
Chapter 12 : Drama

Snow slowly turned her head and looked an angry Lisa in the eyes. Lisa was fuming as she glared at Snow. She was not saying anything, just standing there and glaring daggers at the female in front of her. Snow decided to speak up first.

"Do you need something?"

"Do I need something?! How dare you!" at this, everyone in the room suddenly looked frighten once again. To them, it seemed that someone was about to follow Madam Big Bosom to be netherworld, or worst, the Land of the Lost. In fact, they all looked about ready to wither piss their pants, run out of the diner or both.

"Yelling at me now is really not a wise move, do you not think so little girl? You saw what I just did, or are you visually impaired?"

"If I am blind I won't be looking at you in your dead ass eyes! And what are you going to do with me, huh?! I am friends with Lyte too! You should not be so rude to me! You speak to me with the respect I deserve, you b-"

"Stop it! Lisa, stop yelling at Snow. It's not nice. Sorry about that, Snow,"

"I see. So you know her, Lyte. Do you have any idea who she is?"

Snow looked annoyed at this point. All the yelling from Lisa was giving her a major headache that she could live without. She just got off work as fast as she could so she could catch up with Lyte, only to find Lyte had already gotten himself in trouble in the short time she had not seen him. The fatigue from moving quickly to finish up her errands and from explaining the reason for her temporary leave to the superiors were already enough problems she would be fine with dealing with. She did not need more problems after the whole Madam Big Bosom situation.

"Who I am is none of your busi-"


"Lyte! How can you yell at me because of her?! She is a reapress! I thought you cared about me!"

Lisa was close to tears and pretty soon, the water work started. Lyte could not control the situation and looked to Snow for help. To his surprise, Snow was no longer at the previous spot she was at a moment ago. Lyte looked around and found her paying for what he could only assumed was their check. She then walked towards the two and grabbed Lyte with her right hand and Lisa with her left hand. She somehow managed to carry their baggage too on her shoulders. Her scythe turned into a crimson red crescent moon shaped pendant hanging around her neck by a silver chain. Snow dragged the helpless Lyte and crying Lisa who was constantly yelling and resisting by punching her arm all the way out of the village to a big tree at the side of the road a little distance away from Big B Village. Seeing nobody was around, Snow pushed Lisa to sit under the tree and let Lyte go.

"Ouch! Why did you do that?! It hurts! Do you not know how to treat a lady?!" Lisa yelled as she fell on the ground with a thud, tears still streaming down her face, ruining her makeup.

"Snow, that's very mean. Why did you push Lisa?"

"Mean? Clearly you do not know me well if you think that little push was mean. I do not blame you as we had just met. Besides, it was quite a fair payback, do you not think so? She had been punching and pinching my arm the whole way, take a look at the damage she had caused," Snow replied Lyte and pulled up her left sleeve to reveal purple and red bruises all over her left arm caused by Lisa. It would surely be staying there for a while like some cheap temporary tattoos.

"But that is still no reason to push her to the ground like that. She could have gotten hurt. Plus, you just dragged us all the way from the diner to this place. It was embarrassing, I'm not going to lie,"

"Are you being serious right now, Lyte? You know what, nevermind that. I dragged you two because she was causing a scene and it was embarrassing to all three of us. I do not see a difference. In fact, it could have ended in a more embarrassing way so be grateful. Now I have some questions for you, Lyte. How did you know her and why is she with you?"

"Hey, you are ignoring me again! Why are you so mean! You two are meanies! I am out of here!" Lisa suddenly yelled as she got up and ran off without a destination, leaving all her stuff behind. She just wanted to make Lyte feel bad, and it worked.

"Lisa, wait! We are so-"

"Let her go Lyte. You still have to answer my questions," Snow grabbed Lyte's arm and stopped him from chasing after Lisa.

"Hey! Let go, Snow! I need to go after her!" Lyte looked back at Snow as if she had lost her mind. He tried to yank his arm out of her grasp but her grip was too strong.

"And why is that?"

"We need to apologise to her. She's right, we were rude to her,"

"We have nothing to apologise as we were not rude to her, at all. In fact, she should apologise for interrupting out conversation, twice. And besides, if you want to apologise, let us just wait for her to return. Her stuff are here and I am sure she will return for them. While we wait, you can start answering me," Snow pointed to Lisa's stuff on the ground. At this, Lyte knew Snow was right and decided to just answer her questions to make everyone's lives easier.

"So what do you want to know again?" Lyte asked, forgetting all about the question Snow asked him before.

"I want to know how did you know her?"

Snow's face held a stern expression. She had a hunch on where Lyte had met the witch but she still wanted to hear it from him. She did not wish to accuse him and just hoped he would tell her the truth.

"Oh, she's an old friend of mine! I knew her for a while now and I met her at the village we're just in when I walked into the village,"

Snow looked at Lyte and crossed her arms. She raised one of her eyebrows to show him that she was completely doubting the answer he gave her. After a short pause, Snow continued the conversation, expecting an honest answer this time around.

"The truth if you do not mind,"