Chapter three

You woke up in a big white bed. Had it all been a dream? You then heard heavy footsteps and someone loudly knocking at your door. You went to see who it was. A strormtrooper was standing in front of you with his shiny white armour. He said coldly "the Supreme Leader wants you in the training room in ten minutes. I'll wait here for you to get changed and then I'm taking you there."

You just closed the door. You walked to a big wardrobe and opened it. Inside there were black leggings and shirts. You changed and ran to the stormtrooper. He started to walk in silence and you just followed him looking around you.

The spaceship was enormous. You walked through hallways and stairs for some minutes and then you finally stopped in front of a big sliding door. The Stormtrooper stepped aside and let you in.

The man you had met the day before was in the middle of the enormous empty room, sitting with his legs crossed. He lift up his head as soon as you stepped in. He stood up and made a gesture with his hand. An invisible rope seemed to drag you closer to him. When you were in front of him he looked at you and said in a threatening voice : "Forget about the life you had before, now you belong to the first order and I'm gonna teach you everything you need to know, from now on I'm gonna be your mentor."

You were shocked. What did he mean with 'everything you need to know '? You stood there in silence. He did that movement again and your throat was once more in a tight grip. He looked at you and said "Understood?!" You nodded lightly. He lowered his arm and you fell on the floor grasping for air.

He took out two lightsabers from his belt and handed one to you, then he jumped backwards and turned his on. You did the same. "Now let's see what you can do" said your mentor. You had trained a bit with lightsabers since you grew up with rebels. You started to run towards each other and your sabers crossed together. You looked at the mask immediately started to attack. He always blocked you, it was like he knew exactly what your next move would've been and he stopped your attacks with extreme elegance and precision. You were intimidated by that man but this didn't stop you from showing him your skills. A some point he hit your saber from below and it flew out of your hand. Now you were disarmed and he was walking to you with his lightsaber pointing at your face. You walked backwards until you hit a wall. The red lightsaber was pointing between your eyes and remained still, then it went off. Your mentor looked at you and said "you're pathetic, now get out of my way". You ran out of the room only to find the stormtrooper ready to take you back to your room.

When you were finally alone you layed in the bed and just looked at the ceiling while getting lost in thoughts. Then suddently you heard a voice and your mentor appeared in your mind. He was standing in a white hall that you had seen on your way to the training room, that probably had to be his private rooms. "You have the Force flowing into you, I'll teach you how to use it to control people's minds and objects, but you won't get to know about combat. No questions. I can talk to you telepatically whenever I want and can see wherever you are, so don't do anything stupid if you don't wanna get hurt. Now go to sleep or you'll never handle the fatigue tomorrow. 6:30 a.m. I'm coming to get you, don't be late." Then he disappeared. You were scared of that man, what had you done to de serve this? You rolled in the bed for what seemed like forever and then you fell asleep. You wondered what was there under that mask.