WebNovelTHE LEAP28.57%

Chapter 2 The leap

He sees himself in an infinite dark place, he couldn't figured out what exactly the place was. Lucas tired himself out to find at least small light dot but he failed for an hour, he gave up the chance to see one, out of the sudden a small sound occurred, it was like a sound coming from an opening vintage door. He lift his head to see what was going on this time, the expression of his face was still disappointed similarly to a man who felt betrayal for the first time.

" Are you feeling well in this kind of place?" a sudden voice uttered coming from the exaggerated light , a silhouette of a man with his cane and his hat appeared "who are you? what am I doing here?" Lucas replied with confusion, the exhaustion could be seen on his face that full of running sweat down to his body. Although he couldn't see the visage of a man he could identify it as an old man because the man was holding a cane which generally used by old people "Young man, it doesn't matter where you are I'm just here to quickly tell that you have a plan but you wouldn't work it in your own figure" the man said "I.. I don't understand... who are you? what plan?" the voice of Lucas seems like he dive into war because he was running out of breath.

The man with cane takes time to explain his answer in a rapid response so he could go now to where ever he came from

"The plan? ah yes, the plan is like, you are going to leap on someone's body, we don't know what body you would leap into, it could be a female rich brat, stupid male basketball player, pregnant woman" he chuckles and then continue

"in a kid or in a doctor who's in the middle of his operation, well, we don't know" he finished and waited to Lucas for response.

The young man was full of confusion on his face he didn't even know where he was

"I am... confused" he uttered shortly because we couldn't take it anymore, his body was like burning in hell with 10x the heat of a dried Sahara dessert. The old man form himself as if he was ready to go to heaven " well, you should be ready I ain't explaining anything here because it seems like anytime you would be the one to go to heaven, this heat is very exaggerated, bye for now". The light slowly fading as the man resort to his place, Lucas collapsed.

He woke up hearing the loud noise coming from down stairs, he saw the ceiling and breathe he looks like he run the whole running field. The rapid blinks he occurred was the only way he could wake himself in a real world "Damn, that dream" he murmured, the door suddenly opened his mother appeared with tiredness on her whole figure and the bags under her eyes became more noticeable than before and she was wearing apron that murdered with stains, not to mention their family used to manage a small business selling meat but since his father died Mrs. Patterson couldn't anymore put the business up continuously so she decided to just close it for the sake of his 8 year old son back then.

"Lucas, get ready you're late do you even have a plan to get out of bed? Go take a bath now make sure to look presentable hun okay?" Mrs. Patterson closed the door

"oh god i forgot". He jumped out the bed and rapidly ran into the bathroom.

"So Johnny I mean Lucas, Lucas Patterson, tell me about yourself" he was sitting in front of big man who he could see as a man who abandoned by his children and his wife. He couldn't believe of what he's seeing right now, he was in a establishment 3rd floor of the establishment to be exact, he traveled his eyes pitying the place. The cracked lines paste permanently on the wall perhaps cause by an earthquake, the color paint of the wall that was fading, the trashcan and crumpled paper that obviously failed to shoot by the owner, the foul smell of the place and this, this big man in front of him chewing something on his mouth while playing with his pen and holding a paper that was given to him by Lucas, resume. He took a gulp first before answering the question threw at him "Uhm... Mr. Jackson I am... Lucas ehem.. hmmm.." clearing his throat "Lucas Patterson and we used to have a business before and was bankrupted so.. uhmm" Lucas reluctantly answered because he didn't know if he was going to pass the interview, well, despite of the place having a foul smell he was eagerly to join this man to his journey as an apprentice of the agency. Lucas thought it was a big opportunity for him because it doesn't require any school attainment or if you were still studying or not as long as you were willing and knows how to read you are accepted but the thing is how could he explain this to his mother who knows that he was applying for a better job though it was a good job or could she stumble her son on a restaurant, coffee shop.

He left and stop in front of the big establishment, Lucas face himself in the building he entered a while ago "Yes! I passed woahhh!!" he shouted at the top of his lungs with confidence because no one is watching him, no one literally no one, no people just wind. The confidence on his walk showing while merely dancing the as he go to his car.

"Whoa! I feel good, I knew that I would, now I feel good, I knew that I would, now So good, so good, I got you" he loudly sings the part of his favorite song when he's achieving something, the cracked on his voice is something that the author of this novel couldn't play because apart from this is a novel, the author doesn't want to bother anyone else even herself. On the midst of his driving and excitement he suddenly felt the heat he couldn't explain Lucas try to boost the air-condition of his car to its maximum level but it didn't work. He could barely remember the feeling, he lost his focus on his driving and the car was swaying, fortunately he's on the road where just two or three cars were passing. The road slowly becoming dark and couldn't see anything anymore. He passed out.

He blinked triples times and found himself in front of a fine man wearing brown sweater vest and well brushed hair and coated with perfume that Lucas didn't like surely because he first noticed the essence of the place not the place itself, he winced unnoticeably.

At that moment, he knew that he was on a restaurant. He roam his eyes at the place that was obviously a fancy one because of the chandeliers, the shining martini glasses, the people that surrounds them that also wearing suits and dresses, somewhat having dinner dates.

The ambiance was so nice and neat "so you are going to london after this?" said by the man who was gently choosing a dish on a menu he was holding since Lucas leaped, the turned of his head was quick "wh-what?" he asked as if he didn't know what the man in front saying, well, he literally doesn't know what the fine man talking about because he has not notice yet that he was leaped into a woman's body.

The man in front close the menu and set it aside, he looked at Lucas with confusion on his face "Mr. Hudson said he will send you to London after this dinner right? he also said that to me that's why we're here, consuming the time left" he explained and gave a questionable eyes "wait? what? no no way?" Lucas responds with confusion, he stood up and formed his hands like don't-touch-me-i-don't-know-you.

The man in front of him slowly gets up from the chair he looked at Lucas with huge confusion on his face "Missy, what are you up to? are you joking or what? i mean, please this isn't the right place to joke so please you sit down" the man came back to sit and straight his body, Lucas perplexedly looks never fade, he didn't command what the fine man said to him. Lucas step away slowly as if he was trying to abandon the place and especially the man with over 6ft tall and 27 years old he estimated.

The fine man again looks at him, Lucas Petterson stopped attempting "Missy? what the hell are you doing? can you just sit here?" he said quietly refraining himself to talk in a huge voice.

The man looked at the surroundings trying to say that they were on a quiet place so they should behave

"Missy? what? I am not Missy okay? are you out of your mind?"

Lucas responded the same way what the man in front of him does.

"Who the hell is missy" Lucas said to himself. He then noticed that he was wearing a maroon dress with collar and high heels.

"Missy?" the man uttered, Lucas looks at him and the whole place, he knew it.

The body of a young woman stopped on a train station and gave herself a relax by sitting into the bench while the train was stopped and waiting for passengers, there are no passengers at all only her and the ticket man was on the station. Lucas looked at herself on the train's window mirror. He was truly in the body of a lady he looks at his hands. She has a porcelain complex, her hair is slightly curly and braided like a goddess she was wearing a maroon dress with collar and high heels which Lucas didn't know while running.

"Unbelievable, this is so unbelievable" even her voice amazed Lucas, the body she got into has a very perfect image "I thought it was a dream" the young woman's body stands up while facing the trains window and mirror herself. Lucas turned the body multiple times, he picked the dress sides and act like a princess while turning side to side "No. I'm not used to this, how did I end up like this?" he said and sit with vexation he put his hands covering his face and face palm while the lady's body bent down and her elbow on her lap. Lucas look closely to the whole figure he was leaped into "an advance apology for your body, whoever you are, i don't know what I'm going to do with your body but please understand me especially..." he looked down "sorry... I'm not stupid and I am also not pervert, pardon me" he took a deep breathe.

"Hey there young boy! a man popped up in front of lady's body " I mean young lady" he continued, Lucas nearly fell the bench because of shock. Just imagine how could an old man appear like that with no announcement just like taylor swift dropped her albums "Oh my g-- are you??? how did you just appeared from nowhere?? who are you?? and..." he looks around him and saw the ticket man drawing the cash on his drawer he didn't seem to notice the sudden appearance of an old man "He couldn't see me, only you could see me" the old man that he was imagining to be the man on his dreams was exactly the man who was walking towards him and hundred percent wanted to sit next to Missy's body "what? can't see?? how?? I mean I have so many questions right now and I need an acceptable explanation" Lucas said with a whole confusion on his face. The man sighed and took off his hat and put down his cane.