
Chapter Three:

I ran out of the house after me and my Mom's fight. I don't exactly know where I'm going to go because I'm new but I honestly just need to escape. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm scared of my Mother more than anything. I know she loves me and only wants what's best for me, but she is fucking nuts. Once she threw a wine glass at me. I feel pity for her actually, I know she would never hurt me... especially with the shit my Dad puts her through but my Abuela was very aggressive to her. Even to this day she is. I feel tears coming down my face, and see them drop down to the ground. Even though most of my arguments with my Mom are my fault, it doesn't mean I like arguing. I know sometimes I should shut the fuck up and just agree with her, and try not to argue but that's just not my personality... God I'm so stupid.

"Hey, are you okay?" A guy that looks around my age says to me.

His unique features catch my eye at first.

He has a natural tan skin town and almost blonde hair.

"Yeah i'm fine." I lie,

"Sorry I didn't mean to get into your business, just your crying."

I wipe my tears and laugh awkwardly, "I probably look so fucking pathetic right now."

"No! You don't... want to talk about it?"

I don't usually open up to random guys I meet in the middle of the street but who else do I have? I told him what happened between my Mother and I and surprisingly, he didn't judge at all... just listened. If I heard what I am telling him, I would have told myself to grow the fuck up and treat me like total garbage, but that's probably because I'm a shitty fucking person and this guy is so... so pure.

"No need to cry over that." He starts.

"Arguments happen, people say things, do things but no need to let it get to you."

My jaw is open wide at this point, how can he be so positive? But careless at the same time?

"I just mean that... it's your Mom and sometimes parents throw things and yell, she obviously is only doing it because she is scared and worried about you... maybe you should show her some appreciation."

I don't even know what to say. I know he is right, I should show her some appreciation just whenever I try she gets on my nerves. I envy people that are like best friends with their parents, I don't how they do it. I would either kill myself or kill them.

"Thank you." I say to him,

"No need to thank me, I'm Leandro."

"Maddie... I've never heard that name before, It's quite interesting." I chuckle,

"Yeah it was my great, great grandfather's name... I guess you can tell it is old." He laughs.

"Do you go to Oakhart High?" I ask him and he shakes his head, "No I go to a private high school across town."

Oh. I'm not going to lie, I was hoping he would say yes. I know we are nothing alike and probably have nothing in common but he is genuinely a nice person and I cant't say that about a lot of people.

"Are you planning to go back?" He asks me.

Of course if it was just me there I would, I tend to make stupid decision when I'm mad or sad. Last year, I made out with my best friend's boyfriend at a party in front of everyone because we got into a argument and I got drunk... she forgave me, but I'm almost a hundred percent sure she secretly hated me for it but truth is, I would never run away. First of all I would never leave my brother and second, I wouldn't know what to do. I mean I would be alone in the world, running from everyone I've ever known and loved.

"Yeah, the house would get pretty boring without my screaming." I say and we both start laughing,

"Is it weird if I ask for your number? So we can keep in touch."

I can tell he was nervous asking me that. I can tell by the sound of his voice but also how he justified his question... it's funny actually how nice guys get nervous around girls. That's how you know they're not dick's, they actually care.

"Yeah sure." I give him my number right before heading home, it's crazy how a stranger can make me feel so much better.

"Maddie, come in here!" My Father says as I walk in the house. I walk over to the living room, that is all set up with our couches and his special chair and the tv.

"Yeah, Papa?" I smile. Please tell me Mother didn't tell him,

"How was your first day mija?" He asks me and wave of relief hit me.

"Good, I made a new friend."

Conversation's with my Dad are brutal. We don't have the closest relationship and it's his fault entirely.

"I'm glad, but remember to focus on school work."

Oh yeah, my Mom fed him a bunch of lies that I am an A plus student and now he is obsessed with me going to some Ivy League school... news flash, that's never going to happen.

"I actually got to do some homework..." I lie to him.

"Okay, go do your thing... make sure your done before dinner."

I nod before walking out the room and upstairs. I avoid any contact with my Mom, mostly because I don't want to argue anymore. I grab my phone from the bag of rice and hope it turns on, and it does. I see a few texts and calls from my friends in Los Angeles but only one from an unknown number catches my eye,

"Hey, It's Leandro."

Before answering, I create a contact so I don't forget,


We talked for hours that night, just texting back and forth, getting to know each other and I really don't think I've taken this much interest in a person. I think for once I genially want to be someone's friend, not for personal gain or some other stupid, selfish reason. I actually want to get to know Leandro. Many people would assume we are sexting or I have some interest in Leandro other than just to build a friendship but that is actually all I want from him... a friendship. Not a occasional make out partner or anything but actually just a friend I can confide into and I don't have a lot of those... especially not now. It feels good actually, to be friend's with someone that isn't a asshole deep down. We continued to talk for the rest of the week and even talked about meeting up some time soon. I told him I am free Sunday and we both agreed on going on a jog around town in the afternoon. Other than Leandro, everyone but Angelica is pissing me off. I haven't had luck making many more friend's than her, since everyone is probably jealous of me... who isn't, but what isn't really helpful is that Angelica doesn't have many friends. Mostly acquaintances, like Gabriel. So she basically lied to me about ditching her friend group that day we met just to make herself look cooler... got to love a good liar. And speaking of Gabriel well he is being Gabriel. On Wednesday he was actually nice, and helpful. We had a few questions to answer and he helped me understand them, I almost thought he was a decent guy... don't forget the almost. The next day he was in a totally bitchy mood and even had the nerve to tell ME to stop being a bitch... God I swear that man has mood swings. I've been texting Leandro all throughout Geography, I must sound like a little girl, giggling at everything he says but I can't help it, he is absolutely amazing. I have two friends and one enemy in this town, guess who it is... yup Gabriel but getting back to what I was saying, for once in my life I don't really have a need for more. Yes, it would be nice to be who I was before, but it's also nice to just have a simple life... I know, I feel disgusting saying it but it also only my first couple of days here and I have lots of time to make more friends.

"I wish today was Sunday." He tells me and I find myself giggling again,

"Me too."

God, I literally hate myself... I'm way too nice around him and cheerful and bleh.

"Jesus Christ, what do you keep giggling about?! It's fucking annoying." Gabriel snaps and I roll my eyes,

"None of your business." I tell him,

"It is when all I can hear is the sound of your annoying laugh and your nails tapping against your phone... don't you see I'm trying to take a nap!"

He is absolutely insane.

"Oh I am so sorry for disturbing your nap time." I sarcastically say,

"You should be."

He calls me annoying? Who the hell takes a nap in class? That is probably one of the stupidest things you can ever do in class, what if you start snoring? The bell finally rings before Gabriel and I can continue this conversation. I grab all my books and walk over to Angelica's desk to wait for her to get her stuff,

"Bitch, get off your phone and hurry up and get your shit." I say to her,

"You're one to talk, I saw you texting during class... I didn't know it was capable for you to smile that much."

"I was talking to my friend, I actually met him the same day I met you."

She collects her books and we start walking out,

"What's his name?" She asks me.


She bursts out in laugher, not able to contain it,

"Leandro Brown?" She continues to laugh,

"Yeah that's him."

"That's the Mayor's son... he goes to some private school across town." She tells me.

"Well I think he is nice..."

"Nice is just another way to say he is boring." She laughs.

"How do you know him anyways?"

"It's a uh small town... you kind of know everyone here." I ignore the suspicion in her voice.

The Mayor's son? He hasn't mentioned that at all in the couple of days we have known each other. We have been talking everyday, from the time we wake up til the time we go to sleep... how do you fail to mention that you're the Mayor's son? That is not exactly something you forget. I'm not trying to get all sensitive about it but I told him everything about my life, and he cant even tell me a simple thing? It's not that I care that he is the Mayor's son, God I wouldn't want to take credit for this town but it is something I wouldn't mind being aware of.

As I walk to my locker I get a glimpse of Gabriel sticking his tongue down some girl's throat... how disgusting. Okay maybe I shouldn't be the one to talk since I literally kissed every guy in my old school every place you can think of, but still... ugh. Many people call me a hoe or a slut, especially since I kissed my best friend's boyfriend but sluts and hoes sleep with them. I haven't slept with even one. Sure we've done stuff, I've given head a couple of times but the one thing I swear on is that your virginity is sacred. Meant for the right person, I know it's stupid but I've always wanted to do that with an actually boyfriend. Not someone that just wants to fuck and leave. A girl like that definitely fucks everyone and a guy like him could never commit... I'm sure of it.

"Earth to Maddie!" Angelica says waving her hand in my face.


"I was saying to make sure you wear a hot swimsuit, no one piece." She reminds me,

"Yeah of course, one pieces are such a old lady thing." I say and she laughs.