Chapter 12

Devi went to the salon of her uncle Sam to have a free ride at their house. She didn’t like taking a public transportation. Her uncle’s salon is famous in their city. She pushed the door and the staff greet her. She smiled to them and nod, she’s pretty tired. She went to the office and lie down on the couch. Her uncle Sam is surprised to her with an ‘o’ shape in his mouth.

‘’What brought you here my stubborn niece?’’ He asked shockingly. Devi’s eyes are closed but still conscious. She seemed to be half-asleep.

‘’Give me a ride home uncle.’’ Devi said in a tired tone.

‘’Hmm. . . why are you in a mall by the way? You don’t like big crowds right?’’ He asked in a suspicious tone.

‘’Just something important.’’ Sam smells something fishy about his niece. But as long that she’s okay, he thinks it will be fine. He smiled and called his assistant.

‘’Come on now, your Mom must be worried.’’ He said and help Devi get up from the couch. Devi smiled still with her eyes closed to her uncle.

Sam shook Devi’s shoulder to wake her up, ‘’Enjoy your weekend girl!’’ Devi giggled at her uncle’s bubbliness.

‘’I hope so uncle.’’

Its 7’oclock in the evening and Dein is starting to panic about her daughter whereabouts. Even though Devi is always asking permission on what she will do, she is still sick worried. Her cellphone beep and she check it immediately. It’s a text from her brother, saying he’s with Devi and he will drop her there. Dein is relieved by the news and started to prepare their dinner.

On the car of her uncle Sam, Devi checked her phone and scrolled to an app. She smiled when she saw the video about a real gold digger. The video is recorded by someone and the setting is in the mall. In the video, the people are in the center watching another video on the mall’s screen. There is a guy and a girl who are sweet to each other, just like any other couple. In the half part of the video the guy said, ‘’Can I borrow 10,00 pesos? You know my mother is sick. I will pat you when I get—‘’ The girl don’t let him finish and gives the money without a doubt.

‘’You don’t need to pay me back. It’s okay.’’ The girl said. The guy is utterly shocked and hug her with tears in his eyes, such a lovely moment for the both of them. The video is forwarded, and the guy is now alone and talking to his phone. ‘’I have money now, babe. What do you want?’’

The crowd is shocked by the turn of events. It is obvious that the guy is using the other girl, poor girl. In the middle part of the video, the couple is now on a restaurant. The girl is putting a watch on the guy on his left wrist. They kissed and eat their food. Forwarded again, the guy is with his friends in their school. "Nice watch dude! It's hard to find. Where did you get that?" His friend asked.

He smiled and looked at his watch, "I got connections." He replied proudly.

The people who are watching it are really mad in that guy. They didn't notice that the guy on the video is in the front watching himself. The person who is recording it, starts to focus it on one person. It is also the guy on the video who is now running away from the scene. The people didn't realize it and continue to watch the whole thing on the screen. At the end of the video they saw the initials of the guy, he is. . .

Devi turned off her phone and proceed to get ready for bed. She is glad that the karma hits the guy.


Saturday morning, Devi is still asleep even if its past 8 am. She is kind of awake but still want to sleep. She is nearly on falling sleep again when her cellphone beeped. She didn't mind it and close her eyes. Her phone keeps buzzing and buzzing and she had no choice but to check it. With half eyes closed, she reads the content of the text and groaned.

"Mom, gotta go. Need to try a new ride in Skyranch." Devi said to her mother while fixing her shoes. Dein is watching a news and looked at her daughter with her brows furrowed.

"You with someone?"

"Nope, just me, myself and I." Dein trust her daughter. She taught her to be independent. Her daughter is alert and cautious in public. She just wonders why her daughter is going out alone. . . She is always with Devi when she wants to discover new places. There's must be a reason to this. . .

Devi is looking at her mother with pleading eyes like a puppy who wants treats. Dein raised her eyebrow and laugh at her daughter's way of asking.

"Fine, but be back before dinner. If you are 1 minute late. . . you'll never do this again. Understood?"

Devi nod playfully. Knowing her mom is kinda strict and keeps her word.

"Be careful, okay?"

"Yes Mom. Love you!" Devi replied to her mother and kissed her cheeks. I'll be catching a huge fish, Devi taught to herself.

*** An hour ago. . .

A girl was sobbing from her room because of the guy who turned her down. She loves the guy but his attitude and personality is not lovable. She had enough of him. Its time for revenge.

The girl wipe her tears and visit a site.

Man hunter is a term that means, looking for a man. Girls use this phrase to observe and attract a man they like. But this site does the opposite. This site is for girls like her, who got hurt so much from men. Men who use and tricks women. Taking them for granted. The mission of this site/forum is to punish them and make them realize that women are not toys to be play around and throw them if they are not usable anymore.

This site is not out in public only a few can access it, mostly teens. In order to grant an entry to the site you must sent all the basic information, the details about the guy who do wrong to you, and why does he need to be punished. All of these must be in a video. Only a handful of people has used the site and satisfied by the results. The punishment are based on the client's wishes and the service fee will vary depending on the materials and setting used. If the punishment is too harsh or inhumane, the 'Man Hunter' will change it and try to settle the best way of punishing. A good site for boys who don't got beat by their mamas.

The girl who is sobbing while ago is now smiling. She lays on her bed while hugging her phone to her chest and looking up to the ceiling of her bedroom. She can't wait. . .

A guy in the park is sitting in a bench and enjoying the scenery. He wears a black baseball cap, shades, and a mask. He seems to be hiding. . .

A girl in a floral dress with a little yellow straw hat, seats beside the guy. That girl is Devily. She uses her phone and texted someone. She is aware of the person sitting next to her and knows him too well. A couple of minutes passed and her phone rang, just like she expected.

"Hello girl! How's the confession goes?" She asked on a lively tone like a 7th grade.

The person on the other line smiled but the loneliness in her eyes remains. "Not well Devily, f*ck him." She replied.

The guy sitting with Devi seems to eardrop to her. The conversation is familiar to him. He didn't make it pretty obvious that he is listening to her. Good thing he has a cover in his face.

"What's the name of that shit head?" Devily grinned and looked at the guy's direction but not directly to him.

The whole system of the girl line refuse to say it but this will be the last time. "He is Greg Anderson." She exhaled heavily and closed her eyes.

"Oh! Greg Anderson he is an actor, right? What a shame, if the public knows that he is a total asshole when it comes to his admirers. What do you think?"

"Hmm." The girl replied.

"Don't worry, that dick will be meeting karma. Bye girl!" Devily said and ended the call.

The guy is shocked on what he heard. His senses cannot calm him down. He needed to take an immediate action.

"Hey miss, don't be so too harsh on him. It might be a fake news." The guy said.

Devily rolled her eyes before facing him, "How can you be so sure, Mr. Cover up?" She asked back sarcastically.

The guy has his mouth shut. He didn't know what he will reply back to her.

"Why did you do that. . .Greg Anderson?" Devily smirked and looked at Greg right through his eye. Greg was shocked that this girl knew him and his doings. He is stunned but he must not show it. He fixes his composure and preparing to leave this terrifying lady.

"You must be mistaken ha ha! A lot of people tell us that we're a look---" He is obviously nervous right now. He needs to get out of this scene.

"Sshh. . . I don't need your f*cking explanation. What you need is a show. How about that?" Devily clapped her hands and three men came out.

The men prepared a mini stage. They also set the microphone, a TV screen, and the speakers for the mini show. Devily whistled and the two of the men went to Greg and hold him. Making sure he won't escape. Devily happily stood up and went to the stage.

"Hello everyone! For today's show, we have Greg Anderson! We will offer you the best events of Greg's life. Come here fellas!" Devily announced with glee. She really looks like a host from a TV show. The people on the park gathered around the center where Devily is. When the people is more than 40, the two men take off the cap, shades, and mask of Greg.

"Oh my gosh! He is really here." One of the audience shouts.

Greg Anderson is one of the famous rising actors of this generation. His career starts when he was only six years old on a TV show and continues up until now. Every movie or television drama he makes is a talk of the town. His looks and talents make him a total teen heartthrob.

Devily wink at them. "Thank you every one for coming here today. Please enjoy the show!"

The other man starts to open the TV screen and flash the pictures of Greg with different girls he turned down. Most of the pictures were taken in the school. The girls are in front of Greg offering him with chocolates, love letters, and other sweets that they could give. The girls in the picture are crying or has their head bowed down. In every picture, Greg is wearing a disgust look or sometimes being emotionless except in the last photo. . .

"As you can see folks, Greg may seem the perfect man for any girl but in reality, he is a total heartbreaker."

The crowd gasped. They didn't expect that this teen idol is a total wrecked. What a great disappointment. . .

"I know, this is a shocking revelation folks. Let's try to give him a chance to explain his side, Greg Anderson?"

The two men restrained him. Greg cannot escape this mess. At last, this freaking career is now over. . .

Greg looked up to the crowd and held his head high. "Heart breaker? I think I will accept that new title. . . You may not believe it, but I don't want this fame. I just need to do that, so those girls will not get hurt."

"What do you mean by 'not get hurt'? The way you treat them already hurts them." One of the audiences asked at him confusingly.

"You see, having a commitment with a non-showbiz girl is not right. The management thinks that it will be a downfall for my career. That's why I shut them out." Greg explained and leaved out a heavy sigh and sat down.

The crowd went silenced. They didn't know how to accept what they are knowing right now. Devily breaks the silence. "Okay everyone, this show is about to end. Any last message Greg?"

"I just wanted to thank you Miss, whoever you are from making this show. I can finally be myself and be with the person I really want. I don't care if you will hate me. Maybe I will be out in the industry. I just want to live as good as it can be." Greg said with such honesty and love. The people who were once mad at him, cheered him up. They now understand what this man has been through.

"Free yourself, young man!"

"Be what you want to be!"

"That's the right choice!"

The crowds are really cheering for him. They felt how raw and sincere his intentions.

This maybe has a good effect on him but the punishment's target is his career downfall. Still has consequences to go through.

""That's it folks! Have a good day and remember who you truly are." Devily announced and leaves. Greg maybe succeeds on what he wants. But the consequences and humiliation will still remain. This is the work of the Man Hunter.