WebNovelTHE LEAP42.86%

Chapter 3 This is it!

The glittering crystallized vase on the table never refrain itself to shine in front of Missy's figure "Levi called me and he said that you ran away from him?" a well-dressed man with fixed hair cut wearing tuxedo that Lucas estimated to be a 60 plus year old man, obviously a high degree man and his emotionless visage while cutting a meat with grass he guess but it was actually a Lamb Salad with Fregola, sounds fancy right? because it was. Lucas with Missy's figure tried to figured out what could be the best answer to the question "Uhm, I didn't ran away, I... I just need to pee like you know women used to release toxicity on their body hehe" the man in front of him puts the knife down and sighed then look at Missy's figure which happens to be the body that Lucas was leaped into "I don't even know what are your points of acting like this all of the sudden" he took a deep breathe and continue "If this sudden behavior cause by my decision to send you to London I would never accept this, you know Missy I'm giving my best to mold you" the man was frustrated and close his eyes as if he was wishing for Missy to refrain this shits now "Mold? for what? I mean, I'm... I'm a big lady now hehehe no need to mold me I could handle myself, thanks" the man looks at him again with huge confusion the lines on his forehead were showing.

Suddenly, a man with black suit together with his troops also wearing black suits and long black neckties came, he gave the old man a cellular phone and talk to the other line. Lucas in Missy's figure tried to scan each one of men in black suits, they were obviously bodyguards, yup, the man that Lucas was talking to earlier before is the father of Missy, Lucas attempted to face those men with broad shoulders and transparently well-trained bodyguards, he succeeded.

"Okay, I'll be there in 15 minutes" Mr. Hudson said, the father of Missy Hudson "Missy, I'll go now make sure to ready yourself" and hurriedly walk together with his agents or whatever he thought of them, Lucas releases a big sighed, he didn't expect this kind of situation but he needs to finish this mission.


The train station was nearly occupied by nothingness, it was 11pm "I need to know why I am here" said by Lucas with entreaty, he was worried not only because he jumped in someone's body and never expect that he was going to leap on a female body unfortunately, but also because of his mom, work, study and the sport he was rooting for because their finals is fast approaching. The old man with cane answered him "I will be honest and direct to the point" Lucas carefully listen "This is a task, it was not my decision to give you this kind of task it was from there" and pointed up, Lucas look at the man pointing out "You mean god?" he asked with amazement "I don't know I'm only a guardian, anyway you- I mean WE have this task for Missy's benefits, your benefits and my benefits. The three of us are the beneficiaries of this task and-" Lucas interrupted the old man "How?I mean what is this for? did i committed an unforgivable sin?" he panicked, the old man tried to calm him down

"No young boy, no, it just that we need to learn lessons in life and some of it could not be found in your own life" the old man calmly said "this is just a challenge in life, you were in Missy's Hudson body, the daughter of Mr. Hudson the owner of the second largest business in Texas and has countless of branches in different countries, so we need to be careful and smoothly finish this in a very quick and safe actions, okay Lucas? "

" But you didn't answer my question, what is this for? am I going to stay here forever on this body?" Lucas consecutively asked full of worries. The man get his cane and put his hat on and stand up "No. You are here for a mission if you completely done this you could go back to your own self" Lucas look at the man with a bit of plead on his eyes "If not?" the old man prepare himself to depart "I believe in you Lucas you can make it" the train suddenly open as the man walked inside the train, the door closed and Lucas stick his eyes to the old man as the train started to tlran its engine.


Lucas saw himself in front of the mirror wearing skirt, braided hair, and make up on. His hand went on Missy perfect visage "Missy... your name is Missy, Missy Hudson. You got the perfect appearance huh? tss I wish I got these too" He jumped on the bed and lay down "You literally have all, I wish I could also have these kind of life" he blew a deep sighed. Triple knocks occurred and Lucas in Missy's body quickly gets up from the bed "Come in" he said trying to whittle down his voice.

He needs to try his very best in this mission, the door carefully opened, a young lady with the average age of 19.

If Lucas didn't know the real objective of this mission he would probably think of this as a challenge for estimating numbers so he could enter engineering, well, it's working. The lady was wearing a maid dress which he thought that she's one of the maid in this mansion. She was very young to serve "Missy? your aunt gave this gift and she wants you to try this on your flight tomorrow" a big smiled occurs on the maid's face "Uhmm.. ahh yeah,thanks" the lady put the box on Missy's round small table and ready herself to leave the room, the lady was about to open the door but Lucas stop her "By the way, uhmm... what's your name again?" Lucas tried to make the situation less awkward so he walk closely to the young lady, Oh no,he maybe trying to be charming as he could. The lady look at Missy's figure with sudden confusion "I'm Este, thank you for asking, do you want anything? Missy?" Lucas cleared hus throat and open his mouth to speak but he recognize the mirror beside the him next to Missy's bed, Lucas look at himself as Missy, he remembered that he was on her body, on female body so he must be careful " ahh yes, Este could you please give some cold water?" Este's confusion faded and changed into a jolly one "Sure Missy! I'll go now" Este totally leave the whole big room and Lucas with huge sighed. He scratches his eyebrow and turned his eyes into the room, it was a classic style room Missy got a very huge book collection. He noticed that all the things on Missy's room were old-fashioned from the book shelves to the paintings to the not so big mirror and lastly Missy's bed. He realized that Missy never experience to suffer a lot in life but remains old-fashioned not her spoiled brat cousin whom he hates a lot everytime their family celebrates occasions.

He wondered if he could Missy right now or is Missy also leaped on his body? Where is Missy?

"WHAT?!! WHAT IS THIS?!! NO NO NO NO THIS IS JUST A DREAM" Missy tried to calm herself face-palming in front of the mirror, she was wearing faded blue shirt with faded white polo shirt on top and faded big pajamas? no it was a jeans that got loosen but thankfully it has garter "Lucas? are you okay? are you going to school?" Mrs. Patterson knocking Lucas on the bathroom "Ye-yeah ahm... I'm just going to dress I mean to wear clothes" Missy facing herself on the mirror with fear and confusion "Okay honey, I'll go now I'll be late just prepare your own dinner, bye". The voice from the other side were gone and she heard the footsteps gone too "Oh my god!" Missy got shocked on her deep voice "My voice, no this is just a dream no, my voice, my face, I got muscles? how? what kind of sorcery are these" she said while in shock.