Chapter two

You froze. What were you gonna do?

You ran down the stairs as fast as you could and stormed out of the building. You looked up and saw a group of first order TIE fighters shooting the building. Suddently a small ship landed a few metres from you and knights in black armors got out. They immediately saw you and you tried to escape but one of them threw a rope and tied you, then began to drag you to him. When you got in front of them you were handcuffed and a black bag was put on your head. You tried to wriggle out but in vain, they dragged you into the ship and put you in a room, alone. It was completely silent and you couldn't see anything nor move, so you just sat on the floor and cried.

You thought about your home, your family, your friends. You wondered if Poe and Leia were fine. You had already lost your family once, you couldn't loose it again. You got lost in your thoughts, you didn't know how much time you had been sitting there.

You finally heard the door opening and saw a little light through the texture of the bag on your head. You heard footsteps and a hand took off the bag. You looked around. You were in a little room with black steel walls and it was empty except for a chair with chains. You heard someone clear their throat so you turned and found youself in front of a tall man wearing a black cloak And an intimidating mask. He looked at you in silence and you could hear your blood pumping in your ears. You opened your mouth to say something but before any sound could come out the man raised a hand towards you as if he was holding a cup and you felt a strong grip at your throat. You started to cry in pain then suddently you were thrown into the chair and the handcuffs closed on you. The man came near you and lean, now his mask was a few inches away from your face. He spoke and had a deep and robotic voice.

"I sense something in you.. but what ?"

"Who are you and why are you doing this to me?" You said while attempting to breathe, the grip had loosened but not much. He didn't answer.

"What's your secret? What is it that is hidden deeply in your soul? I have to know. TALK!"

You were shivering and had no idea what to say. You just said a harsh "you're wrong "

The man stepped back furiously and took out his lightsaber. He started to destroy the wall next to you and then he turned to you and screamed "I AM NEVER WRONG!".

He then loosened the grip on your throat and for one second you were filled with relief but a huge headache started to torture you.

"I see your parents were killed... and you were rescued by that pilot.." he was reading your mind, if he had found out the position of the rebel base that would've been the end. The image of Leia and Poe came to your mind and you found the  strength to fight for them. You started to try keeping him out of your head while looking at him in an anger you had never felt before. The headache was growing and so was your concentration. You were almost over the edge, you were grinning your teeth and screamed in pain, he was panting and trembling, then he lowered his arm and stormed out of the room. The last thing you saw was his black figure and you whispered between yourself "why me?"