Episode 6

“What are you hiding, Kim Tae Hyeon?”

Kim Tae Hyeon’s breath hitched at the question and felt chills on his skin from how domineering Jeon Jun Hyun sounded at the moment with his stance and all. He held Jeonhyun’s intimidating gaze and desperately tried to find the courage to just answer and get this over with.

Then again, Fate did him dirty and timely bestowed an interruption to prevent Taehyeon from finally answering.

Light rumbling could be felt form the ground not a second after a clear thin but loud whistle that was directed at them resounded across the field.

The two warriors looked towards the direction of the source. Just down the hill they were at, was a heard of majestic wild horses running into the field and went pass the only person who can conjure such creatures close to civilization: Park Jihoon.

The institute’s stable boy made his way up to them with a wild stallion as his ride.


Jihoon huffed and did a double take at the two warriors when he stopped a few feet away. He ran a hand through his light blonde hair that was styled to the side after he got of the seemingly tamed horse.

Noticing certain things as Junhyun lowered an arm whilst he leaned his weight on his other that was by Taehyeon’s head, Jihoon couldn’t help but wink at his best friend, Junhyun; letting him know he was impressed at the boldness of their actions.

“This is a rather interesting sight,” Jihoon remarked and, with no shame, pointed at Taehyeon’s exposed shoulder that displayed love bites that was unquestionably given by the older warrior.

“I didn’t interrupt anything, did I?” Jihoon asked despite the obvious answer.

“Maybe you did, you midget,” Junhyun’s eyes turned red out of irritation and gently tugged Taehyeon into a hug to hide the brunette’s skin from Jihoon’s teasing gaze.

“I apologize, you tyrant,” Jihoon smiled, his forest green eyes disappearing for a moment, not even the slightest affected nor intimidated by the warrior his age as he delivered his insincere apology.

“Your sincerity is overwhelming,” Junhyun coolly retorted before he looked down at Taehyeon who touched his dropped hand; the hesitance can be felt through the light touch of fingertips to the palm of his hand.

Junhyun inwardly sighed and gave Taehyeon’s hand a gentle squeeze. He then saw the clean shirt that was hung on a lower branch of the tree, just above the quiver the latter was originally going to get earlier. The taller grabbed it handed it to the shorter warrior, signaling him to go and get change.

Taehyeon looked up to Junhyun for a moment after taking hold of his clothing, as if looking for assurance that they were alright.

Junhyun stared back with his red eyes turning back to their normal dark grey. The Demon kept a cool façade, putting his curiosity and frustration about what just occurred aside for the mean time. He then stepped back to let the other go.

The Demon had a feeling that a chance to bring up his question and have it answered will occur very soon anyways.

Taehyeon bit his lip and rushed to the other trees to change, leaving Junhyun to converse with his most trusted friend.

“What the hell are you doing here anyways?” Junhyun asked. But from the tone of his voice, he wasn’t at all interested.

“Aish. So stingy,” Jihoon huffed but bear no ill will as he still smiled.

“As any of you should be doing, accomplishing my duties,” Jihoon answered and outstretched his hand to the black stallion that stood proudly a few feet away from them.

“Being a stable boy has its timely and tiring workload too, you know.”

The twenty-one years old stable boy smiled when the wild, yet tamed, horse went to him without any sign of reluctance and allowed Jihoon to pet him.

“But I distinctly remember that you are supposed to be training with the other new recruits handled by Yong-sun hyung,” Junhyun stated while fixing Taehyeon’s weapons and equipment, placing it to the side of the tree.

“The general personally recommended you for training as I was told by Nam-kyu hyung.”

“Min Yong-sun isn’t actually fond of Humans, is he now?” Jihoon asked, his tone laced with disappointment.

“Recommended or not, it is Yong-sun’s decision to train someone or not. In which, my case, has an automatic answer to my recommendation and even request to train.”

Junhyun felt bad for the Human, knowing that his best friend has what it takes be on the same league as them. If someone could just give him the opportunity to prove himself and be more. He still couldn’t fathom why Yong-sun is passing up the chance to train a person with such determination and potential just because of the fact that Jihoon is a Human.

It was borderline petty on Yong-sun’s part and downright unfortunate for Jihoon.

“I can reason with Yong-sun hyung to change his mind. That is, if you’d allow me to intervene,” Junhyun offered. He is Jihoon’s best friend after all, he must at least do something if he is able to.

“If he does not wish to train me then neither I nor anyone else have a say. Maybe I’m just really not cut out to be a warrior,” Jihoon shrugged despite the heavy burden of disappointed tugged at his heart.

“I mean,” Jihoon let out a strained smile.

“Yong-sun is the best at what he does. He knows who is worthy or not. It’s obvious where I fit in then by just his judgement.”

Junhyun couldn’t help but glower at how lightly Jihoon is taking the unfairness of the situation just because of his given kind. He was about to suggest an alternative to still encourage Jihoon to push on the matter until Yong-sun gives in, but Jihoon caught up to him. The stable boy then whistled to the herd that gathered and rested down the hill, dropping the topic.

“By the way,” Jihoon started and looked back Junhyun, just as Taehyeon emerged from the trees in his fresh clothes.

“I saw Captain Kim waiting by the entrance of the private training quad along with the Third through Fifth Elites. He looked pissed off and I just couldn’t help but ask before I had to leave the institute,” Jihoon casually petted the stallion as a horse with reigns galloped its way up to them.

“He said something about how he and the Elites have been waiting an hour for a certain Demon. Because that person, as the future captain, was supposed to be overseeing the sparring battles of the Elites.”

Junhyun blinked and not a second longer, realization as well as panic flashed in his eyes.


A curse left Junhyun’s mouth when he realized that he was unforgivably late to his duties. After purposely outrunning Jun Hwan Min earlier at the forest to sneak off and go look for Taehyeon’s whereabouts, he was supposed to not take more than a few minutes of admiring the archer. Obviously, he got carried away.

The Demon’s frantic state amused both Jihoon and Taehyeon but the two kept their laughs to themselves for now.

Junhyun placed a quick kiss on Taehyeon’s head before he ran off, maximizing his super speed to get back to the institute at the fastest pace possible.

Once the Demon was out of sight, Jihoon and Taehyeon let out their laughs at the comicality of Junhyun’s predicament.

“New herd, hyung?” Taehyeon asked after their laughter ceased down to smiles. He looked at the horses as he strapped the arrow filled quiver over his shoulder and held his bow with his other hand.

“Just gathered some mustangs from the field outside the East borders,” Jihoon nodded and gestured at the black stallion he was petting.

“With warriors frequently traveling outside our kingdom to carry out their duties and missions in keeping all four kingdoms’ safety, I had to gather more for the ones here in hopes of taming them in time,” Jihoon explained and Taehyeon earnestly listened; admiring the fact that the Human can tame these magnificent animals.

“After I lead them back to the stables, I’ll be heading to the capitol to get some more supplies and spend the rest of my leisure time there,” Jihoon shared in relief at the thought of getting a break.

“Can I go too?” Taehyeon perked up like a child at the mention of the kingdom’s capitol. After all, it’s been a while since his last visit to town.

“As long as none of your hyungs will mind you going,” Jihoon agreed.

“I do not want them—especially Junhyun—to scold me like the last time when you were supposed to be at an assembly after your training. I want you to make sure you have no other duties to do before I allow you to tag along.”

“Of course, hyung. I assure you that I am done for the day,” Taehyeon smiled.

“Let me just wash up when we get back to the institute. Then we’ll be on our way afterwards.”

Jihoon nodded and clicked his tongue at the fully equipped war horse that he used for his rendezvous and just previously called upon by his last patterned whistle.

“I don’t mean to pry but what was up with you and Junhyun? You two seem to be in some sort of tension,” Jihoon queried but quickly followed up when he had a hunch as to what might be the cause.

“Did you finally let Junhyun—you know,” Jihoon paused mid question and turned to face the younger boy.


Taehyeon took a deep breath and puffed his cheeks while pouting. He huffed the air out while he shook his head to give the Human his usual answer. Like always too, he felt disappointed with his own answer every time Jihoon asks that certain question.

“Taehyeon,” Jihoon frowned.

“Jihoon,” Taehyeon imitated and also frowned.

“Yah!” Jihoon slapped the younger's arm with his free hand, emitting a laugh from the warrior.

“It’s hyung to you, you child. Just because Junhyun allows you drop formalities with him, doesn’t mean you do the same with his best friend,” Jihoon smirked.

Taehyeon laughed and simply nodded afterwards. It was just amusing how Jihoon gets so easily irritated with regards to proper courtesy and formalities.

“But in all seriousness, Taehyeon,” Jihoon grabbed the reigns attached to the war horse and handed it to Taehyeon since the warrior will be needing a ride back.

“You can’t keep such secret from him. It’s unfair for him,” Jihoon stated.

“And I hate how I am keeping a secret from my own best friend just for your sake, Taehyeon."

“You know why I hesitate to tell him the truth. It’s because—”

“Yeah, yeah—you hesitate because of the possibility that the moment he sees your secret, he might leave you," Jihoon waved his hand at Taehyeon, already knowing fully well why.

Taehyeon sadly nodded and patted the long face of the war horse whilst his other hand fiddled with the leather of the reigns.

“I’m afraid that he will leave me, hyung,” Taehyeon admitted.

“I’m afraid that he will even hate me for it.”

“His reputation is important to him. His family name is everything to him. He wouldn’t want to be associated with someone who has an identity such as mine. It would just destroy him and even plunge him back to the darkness he struggled to get out. The heavens—by all means even hell too—know that I did my best to resist and not engage myself with him for Junhyun’s sake."

Taehyeon looked up to the sky, trying to keep his emotions at bay.

“But Fate is so cruel for allowing me to love and be loved.”

Jihoon stayed quiet for a moment to empathized with the young warrior. But as Junhyun’s best friend first and foremost, he needed to urge Taehyeon to the path that will get his best friend hurt less.

“All I know is, it is best to tell him—let him see the truth. Because we both know that he will see it sooner or later, Taehyeon,” Jihoon looked at Taehyeon after he mounted himself on the wild stallion, ready to go back to the Military Institute.

“You can’t hide it forever.”

“Then I’ll hide it for as long as I can.”