"Hey guys did you see these viral videos?" Elle announced at her classmates and showed the videos to them. The girls went to her and make their way to watch the video. The first is the video about a guy who is a real-time gold digger. The second one is about Greg Anderson. The famous actor who is constantly declining his admirers. They are interviewed in a separate video. They only said one thing in common, that they met a girl and that girl made them a fool. They said that she is a cute blonde girl with blue eyes. She seems innocent but will make your life rotate differently. The guys are now the talk of the town.
Angela is also watching the video and is now talking to her classmates. She shares her criticism and also listens to them. Devi on the hand, is leaning backwards to her chair with a pen on her philtrum. She doesn’t give a damn about gossips.
The commotion stops when Miss Eva Hearth enters the class. Everyone went back to their seats.
‘’Good morning students.’’
‘’Good morning Miss.’’
Miss Eva looked at her students and started leaning on the teacher’s desk.
‘’Are you aware of the happenings in your surroundings? Are you educated enough to help and fight the unwanted change we’re facing?’’ She asked and folded her arms to her chest. Miss Eva has a brunette hair that is styled in a sock bun. No one can guess her real age because of her radiant skin and a perfectly straight posture. She is a woman of discipline and independence, an empowered woman.
The class 1-A wonders and amazed how their teacher educates. Miss Eva raised her eyebrow waiting for their answer and the whole class said ‘yes’. Eva Hearth will tackle about the long-time problem of climate change.
‘’Very well then, if you are really educated and aware can you tell me how the change of climate affects your life?’’
The class went silent for a moment and the giggly Shane Smith breaks it by raising her hand. Miss Eva nods her head signals her to stand up. ‘’My summer now is not that amazing when I was a kid. Because the temperature had rise and it is getting hotter and hotter. So now, instead of kids playing outside they will just stay inside and turn on their AC.’’ Shane is really sad and affected by that horrific truth. It is really depressing for this kid’s generation not to be able to enjoy the warm and lovely sun outside.
‘’What a miserable reality. . . Thank you for sharing that. Who else?’’
Angela was pinning down Charles’ arm but Charles still managed to raised it. Angela slaps her forehead in dismay. The whole class try their best to hold their laugh because they are 100% sure that Charles is up to something.
‘’Yes, Mr. Cortez?’’
Charles clears his throat and looks at his classmates and wink at Angela. She just simply shrugged her head and looked straight at the whiteboard. ‘’So, when I was young and cute,’’ the whole class laugh. Charles shushes them by putting his index finger to his mouth. ‘As I was saying, I’m the cutest child alive back then and I really love to play on paddles. I’ll do whatever I want from them like roll or jump.’’ His classmates laugh again at him. Charles is so persistent that he is the ‘cutest kid’. He continued, ‘’Then one day, it rains heavily and I was really happy about that because there will be a lot of paddles. But it didn’t happen coz the rain starts to get stronger and the water starts to rise, I thought it would enter our house! After that horrible incident, I am ready to get wet outside but what surprised me is a big flood gosh! The water can reach the thigh of an adult and I’m a CUTE LITTLE CHILD back then, so it is a no-no for me. Because I’m a genius kid, I searched on the internet why floods happen. . . and it’s the freakin’ CLIMATE CHANGE!’’ Charles exclaimed then sat down and put his arm in Angela’s shoulder. But Angela smacks it and remove his arm. What a cute couple they are. . .
‘’Thanks for sharing Charles, well that was actually true that floods are caused by this climate change. If there’s a heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt, or a storm surge from a tropical cyclone there will be a flood. I think we will have everyone in the class to tell their insights, how about that? Starting from this line.’’ Miss Hearth point out the first row on the left column. Elle stand up wearing a nervous smile. She says that she and her father love to go to Misamis Oriental to watch the hatchlings of the hawkbill sea turtles. But this year’s vacation is not that quite fun because a lot of the turtle died because of the rising of sea levels.
‘’Yup! The main effect of climate change is the rising of sea levels. Maybe one billion years from now earth will be nothing but water.’’ The whole class gasped and Eva Hearth was satisfied by their reaction. So, the sharing goes on and on. Carlo said that they have a little harvest from the past years because of extreme heat. The sharing reached the back seats and it is Devi and friends turn. It is now Frank’s turn, ‘’Well, climate change has a huge impact on us and also to me, of course.’’ He said then sighs. He takes a breath and continued, ‘’I can say that a really heavy and strong typhoon affected me, because I’m supposed to say goodbye to my friend and it didn’t happen coz of that rain. She thinks now that I’m a liar and an irresponsible person and refuse to talks to me.’’ By that the room went silent and sympathize with Frank.
Miss Eva went to him and pat his shoulders, ‘’We really appreciate that Frank, its kinda sad. . . losing a friend, isn’t it? So, now class who is the one to blame to? The sun for giving so much energy, the ozone layer for having a hole in it and it is getting bigger just the size of a soccer field?’’ Miss Hearth asked in a sarcastic loud tone. She walked in front of the class and writes on the whiteboard. She drew an evil face emoji, write an equal sign, and then write a capital five-letter word ‘HUMANS’. ‘’We are the one to blame for this phenomenon! All of your experiences that you tell a while ago is OUR fault. The regret, the emotions that you feel is nothing and we’re near to dying. How you will save yourself from this tragedy? Are you ready to be buried alive?’’
The sleepy girl in the class suddenly has her head lift up looking at her teacher. That’s why my mother like her, she thought
A/N: Hello wonderful peeps! Hope you are enjoying my story. Leave any comment or opinion about my book, it will be highly appreciated. Stay safe and stay sane!