Episode 7

The day’s warm summer heat was alleviated by the layer of clouds covering the horizon. The wind gushed the white and grey into the scene. But still let some sun rays pass through and linger down throughout the land. It has been a few hours past noon and in a few more, the sun will set. Thus, training in the Military Institute of Supremus Imperium ceased for the day.

With the exception of a particular group of Elites.


Jeon Jun Hyun slammed his hand onto the pavement out of anger and frustration when his body harshly stumbled down to the ground after Min Yong-sun’s large flame-covered rectangular broadsword outpowered his own blade in which he used to attempt a block. He closed his eyes for a moment, using some of his willpower to calm himself down. But he miserably failed to do so because it was obvious that he was losing the sparring match.

The younger Demon breathed heavily and stood up after picking up his fallen katana beside him, not bothering to dust the dirt off of his hands and pants. It would be simply a waste of effort if he keeps getting sent to the ground.

Without wasting another second, Junhyun let some dark patterned marks cover his arms down to his fingertips, and conjured an almost white colored flame with black core all over his hands; a dangerous top-notched heat that can only be conjured by someone of the Jeon bloodline.

The bright flame flickered and transferred to the blade of his katana as Junhyun charged at Yong-sun with his super speed.

A series of strong and fast swords clashed with sparks adding to the flame of their weapons. Each threw the occasional punches, kicks, and fire-based attacks for offense but mostly for defense. Throughout the match, it was obvious that one of the two couldn’t keep up because of the lack of focus.

The two pushed each other back when their weapons met but both exerted the equal strength. Distance was made when the force of the metals clashing was too much and sent them backwards.

As the two stared at each other whilst breathing heavily, the pale-colored Demon anticipated Junhyun to charge once again, and the latter did without a second thought.

Yong-sun waited for the exact moment Junhyun would be at least a foot away from where he simply stood and tried to take a breather. With the calculated distance confirmed, Yong-sun took a strong step forward before he hauled his large sword effortlessly despite the heavy weight. From his back, Yong-sun swung his sword into a full hundred-eighty towards the charging Demon.

Junhyun barely stopped himself and dodged it just in time by perfectly ducking his upper body down because he knew blocking it with his katana would be futile. Still keeping an attentive eye at his opponent, he stood up after he was sure the large blade went over his body and that Yong-sun was left open.

Yong-sun twisted his body opposite to where his sword was since there was no way he can change the direction of where his sword going to. Since his right arm was over his chest already from the weight of his sword, he did a full-round kick with his left leg to which he perfectly aimed at Junhyun’s hand that held the katana. After all, he knew that the kid would swing his weapon from a diagonal and upward angle.

Junhyun winced at impact of Yong-sun’s foot hitting him flat on the wrist. The pain caused him to drop his katana to the side and the black and white flame transferred back to his hands. Now being disarmed, he was about shift to punching with his left hand but Yong-sun was a step ahead of the younger warrior.

The moment Yong-sun’s body was already facing front as the tip of the large sword hit the ground for stabilization, Yong-sun’s left hand shot out and gripped Junhyun’s neck, choking him. With Junhyun immobile, Yong-sun pulled the younger towards him and kneed the latter in the stomach with his right knee.

After inflicting the pain, Yong-sun pushed Junhyun to the side and to the ground. Once again.

“Again, Jeon.”

Captain Kim Nam-kyu ordered after scoffing at the pathetic mistake Junhyun did. He then crossed his arms, a habit of his when he starts to lose his patience.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake—cut me some slack, hyung.”

Junhyun cursed despite him already struggling to catch his breath because of the chokehold he was in just a moment before. With a bit of his strength, he looked to the side of the sparring quad and with his fiery red eyes, glared at his captain.

Nam-kyu simply ignored the young Demon’s attitude that had the warrior’s mouth spewing out profanities while standing up. He then motioned for Yong-sun to continue their battle in a different approach.

Even though Yong-sun took the liberty to cut Junhyun some slack in behalf of their indifferent captain, since he himself was already tired, the result was still the same with him managing to send Junhyun back to the ground.

“Again,” Nam-kyu called out and received another set of curses from Junhyun before the burnt-out warrior lowered his pride and managed one plead to stop.

“This is your punishment. You will only stop once I deem that you are fully focused, Junhyun,” Nam-kyu coldly denied.

“I am!” Junhyun snapped as he slammed his fists on the ground.

“Then again!”

“Be quicker! Don’t charge blindly! Analyze what his strategy is and outsmart your opponent!” Nam-kyu angrily ordered, patience already gone.

“Now is a perfect time to prove that you can beat anyone at any given time like you so proudly claim.”

With a snarl, Junhyun stood up and kicked his katana to the side out of irritation now that he was reminded of what he was actually capable of. He conjured the blazing black and white flame once again and resumed doing his best to bring Yong-sun down to end this torturous battle.


Kim Seung So called out the captain of the Second Elites as he went beside the Demon. The Angel frowned at the sight of Junhyun attempting for the nth time to at least disarm Yong-sun, but kept on failing miserably.

“Let him rest. He’s been at it for hours now,” Seungso voiced out his concern.

“He’s tired—”

“He’s distracted,” Nam-kyu snapped before he hollered at Yong-sun this time and reminded the pale-colored Demon to continue and not give Junhyun the chance to rest unless the younger boy successfully lands at least a hit on him.

“He’s tired—distracted—drained—angry—well what do you expect?”

Jun Hwan Min stood up from the edge of the wooden floorboard that bordered around the dirt of the private sparring quad. He stretched his neck to the side and joined the captain and the medic. He groaned as he walked since he barely gained half of his strength back from the two-hour long-battle he was forced to go through with Junhyun earlier.

At first, it was Nam-kyu who fought Junhyun since the captain was to punish the younger warrior for missing out on his duties earlier. But then Seungso had to take over after an hour before their obvious anger could get out of hand and have them hurt each other.

Seungso then fought Junhyun in the field of defense for another hour. When Seungso deliberately stopped their sparring when he saw that Junhyun was nearing his limits, Nam-kyu just had to instruct Hwanmin to fight Junhyun to push the younger’s strength and stamina. Lastly, Yong-sun took over to test Junhyun’s ability to analyze and strategize while in battle.

In other words, everyone was tired. But their drained bodies were nothing compared to Junhyun’s dwindling, strength, sanity, and patience.

“His source of strength, focus, motivation and the reason why he is being punished is not here,” Hwanmin went in between the two spectators and placed each of his arms on the two as he was lazy to stand up.

“Where is Taehyeon anyways?

The Werewolf looked around as he inquired about the youngest Elite’s whereabouts. Hwanmin’s attention suddenly went back to the battle when he heard a small explosion of flame dispersing at the middle of the quad.

Hwanmin flinched at the sight and sound of a body colliding with the ground.

All looked down at how Junhyun weakly rolled onto his back after Yong-sun broke through the black smoke that was emitted from two powerful ball of flames met and merged into an overwhelming explosive force. The older Demon had reacted quickly and took advantage of the smoke and quickly charged at Junhyun with a punch and a kick to the chest.

“Damn. I’m conflicted if I should be thankful that Taehyeon isn’t here to witness Junhyun getting punished and beaten. That boy would be so worried and Junhyun wouldn’t want to look pathetic in the eyes of that little warrior. Then again, only Taehyeon can motivate Junhyun at this point so—where is he?” Hwanmin asked once again.

“Probably still training outside,” Seungso mumbled and resisted the urge to help the young Demon up.

“He shouldn’t be any more though,” Hwanmin shamelessly leaned his weight on the Angel and Demon beside him.

“The general did limit training outside because of the current crisis with the Rogues just outside the kingdom’s borders,” Hwanmin pointed out the new rules applied a day after the general returned.

“And by the looks of the sky, it’s already our curfew. All warriors not on duty should be within the institute’s walls. He should be here with us—or at least with Junhyun right now,” Hwanmin looked up to the soft light of the sunrays, knowing that it's be nearing sunset.

“Taehyeon decided to train alone for a few more days. By then, he’ll be back to train with us,” Seungso sighed.

“That boy is just really set on avoiding the general. Until Hwa-hyung stops overseeing the Second Elites’ regular training, Taehyeon will be training on his own—outside too if he wishes so.”

“It’s for the best that Taehyeon does that,” Nam-kyu stated.

“Though Taehyeon shouldn’t be avoiding the general in the first place, and other than the fact that Taehyeon needs some time away from the place that has discrimination against him, some distance between Junhyun and Taehyeon would do them good. And I plan on prolonging it as much as I can.”

“Eh? Why is that?” Hwanmin asked while Seungso glared at the insensitive notion towards the couple.

“So that both can learn and grow in mind and power on their own,” Nam-kyu closed his eyes for a moment, not wanting to look at Junhyun’s state when he failed to block Yong-sun’s barrage of flame covered punches.

“Junhyun’s being is becoming too dependent on Taehyeon,” Nam-kyu glared at Junhyun as he stated this alarming fact.

“He is becoming weak to an extent because of his emotions and feelings towards the younger boy. I simply cannot have any Elite, a future leader no less, be weakened and hindered by love.”

Seungso wanted to reason out and defend Junhyun and Taehyeon’s relationship but one of the eight First Elites interrupted their conversation that concerns the two youngest warriors of the Elites.

“Captain Kim Nam-kyu.”

The three spectators of Yong-sun and Junhyun’s battle looked back to see the only Werewolf of the First Elites, the lead tracker and recon leader of the Royal Army: Oh Sung Jae.

Sungjae approached the three and slightly bowed of respect and as a sign of apology for disrupting whatever business he interrupted because of his arrival.

“General Kim has requested you and your members at his office,” Sungjae informed.

“That is,” Sungjae’s attention went past the captain to see an on-going match.

“If your training sessions are over. Jung-hwa did reiterate that it was urgent matters.”

“We did expect that all trainings are over by this hour,” Sungjae raised an eyebrow at the situation, curious himself as to why Nam-kyu’s two Second Elite warriors were training with such intensity that can be mistaken for a killing intent.

“One of my men needed to be dealt with by punishment, hence what you are witnessing now,” Nam-kyu shrugged.

“And we are not—”

Nam-kyu shook his head and was about to inform Sungjae that give or take they’ll be extending by an hour or two because the youngest of them needed a lesson or two in exchange for the irresponsible acts he committed lately.

Seungso saw right through Nam-kyu’s cold and indifferent expression and just knew what the captain was about to say. Thus, the Angel intervened and spoke over his superior.

“We are just finishing up here actually,” Seungso smiled at Sungjae, ignoring the now red eyes glaring at him.

“They are past their limits anyways and are in need of a break. I see it fit that we should stop them now. Their health and well-being shouldn’t be cast aside just for some over the top punishment anyways.”

“I see,” Sungjae smirked at Seungso’s statement as the Angel shamefully looked down after realizing what he just said and displayed towards his superiors, especially towards Nam-kyu.

“Living up to your role of being a medic and speaking over your captain’s decision—your direct superior no less,” Sungjae took a step closer to the light-blonde and gently tipped the latter’s head up with just a finger under the chin.

“Very admirable,” Sungjae whispered.

“Um—thank you, I guess,” Seungso looked up to the Werewolf’s hazel-orange eyes.

Hwanmin felt the deadly aura coming from the captain that stood beside him as he and Nam-kyu was rendered speechless at fact that the First Elite was making a move on Seungso. The lead tracker didn’t even bother with being discreet after all.

Hwanmin faked an obnoxious cough and inwardly panicked when he saw steam coming from Nam-kyu’s fists as the Demon stared at the scene of Seungso being touched by Sungjae.

“Please assure the general that we’ll be there in a few,” Hwanmin professionally handled the situation to not further let Sungjae see how the Second Elites are functioning as of the moment.

“Will do,” Sungjae stepped back and sent one charismatic smirk at Seungso before leaving.

“Alright! Enough with the violence and fire-throwing antics before I throw a bucket of water on you guys!” Hwanmin clapped his hands then rushed to stop the other two who were still immersed in sparring; to escape the looming tension between the Angel and Demon.

Seungso turned to follow Hwanmin but was stopped by a fuming Nam-kyu. His wrist was caught in a tight grip and was pulled back to face the captain.

“Yah. What the fuck was that all about?”

Nam-kyu tightened his hold on the Seungso’s wrist when the latter tried to pull away.

“Who are you to undermine me, Kim Seung So?”

Nam-kyu yanked on the medic's wrist, too angry to notice how the Angel flinched in pain as a hint of fear flashed across the Angel’s face.

“What—Did you act the way you did just so that you can show off and flirt with a higher-ranking Elite?” Nam-kyu coldly accused; his voice boomed and caught the other’s attention.

“How pathetic of you, Seungso," Nam-kyu harshly mocked.

“You’re only good as you look. You have no right nor authority to make decisions for this team when you’re just a medic—the weakest link here. You’re only needed when I say so.”

Seungso was now beyond shocked. He was degraded. He was hurt; too hurt to even speak up now and defend his being. He was afraid he would only break if he spoke now. But then again, it didn’t matter anymore.

“The general asked for your team—for us, Nam-kyu,” Seung calmly reiterated though his voice betrayed him and became shaky towards the end, giving away his true feelings.

“I think it’s wise to have all your men in their best state—with their sanity and strength stabilized at times like this. Not have their energy drained because of some punishment you thought deserving for just one of them. It’s far from practical that you had to drag the rest of us, and even yourself, into some full-blown battle just to make Junhyun focus more on his duty as a warrior.”

And to accuse me of showing off? And flirting? Being only good as I look?” Seungso cleared his throat and blinked back the tears.

“Yes, how pathetic of me, as a medic—as a friend, if you even consider me as one—to even look out for you when I am not even needed unless called upon by your authority.”

Seung harshly pulled his wrist out of Nam-kyu’s grip, unknowingly snapping the latter out of his rage when he did so.

“Let’s face it,” Seungso gathered up last of his courage as the tears fell down his red cheeks. He also glared at Nam-kyu who just realized how much he had hurt the Angel.

“If you don’t have them functioning at their best—”

Seungso looked at the other three members of the Second Elites, staring at them in concern despite their more concerning state. Then he faced Nam-kyu, the medic's glare intensifying as he continued:

“You can’t expect them to have your own team to support you. And you’ll fail as their captain—their trusted friend.”

“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” Seungso pulled down his sleeve to hide the red print on his skin that started to color into an ugly bruise.

“They need me. I suppose you won’t stop me from carrying out my duty as a medic even if you don’t me, will you now?”

“Fuck—Seungso, I didn’t mean—”

“Captain,” Seungso bowed, ending the conversation; his face now void from emotion.