
Chapter 11 : Death Unknown

Madam Big Bosom slammed her left hand on a nearby table, making it cracked and crumbled there and then. Lyte did not expect her to be so strong. He had some regrets mocking her at the moment. He had a moment where his life flashed before his eyes.

"Everyone, may I have your attention! Whoever kill this maggot and his little girlfriend and bring me their heads shall be rewarded a mansion and 50 thousand G! Now, attack!" Madam Big Bosom bellowed and shook the entire room.

Everyone who was minding their own business and having their lunch stood up in sync. The whole room suddenly filled with the sounds of chairs scraping the hardwood floor and tumbling soon after. One by one, those people drew their weapons. Daggers, machete, handguns and such. They closed in on the two and Lyte wondered why they had weapons on them while having lunch in a diner.

Lyte knew he did not have time to waste to think about that. He hid Lisa behind him as he prepared to fight them, a spell muttered and ready to be aimed. However, the initial question still lingered in his mind, so he as he had always done, spoke his mind.

"Why in the world did you guys bring weapons with you to have lunch in a diner?"

Everyone stopped at their steps. They were taken aback by Lyte's actions. Other people would beg for mercy or fight back in that situation, but Lyte decided to ask them a question. They looked at Lyte wide eyed and question marks pop up on their heads.

Lisa who was hiding behind Lyte had three stripes trailing down her forehead as she made a poker face. She could not believe Lyte did that. Lyte was an adult which meant he should had been more mature than that. Plus the fact that he was the Griffin, he should not have acted as such. Lisa was starting to question whether Lyte was very brave and could stay calm in any situation or very stupid and could not understand the severity of the current situation.

"A-are you serious right now? You know we are going to kill you right, young man?" one of the villagers holding a dagger lowered his weapon and asked Lyte.

"Yes! If I don't get an answer, I will think about it. Then I cannot fight. Then it will not be fair," Lyte said, matter of fact.

Everyone in the room fell backwards with their feet in the air at this moment. That apparently was their version of a face palm. They could not believe what they were hearing.

"What are you worthless scum doing! Get him!" Madam Big Bosom yelled out as she still had yet to see anybody attacking the outsiders in her village that just insulted her appearance a few minutes ago.

At this, everyone snapped out of their questioning trance. They held their weapons tightly and began walking slowly towards a still confused Lyte and a shivering Lisa.

"Ahhhhhh!" a shout came from Hook as he was grabbed by the collar and thrown across the room onto a wall followed by Scar to the opposite wall of the room. Both walls could be seen was badly damaged as the two slid down from the location of impact. To Lyte's surprise, they could still stand up and look at their attacker, with shaky legs of course.

Everyone's attention was now on the new intruder and no longer on Lyte and Lisa. Lyte could not see their savior clearly through the packed crowd between them. He tried to look for any sign as to who it was and he found it. A glimpse of silver hair shone in the sunlight from the opened doors of the diner and the silver and scarlet red scythe was enough for Lyte to know the identity of the person - Snow.

"The fuck are you?! Nobody asked you to interfe-" Madam Big Bosom was about to yell insults at the new person but stopped at her tracks. She knew better than to offend a reapress holding a weapon, looking pissed off.

"Nobody asked, but I am a person with right to do as I wish, no?" Snow calmly replied, a sinister aura lingered around her.

"Miss Snow! Boy am I glad to see you. Come have lunch with us," Lyte once again acted out of place in that situation. He acted as if he and Lisa were not just about to be killed and invited a friend to lunch.

"No, thank you. I have already eaten before coming here. Come on, if you are not that hungry, let us move to a different diner for your lunch. One that does not have people trying to kill the customers and does not have a horrifying woman that will make anyone lose their appetite,"

This comment made Madam Big Bosom mad. She decided as the head of Big B Village, she was not going to be afraid of one reapress. Surely, a reapress such as herself has class and would respect the rule of her village. Madam Big Bosom thought to herself.

"Excuse me, Reapress Snow, was it? I am Madam Bi-" before she could finish her sentence, Madam Big Bosom was cut off by Snow.

"I know. You are Madam Big Bosom, owner of this village. You are the daughter and Sir Beard, previous ruler of this village. But that is quite unimportant,"

"Y-yes. I mean, no. It is important. I believe you as a reapress is a highly respected being and I believe you would show me some respect as the ruler of this here village as you are stepping on the ground here. I could report you for intruding and violence if I wanted to. So I believe you are smarter than this. You have no business here. So I am going to give you a chance to walk away, right now. Or el-"

"Or else what? You cannot do anything to me. Report me, to who exactly? My supervisors? As a reapress, I have special rights to roam around different places. After all, I am just doing my job,"

This statement enraged Madam Big Bosom. She knew what Snow said was true. She could not threaten Snow in any way. She was not having a good day but looking at the condition, it might just be the worst day of her entire life.

"You know what, you are absolutely correct! You are just here to do your job! Go ahead then, do it! And when you are done, I want you to get out of my sight!"

"Madam, is it really a wise choice to be so rude to a reapress? Do you even know what I am capable of?"

"All I know and cared to know is that you soul collectors reap the souls of those whose names are written in the Book Of Death at their respective time. Other than that, you are nothing. Looking at you, you must be an amateur reapress. Hell, you looked younger than me! Ha! I know what you are! You are actually a weakling that just acted strong in hopes others will fear you because of your job,"

"Wow! I must admit I am genuinely surprised. Of all the things you just said, you are right about one thing. We soul collectors do take lives according to the Book Of Death. However, some of us have the power to alter the time of death in the Book Of Death," Snow slowly pulled out her Book Of Death that coexist as multiple books at the same time. It is to make it convenient for the many soul collectors to refer to it during their errands.

"What? So you can extend the life of your lover? Am I supposed to be impressed?"

Madam Big Bosom still thought Snow was a weakling, bluffing about her strength. No longer afraid, which was a foolish move, she grabbed an apple pie from a nearby table and hurled it towards Snow. Snow dodged it easily and started writing something in the book she held in her hands using a quill pen. As she wrote, she intentionally murmured the things she was writing.

"Name, Big Bosom daughter of Sir Beard. Gender, female. Age, 37. Date of birth, October 8. Location of death, Big B Village. Time of death, 1335 hours, 5th January. Cause of death..."

Snow suddenly stopped and looked up at Madam Big Bosom who was making the same expression Lisa was. Lyte and Lisa just kept looking between Snow and Madam Big Bosom as they ate their lunch that had been served to them. It seemed no matter what happened, the chef was determined to make sure all his customers walk out satisfied. He was still cooking in the kitchen as all of the fights and arguments happened right outside the kitchen.

"What do you want?! What are you doing?!" Madam Big Bosom lost her cools as she began to panic. She was getting worried because it was the 5th of January that day and the time was 1330 hours.

"I just want to know what is your ideal way to die. I am not feeling very imaginative today. You should be honored I would let you choose your death. Teenagers everywhere nowadays would be grateful to be able to have soul collectors let them choose their death,"

"C-choose my death? W-what are you talking about?"

"*sigh* Remember I just mentioned that some of us can change the time of death. Well, I am one of them. I decided I want to kill you in five minutes. There is no use resisting. I would appreciate it if you would cooperate and choose something, right now,"

"No! If there is no cause of death, I would not die! So I choose my death to be of no reasons!"

"That is half true. If you insist. Cause of death, unknown," Snow said that as she wrote that down.

Snow took out her pocket watch and began to count down from 10 while Madam Big Bosom was very proud of herself. She was so sure she would not die because there was no cause. As Snow counted to zero, Madam Big Bosom suddenly felt a wave of powers flowed through her. The next moment, she disappeared.

"Welp, that is that. Lyte, let us be on our way as you seemed to have finished your lunch," Snow walked towards Lyte, completely ignoring the presence of Lisa sitting across from him.

"Oh, ok Snow. By the way, what happened to Madam Big Bosom? So she just disappeared and will remain unfound or something?"

"Not quite. When I say she was half right, I meant she was right about the could not die part,"

"What does that mean?"

"It means she will never die, but she shall suffer for eternity. She is now a resident of an unknown place. The place known as the Land of the Lost to many soul collectors. There are two ways to enter that place. One is to have one's name written in the Book Of Death where the cause of death is unknown, like Madam Big Bosom. Another way is to travel in space and meet the portal by chance, but that would be difficult and may take thousands of centuries,"

"Ahem!" Lisa suddenly called out. She was mad that her presence was not acknowledged. Only now did Snow paid any attention to Lisa's existence.