
Chapter 15 : Lisa's Tantrum

"Oh no! Let's go and help her, I think she's hurt!"

Lyte's heroic side kicked in as he bolted towards the weeping Lisa as soon as he saw her condition, leaving Snow behind. When he had reached her, he immediately knelt down to check up on Lisa. He did not even took a second to think about the object that hurt Lisa might still be there and might hurt him as well. Lyte showed more concern at the moment than when he himself got badly hurt. It seemed Lisa was more important to him than his own life.

Seeing the whole scene played out in front of her, Snow just softly sighed to herself as she picked up hers, Lyte's and Lisa's baggage and walked towards the two. She knew in her heart that Lisa was just putting on a show, specifically for a very trusting and noble Lyte. All witches have the knowledge to heal themselves using a spell since they were toddlers. When they get hurt they simply just heal themselves and be over with it, let alone cry their hearts out from a small wound that was not life threatening, even if Lisa was just a young female witch. She decided to just play along since she knew saying anything would make her seemed like a bad person in the situation.

"Oh my goodness, Lisa! What happened?!" Lyte asked as he reached his hands out to Lisa.

Lisa saw Lyte's hands reached out to her and she cruelly slapped it away in anger. She was very frustrated that it took them a while to even realized she was hurt. She was very mad at Lyte who she saw was casually chatting with Snow while she was there crying, hurt.

"Don't touch me! How dare you do me like this, Lyte?! You were just having a nice chat with that reapress while I got hurt! I thought you cared!"

"I-I'm sorry Lisa. W-we didn't even noticed you got hurt. A minute ago y-you were just fine, on your way to us, and then y-"

"Hmph! I told my sister you would make sure I am safe! I believed in you! And you don't even give a hoot about me!"

"O-of course I do, I was ju-"

"Just what?! Do not lie to me! I know very well that you don't care about me! You didn't even come after me when I ran off crying!"

"T-that was… Snow said we s-should just wait for you to return to the spot…" Lyte's guilt grew at every dagger like words Lisa threw at him, as if it really was his fault she got hurt.

"And how sure were you that I would even come back in the first place?!"

"I knew you would, b-because your stuff are all here…"

"That doesn't mean anything! I could just leave them behind and went away! Did it even cross your mind that I would not make it back safe or even alive?!"

At this Lyte was stunned. Lisa was right, why did he not thought about the possible dangers that might had harmed Lisa as she ran out of their sight. He hated himself to had possibly put her life on the line. He regretted listening to Snow and all her previous warnings all left his head.

"I-I'm so sorry, Lisa. It was all my fault. I'm sorry that I listened to Snow and didn't come after you. Did you got attacked? Is that where the cut on your face came from?"

"Of course! A bandit tried to rob me but all my stuff were with you guys! I ran but he threw his knife at me and missed but the blade had made a deep cut on my face! I'm bleeding and it is all your fault!"

By this time, Snow had already reached the two sitting on the grass. She had already set all their bags on the grass and was standing at the side silently with her arms crossed and her brows furrowed. She observed as Lisa kept screaming at Lyte and he kept apologizing to her. She was really annoyed as the whole day, they were delayed because Lisa kept making a scene for the smallest reasons known to men.

All of a sudden, Lisa turned to Snow and started to yell at her instead. Lisa's fear towards a reapress all gone as a child's tantrum took over her rational thought.

"You! You planned this didn't you?! You purposefully made me mad so I would run into the bandit that I'm sure you hired to attack me! Then you made sure Lyte didn't come after me in hopes that the scum you hired would have gotten rid of me. And when you saw me alive and back, you made sure he didn't noticed me hurt!"

"Anything else you want to say before I try to defend myself. I do not want to be rudely cut off as you did with Lyte,"

"You are a whore! You are evil and no matter what you said, it will still be your fault! Lyte, I want her gone, now!"

" … Are you done?"

"Shut it! I don't want to hear it!"

Lyte decided it would be best to let Snow explain herself although in his heart, he had already sided with Lisa, aside the throwing Snow off the team part.

"Lisa, let's just give Snow a chance to explain herself,"

"Thank you, Lyte. First of all, you ran off yourself because you are too emotional. I did not purposefully provoke you to r-"

"Sure! How about embarrassing me by dragging me all the way from the diner out of the village?!"

"I would appreciate it if you do not interrup-"

"I'll interrupt you as long as you are here! You don't have the rights to talk! I want you g-"

Lisa's mouth suddenly shut and she could no longer speak after Snow snapped her fingers. It seemed a lips sealing spell was casted upon Lisa to keep her from continuing her screaming.

"There, much better. I will lift the spell as soon as I am done,"

"Snow, that's not nice. Uncast that, now!"


"Then I'll do it myself!"

Lyte tried to use an uncasting spell on Lisa, but nothing happened. It seemed he forgot for a brief moment that he was not able to undo a spell casted by a strong mage. He could not help Lisa even if he wanted to.

"If I do so, I will not be able to speak again. It will only be for as long as I explain myself, I promise. I will lift the spell as soon as I am done,"

"… Fine. I'm sorry, Lisa. It will only be temporary,"

At this, Snow proceeded to explain herself to the disappointed Lyte and unsatisfied Lisa who was still sitting on the ground.