
Chapter 16 : Acting Or Real?

"Okay, I may finally continue my explanation. Where was I? Ah, yes. Firstly, you ran off at your own will, reflect on that. Secondly, if I had wanted you harmed, I would hire an assassin instead of a wee bandit. Honestly, how cheap did you think I am? If I wanted something done, I want it done as efficiently as possible. No expenses spared. Thirdly, I did not want Lyte to go after you because you ran aimlessly to God knows where. He could have gotten hurt chasing after you and you might walk away just fine. That would not be fair since you were the one who was trying to get into trouble by running off suddenly. Plus, Lyte got hurt this morning and I was told he lost some blood. Instead of wasting his energy chasing after you, he should be resting and regaining his strength. Fourthly, you were walking leisurely towards our direction when you had returned. If you were being attacked, you would be running. And your cheek was not bleeding then so we thought you were fine. Lastly, you really should learn how to keep your weapons well hidden or at least clean them. I can see the knife stained with fresh blood which I can only guess was yours due to the similarity in smell. This proved that you saw Lyte talking to me and was angry he was not as concerned about you as you thought and just wanted to make him feel guilty about not chasing after you. You cut yourself and began your acting. Do not try to say that the blood was your attacker's which you drew when you 'attacked' him and I am just smelling it wrong. If that was the case, there should be a trail of blood somewhere near you, but I see none. You cannot hold the blood on your wound for such a distance without any small drips escaping and falling onto the grass. Admit it, nothing actually happened to you and you are lying to us. Now you may speak,"

With that, Snow waved her right hand and the lips sealing spell was off of Lisa. She just stared at Snow with hatred, baffled because she knew Snow saw through her. It was true, she did cut herself just to add to Lyte's guilt, but she did that for a reason that she believed was the best for everyone.

"Come to think of it, when we saw her coming this way, she was just fine. Lisa, is what Snow said true? Did you made all those stories up?"

"I-uh-I… Fine, it's true. It's all true. Happy now?"

"Why did you do that?"

"I did it for a good reason. Sooner or later, this reapress will become the reason of our deaths. I said it before and I will say this again, I want her off the team. But you trust her more then you trust me. So I decided to make her look as she is for you. You know, to give you a reason to send her away,"

"Lisa, what kind of reason is that. I promised you I would send her away if she tried to hurt us, which she has not. And you promised to give her a chance. Was making up these lies nessec-" Lyte stopped as Snow raised her left palm that was previously crossed. She seemed to have a lot of things she wanted to get off her chest and Lyte decided to let her as to not be given the same treatment as Lisa did a while ago.

"Thank you, Lyte. Now I have a question for you, Lisa. What do you mean by look as I am?"

"Isn't it obvious? Oh wait, I forgot you are an all talker and no brainer. Let me change that sentence so your small brain can process it, okay? What I meant was I wanted to make you look as if you are a horrid person in front of Lyte, which you are. I wanted to expose your act to him because I'm very sure you are just acting so you can get close to Lyte so you can be the one to kill him and reap his soul. A Griffin's soul is too good of a chance to pass up, huh?"

"So this is what it is all about. You think I will kill both of you?"

"Duh! And Lyte here wanted me to give you a chance, which I totally did. But y-"


"Huh? What do you mean 'when'?"

"Now who is the no brainer here? I guess the tables have turned. *sigh* Anyway, I meant when did you even tried to give me a chance. All the time I know you, you have been very mean to me,"

"I have not! How dare you make such accusations towards me! When have I not given you a chance?!"

"Let us see. The first thing you did when you met me was interrupt me. You punched my arm while I was getting you out of a situation after I saved you from Madam Big Bosom. You ran off, almost putting all three of our lives in danger due to the many possible events that could have taken place. You came back and decided to immediately accuse me of being at fault of your wound and wanted me gone. Not a single thank you from saving you or carrying you and your heavy bags. No apologies for your rude actions towards me,"

"Well… At least I didn't want you off at first,"

"Okay, I guess that is the best I can get out of you,"

"Hey! What about you? You didn't give me a chance either,"

"… You should sharpen your vocabulary. The fact that you used either meant you yourself did not see yourself giving me chance. But I will let that slide. And about me giving you a chance, I have. I saved you, paid for your food, got you out of a situation where it could become worse if we had not left, and I did not kill you from being such a huge cry baby,"

"U-uh. Y-you... Lyte! Are you going to just stand there and let her talk to me like that?" Lisa suddenly turned her attention and anger towards Lyte as she could not win the argument against Snow, to which he just shrugged his shoulder and Snow continued.

"And by the way, you should get the idea that I would try to kill you two out of your head. If I had wanted you dead by my hands, I would have done so as soon as I see you. I have the ability to do so, as I have demonstrated by getting rid of Madam Big Bosom,"

"Fine, I will for now for Lyte's sake. But you are still a danger to us and I can't bring myself to fully trust a reapress. Know that I won't hesitate to kill you if you try anything funny,"

"The same goes to me. And Lyte, I am not mad but I would like to know what is this promise you made with her?"

As if on cue, Lyte who was nervously observing the two immediately spoke up. He was terrified that war might break through between Snow and Lisa if he gave Lisa a space to interrupt and he would not have been able to stop neither of them.

"Oh that. When I told her that a reapress was coming along after she said she wanted to follow me, I made her promise to give you a chance. And as reassurance, I promised that I'll send you back home if you try anything, which I knew in my heart that it would never happen. But Lisa wanted something to become a reason to attempt to befriend you, so I had to promise her. Sorry if you think I don't trust you Snow, I really do,"

"I see. It is alright, Lyte. I understand. But why not just send her home there and then? She seemed to dislike the idea of me coming along and sending her back then would have helped us not get into this sort of situation,"

"She insisted and would not leave. Plus, she promised so I thought it would be fine,"

Snow sighed and massaged between her eyes to let out some headache caused mainly by Lisa. She was regretting ever agreeing to follow Lyte on his journey. But she had to. She had been tasked to do so and she would pull through no matter what.