.

"I know how you would react if you so much as hear what they say about me," Taehyeon rolled up his sleeves with a gentle push of his hand to alleviate the uncomfortable feeling of the cloth sticking to his sweaty skin.

"It gets harsh at times, honestly. Especially when it involves our relationship."

"It's justifiable then that I beat the shit out of—"

"You're only further proving my point that I should be out here to prevent you from doing anything rash," Taehyeon laughed as he watched Junhyun placed his hands on his hips and out of habit when he gets worked up.

"A lot of them respects you, Junhyun."

Taehyeon reached up and shyly touched Junhyun's soft black hair, running his fingertips on the Demon's undercut before gripping some locks.

"They look up to you as their superior and as their future leader. So, I intend to keep it tat way and save you the trouble. I really do not mind that I am doing this for you, hyung."

Junhyun wasn't going to admit that Taehyeon's reasoning warmed and softened the Demon's supposedly tough heart. But he did acknowledge the fact that the archer was looking out for him made his feelings towards the latter stronger. He was really thankful for Taehyeon.

"Still. I don't like it that you're out here all on your own," Junhyun grumbled and leaned his head towards Taehyeon's touch.

"Why is that?" Taehyeon titled his head to the side, unknowingly being cute in the eyes of Junhyun.

"Rogues are all over the place—just outside our borders. I just—I don't want anything bad to happen to you," Junhyun voiced out his concern then held Taehyeon's hand that now rested on the side of his face.

"You seem to forget that I, Kim Tae Hyeon, is an Elite. A Second Elite even, a warrior of one of the most powerful troop in the Royal Army," Taehyeon half-heartedly sighed.

"I'm just as capable as anyone in fighting and defending for myself," Taehyeon moved his hands and placed it on the taller warrior's shoulders.

"I sure as hell know know how smart, talented, and powerful you are with your bow and arrow," Junhyun smirked arrogantly at the thought of his significant other is almost on the same level as him in terms of power.

Hearing that made Taehyeon shyly look down and then meekly smile to himself.

Junhyun then wrapped his arms around Taehyeon's waist as he noticed again how Taehyeon seem to be still shy when others acknowledge his potential. When he thought about it, it it was just whenever he, Junhyun, voices out his acknowledgement towards Taehyeon.

"Then again, I'd rather have you fight with me beside you," Junhyun said.

"To make sure you're safe. One can never be too careful after all."

"I know," Taehyeon looked up with a smile and though of a way to lighten up the mood because it was just getting too serious with the topic of battles and the imminent danger that comes with it.

"You worry too much, hyung," Taehyeon teased to which Junhyun half-heartedly glared at the formality.

Taehyeon stared through the glare with a new glint in his own eyes while he slowly, albeit hesitantly, slid one of his hands from Junhyun's shoulders to his chest. The other slid to the back of the Demon's back of the head, twirling a lock around a finger.

Junhyun narrowed his eyes as his body tensed up at Taehyeon's delicate yet rather teasing touch on his skin. He inwardly reminded himself to control himself, but the young beauty he was holding was making it a challenge for him.

Seeing the subtle reaction, Taehyeon was nervous to take the teasing up a notch. Yet, he did want to see the older warrior flustered too for a change instead of him always succumbing to the latter's dominance. Thus, he decided to risk it and muster up some courage to be a bit daring.

While leaning his head to the side, as if thoughtfully thinking of what would make Junhyun worry less, Taehyeon intentionally let his loose top fall of his right shoulder, further exposing his collarbones to Junhyun's hungry and heated gaze.

As if it wasn't enough, Taehyeon stood on his toes while he almost pressed his body against the other. He then moved his lips closer to Junhyun.

Taehyeon playfully breathed on Junhyun's lips and innocently whispered:

"Is there anything I can do to take your mind somewhere else?"

As an answer, Junhyun had enough of self-control and lost it for a bit.



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From Yours Truly,

The One and Only,

Director Kim