Episode 5

Lips met into a kiss that was full of want, longing and need.

Jeon Jun Hyun diminished the space between him and Kim Tae Hyeon and pulled the latter against him. As their kiss turned deeper, the older warrior’s grip around the archer’s waist tightened, all the while Taehyeon held onto Junhyun’s dark locks for leverage because he was in a state of shock from the abrupt heated response to his question from earlier.

As if Taehyeon’s body against his wasn’t enough, Junhyun took long strides forward and made Taehyeon walk back in suit, until he had the brunette against the tree.

Taehyeon gasped in the kiss when his clouded mind didn’t anticipate to be pinned to a tree. Junhyun took advantage of the younger’s reaction and slipped his eager tongue to get more of a taste of Taehyeon; as well as dominate the younger even more through such sensual acts.

This then caused a moan to elicit from the archer’s mouth while the warrior kept his body pressed against Taehyeon’s, letting the innocent feel the concrete effect he has on the mature warrior. Heat pooled on Taehyeon’s stomach when his hazy mind caught onto what was now pressed against him. His body tingled in excitement and nervousness at the same time from how Junhyun’s body reacted towards him.

“Ah—Hyung,” Taehyeon couldn’t help but moan out after the warrior finally pulled away for the much-needed air though it was only the archer who was deeply panting.

“My name, Taehyeon,” Junhyun warned and pressed his lips against Taehyeon’s soft ones for a deep lingering kiss before he pulled away to hear the latter speak; giving Taehyeon the chance to correct his way of addressing the older warrior.

“Junhyun—hyung,” Taehyeon attempted to fully say the Demon's name but his bashfulness got the better of him. He couldn't help but add the formality despite the intimacy between them. His playful and confident façade also diminished into nothing as he realized that his plan of getting the Demon flustered completely backfired.

Taehyeon squirmed at the intensified stare directed down at him along with the soft growl that emitted from Junhyun’s throat because the latter refused to drop the formality. The archer moved despite the already non-existed space between him and Junhyun. This then caused his body rub to against Junhyun, unknowingly sending a sensation throughout the lower half of the Demon.

“Stop,” Junhyun warned that came out as a deep groan.

Taehyeon became aware as to why Junhyun would warn him to stop moving. Still as innocent as he is, the archer defied the warrior and leaned up to initiate a kiss too, but given the height difference, he needs to move and lean up. His action had his lower stomach rub against the obvious hard on against the domineering warrior.

A low dangerous growl covered up another groan and Junhyun pushed Taehyeon against the tree even more to cease his movements. He dipped down and kissed Taehyeon hard, taking the archer’s breath away again, to which the latter didn’t mind and eagerly kissed back this time.

The Demon’s kisses trailed off from Taehyeon’s lips to let the both of them breathe. From the lips, Junhyun went down to the exposed neck, roughly leaving a mark to pleasure his significant other in his arms. Junhyun placed a chaste kiss on Taehyeon’s smooth pale ivory skin by the junction of his neck and shoulders. He bit then sucked on that spot as he felt Taehyeon’s grip on his hair tightened, bringing a slight sting of pleasure.

“Ah!” Taehyeon moaned the painful yet pleasurable sensation from Junhyun's ministration to his neck.

“You are such a temptation.”

“I am not, hyung,” Taehyeon looked to the side bashfully as he panted, his voice failed to sound indifferent and manly to keep some of his pride.

“Fuck—you just don’t know.”

Junhyun towered the Taehyeon and shamelessly stared at the archer’s current state that made the innocent boy look so desirable: Flushed cheeks, plump red lips, dazed look, smooth glistening skin. The overall look was illegal in a sense as it would awaken any man’s inner desire. Yet Taehyeon remained the innocent look—hell, Taehyeon still is pure and untainted—untouched, further emphasizing on that effortless sexiness.

“You have no idea what you make me feel, Kim Tae Hyeon.”

Junhyun whispered so sensually by Taehyeon’s ear that it made the archer whimper and pull on the older warrior. The Demon bit onto the tip of the latter’s sensitive ear, enjoying the strained and almost high pitch moan that was being held back. At the sound of it, he wanted to hear it fully.

Junhyun moved a hand to the bite mark that was gaining a darker color by the moment then pressed on it. The pressing sensation caused the latter to squirm and rub more against him to which he enjoyed despite the torture of not doing anything to relieve it. He continued to leave few more light marks, every now and then touching and pressing on those spots to have the other respond against his lower part.

With his needs barely meeting the level of satisfaction from just the friction, Junhyun leaned down once again and captured Taehyeon's semi-swollen lips he couldn’t get enough of, into another kiss. While he savored the sweet taste of the younger boy, he placed his hands back on Taehyeon’s waist. He slipped it underneath the slightly sweat-drenched thin cloth, feeling the cool smooth skin with his large warm hands.

Oh, how Junhyun wished to have the thin cloth fully removed so that he can see and touch more of that perfectly unmarked ivory skin of Taehyeon.

But the moment Taehyeon felt Junhyun’s hands slowly move up and subtly moving the shirt up too, he tensed up badly. Unfortunately, this didn’t go unnoticed by Junhyun.

Taehyeon also quickly placed his hands firmly on Junhyun’s shoulders and outstretched his arms to create some distance between and Junhyun. Thus, Junhyun willingly took a step back, ending the kiss with Taehyeon breathing heavily while he only panted slightly though his heart was already hammering against his chest.

“What—What’s wrong?” Junhyun asked, worried that he might have pushed the younger boy too far.

“Oh—I um—”

Taehyeon frantically tried to think of an excuse as he reached behind him and gently pushed Junhyun’s hands off his back and down to the Demon’s side.

“Well—um—I just—”

Junhyun, breathing still ragged from the intense moment they were just having, narrowed his eyes in annoyance and suspicion after his hands were moved off and away Taehyeon’s skin; particularly, his back.


This was a recurring reaction from the archer whenever someone—whenever he—touches his back. It was as if Taehyeon was recoiling away from Junhyun just because of a mere touch to his back. It was a rather questionable reaction that irked Junhyun since he didn’t want to be unaware of things about Taehyeon.

And he had enough.

Before Taehyeon could make a sidestep away from Junhyun, the Demon’s arms shot out and his hands slammed on either side of the younger warrior’s head; trapping Taehyeon and preventing him from getting away.

Taehyeon then heard a question he dreaded to be asked by Junhyun:

“Are you hiding something from me, Taehyeon?”