
Chapter Four:

"Fuck!" I scream and Ethan laughs.

We have been playing video games for hours and he beats me every time.

"Maddie just face it, I'm better than you." He says laughing historically.

It's three o'clock in the morning and I should be sleeping since I have to be up at ten, the latest 10:30 to get ready for the party but I'm being the amazing sister I am and playing video games with my brother.

"Okay, one more round!" I say to him... mind you I've said that ten times. It's not my fault we are both competitive! I guess we get that from my Mother.

Another round passes and I fucking won!

"Bow down to your queen." I say to him.

"Oh shut up, I beat you the other hundred you the other hundred times." He says,

"Just remember you're related to a queen."

"Just get out of my room." He says rolling his eyes,

"Night peasant." I blow him a kiss and he flips me off. "Don't mean let Mom see that!" I laugh.

I'm going to be so exhausted tomorrow and grumpy. It's a Saturday and I will be getting only six hours of sleep... maybe I should stop wasting time. I check my phone before going to bed and see a message from Angelica,

"Don't be late." Fuck my life.

"Maddie get up!" I hear my Mom yell.

"What, why?!"

Did she really just wake me up?

"You have that party to go to in a hour!" She yells some more... you've got to be kidding me.

I slept in until eleven? ELEVEN?! I jump up from my bed and run to take a shower. I can't believe I slept in. I still have to do my hair and makeup... oh God, I'm so stupid. I must of forgot to set my alarm last night. I turn off the shower and get out to do my hair. I put my hair is a high pony tail, closer to the back of my head and leave a piece out at the front and put it behind my ear, I straighten the hair in my pony tail, curling the ends inwards. I put on some lashes and clear gloss... I don't even have that much time to put on a full face. I grab my phone to look at the clock and read, "11:40" God I am so slow. I took 10 minutes searching for a swimsuit that I like and finally decide on a pink tie die one. The top looked like a cropped T-shirt sort of and the bottoms were just a standard bikini bottom. I actually really like this one, I don't even remember having it. I put on knee length shorts over the bottoms just so I'm not walking outside with my ass out and my Mom doesn't beat me. I luckily make it downstairs a few minutes early, "Morning Mom." I say.

"I made you a bag with some things you will need." She tells me,

"And Maddie, you better not come home drunk... I'm not tolerating that." She adds,

"Okay Mom."

I get a text message from Angelica reading that she is here, "I'll see you later."

My Mom is still upset about the last time I got wasted and came home and fell into the tv and broke it. I was grounded for a month after that incident happened. I run to Angelica's black Mercedes and get into the passenger's seat,

"I'm surprised you're early." She laughs.

Angelica has the impression that I'm always late since I was late on the first day,

"Of course you are."

"I'll stay on the beach with you but will you kill me if I go cliff diving once?" She asks.

I opened up to Angelica about my fear of big bodies of water and she completely understood.

"Of course I don't, as long as I'm not doing it I'm fine. I'll even come up and watch you." I smile at her.

We stay mostly quiet for the rest of the ride, enjoying the sound of the music playing. Once we arrive, it seemed like the whole school was here. Music was pumping and people were drinking and laughing.

"Ready to see how us small town folks party?" She asks

and I laugh.

"Very ready."

We both go and grab some drinks and just stand around talking a bit.

"Are you going to keep your shorts on?!" She asks.

Oh, I didn't even realize that I still had them on.

"No, I totally forgot that I even had them on." I admit.

I take off my shorts and put them in my bag. I continue to drink my drink, taking a big sip as I see Gabriel. I got to admit, he looks really good... like really good. I imagined that he had abs but the real thing is so much better.

"Are you checking me out, princess?"

I jump at the sound of Gabriel's voice and look up to see him right in front of me,

"Keep dreaming."

He laughs at my failed attempt to save myself from embarrassment.

"Whatever you say... Ang, we're cliff diving now are you coming?" He asks her,


I follow Angelica up a hill to get to a really high cliff, my guess it is about seventy feet above where we were before. She grabs a girl's shot glass and takes a shot of what I am assuming is vodka.

"Are you going to go or take another ten years?" Gabriel complains and she flips him off.

"I'm going, asshole."

She hands me the shot glass and steps back a bit. She gives herself a running start and then jumps. I can hear her screams, but I'm almost certain they weren't screams of fear. I think she actually likes the fear and the thrill. I look over the cliff to make sure she is okay and she raises her hand.

I cheer and clap for her, as I watch her to come back up.

"That was a piece of cake." She says.

She is soaking wet, her once curled hair is now wet and straight and her mascara was a little smudged but she still looks amazing.

"Are you going to go now?" A guy asks me,

"Oh no, I don't cliff jump." I laugh awkwardly.

"Come on, it will be fun." He continues,

"Jason cut it out." Angelica warns,

"Like Angelica said, it's easy... I'll give you a push." He says to me,

"No... no I'm fine." I insist,

"Jason she said she doesn't want to do it!" Angelica yells.

He walks closer to me and I try to back up but I come to a stop as I hit the back of a tree that stops me from moving any more.

"Man cut it out." Gabriel cuts in,

"It's a little jump, she will be fine." He says... is this guy fucking serious?

He picks me up and I scream.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yell.

He carries me towards the edge of the cliff.

"Jason, she can't fucking swim, stop it!" Angelica screams. "Are you deaf, dude? She can't swim!" Gabriel yells.

I try kicking to try to get him off of me but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. We get closer the edge of cliff and at this point I'm holding on to him so I don't fall,

"This isn't a joke, the girl can't fucking swim!" Gabriel says. His tone gets harsher.

I try my best to hold on and contain my screams,

"Bring her back!" Angelica's high pitched voice yells,

Before I know it I cant hold on anymore, I roll out of his arms and feel my stomachs drop in the result to me falling. I try to find anything, something to grab onto but that's kind of stupid i realize since I'm falling in mid air. I hit the water and the impact brings me to the bottom, since I cant swim in anything deep. I try kicking and pushing up to get the top but I cant seem to... oh God. Panic hits me, I'm going to fucking die. I feel my eyes starting to close as the oxygen leaves my lungs. I then hear a splash and see a faint figure of a person.