He blinked triple times and found himself in front of a fine man wearing brown sweater vest and well brushed hair and coated with perfume that Lucas didn't like surely because he first noticed the essence of the place not the place itself, he winced unnoticeably.
At that moment, he knew that he was on a restaurant. He roam his eyes at the place that was obviously a fancy one because of the chandeliers, the shining martini glasses, the people that surrounds them that also wearing suits and dresses, somewhat having dinner dates.
The ambiance was so nice and neat "so you are going to london after this?" said by the man who was gently choosing a dish on a menu he was holding since Lucas leaped, the turned of his head was quick "wh-what?" he asked as if he didn't know what the man in front saying, well, he literally doesn't know what the fine man talking about because he has not notice yet that he leaped into a woman's body.
The man in front close the menu and set it aside, he looked at Lucas with confusion on his face "Mr. Hudson said he will send you to London after this dinner right? he also said that to me that's why we're here, consuming the time left" he explained and gave a questionable eyes "wait? what? no no way?" Lucas responds with confusion, he stood up and formed his hands like don't-touch-me-i-don't-know-you.
The man in front of him slowly gets up from the chair he looked at Lucas with huge confusion on his face "Missy, what are you up to? are you joking or what? i mean, please this isn't the right place to joke so please you sit down" the man came back to sit and straight his body, Lucas perplexedly looks never fade, he didn't granted what the fine man said to him. Lucas step away slowly as he eagerly wanted to escape the place and the man with over 6ft tall and 27 years old he estimated.
The fine man again looks at him, Lucas Petterson stopped attempting "Missy? what the hell are you doing? can you just sit here?" he said quietly refraining himself to talk in a huge voice.
The man looked at the surroundings trying to say that they were on a quiet place so they should behave
"Missy? what? I am not Missy okay? are you out of your mind?"
Lucas responded the same way what the man in front of him does.
"Who the hell is missy" Lucas said to himself. He then noticed that he was wearing a maroon dress with collar and high heels.
Lucas, a 25th year old American football player who always struggled with his team mates because he was the unlucky charm of the team, says by their coach "so this is the last chance of us to win this game, Tyron, you know you are my ace here" he pointed the captain "and you?" and threw his eyesight to Lucas who was running out of breath and pointed the young man's chest, repeatedly pressing his finger with his thin eyebrow that goes up and down noticing his curving wrinkles "you stay there, you've done so much to lose this fight. I don't wanna see you running" he just nodded but deep down he want to smash the head of his old-wrinkled coach.
The team prepared themselves and go back to their own position except Lucas who disappointedly headed to their bench "Gato? come on! you did a good job brotha" he never believes on what his friend Jade said since then. Jade is his long-time best friend who we could say that consistently stay by his side whether there's a donut or none.
"Psh, i don't think so" Lucas said with mixed of disappointment then grabbed the gato short for Gatorade that was gifted by his friend.
He go back to the bench and sits.
" oh my god, look at jovi she's so damn well-curved bet you wanna sit with her on a sort of date" said by his friend Jade with sparkling eyes convincing Lucas to approach Jovi who is a cheerleader of their school and team by chance. She is a very well-known female slash sassy slash brainy student of Galveston College in Texas who happened to be Tyron's sister unfortunately the team captain who always gave Lucas a hard time "She's perfect and I'm just you know... i mean i don't think she likes me she probably want big muscles guy" Lucas responds to his friend "yeah because in the first place i didn't says she likes you or she would like you" the eyes of them met, his best friend with smiling face that nearly reach his burning red ears cause by the sunlight while Lucas gave him a total poker face that says he hates his best friend.
He threw his bag on a couch so does his body as if he was caring the whole wide world "have you ate? or you didn't take a look at the lunch box I prepared for you?" a not so old lady, maybe not so old because she was not using cane yet with estimated age of 60 with normal body size of mother, a 5ft tall who was washing the last plate at the moment.
" Mom, are you sure that I would not crave myself because I am using this" took off the lunch box on his bag and presented to the lady which was happened to be his mom Mrs. Patterson "this... kind of lunchbox with spider drawing on it? psh I ain't kid anymore" as he continue and put down the lunchbox to the small table on their sala. The lady move the washed plate to the cabinet where all her fragile things were in, she gave her son a small sigh "Lucas, how's your day? how about the game?" she asked and this time she was standing in front of the young man while watching his favorite cartoon "It was very tiring" Lucas short replied with emotionless face.