Chapter Seven

He raised his arms in front of his body, praying to his ancestors that his plates wouldn't shatter when the being made contact with them. As it came within striking distance he thought back on his whole life, what a fool he'd been.

Despite what the Brood-Mother had taught him, he'd run away from his people and joined the Ko'dyn. From there he had made his way up the ranks, he recalled his first raid. The ship had been a simple merchant vessel near the Darkness' edge, his crafts' main laser had made short work of their comm-array. After all hope of assistance had been cut off, his squad had been sent to intercept the vessel and capture the bridge. He remembered the confidence they'd had, they bantered for the whole flight, even as the mag-locks engaged and the airlock opened. As a Jotok he was the best suited for combat in his squad, so he went first. An informant had claimed that the ship, outbound from the Obosyran, was brimming with Vah'hsck. The cargo didn't matter to him then, he was only some hired muscle after all; all he had to do was clear the way, killing as few of the crew as he could, Vah'hsck sold for a high price in neighbouring nations. He'd never liked slavery but he needed to eat too, they just so happened to be pricey commodities.

The new giant, who was visibly larger than Captain Dru, dropped Yotov back onto his feet like empty box. Behind him he heard the Captain roaring with laughter; it boomed like a Kyschgu, the only encounter he'd had with his homeworlds' apex predator had shaken him to his core. He wondered what system his hosts were from, and how close their homeworld was to The Darkness.

"Having a fun time without me Birgir?" The Captain was still shaking with laughter as he spoke to the new giant.

"Couldn't help myself man, you know how I am." Birgir chuckled, breathing heavily from his mad dash. Yotov was utterly amazed by his saviours' speed and stamina, and he was relieved that they didn't flaunt their extreme physical prowess often.

"What in the name of Kuvak was that?!" Yotov blurted out before the giants could continue brushing off the raging inferno behind the door beside him.

"That, my spiky friend, was a huge success! My name's Birgir by the way, I'm the ordinance guy." The giants' tone was still casual and full of humour, despite the abject terror they'd both just been through.

"What even was that?" He was still too unnerved, he hoped that getting a grasp on what happened would calm him.

"Just a little experiment, nothing you need to worry about little man…thingy." Birgir replied, like it hadn't almost roasted the idiot as well. Despite the lack of information, being told it was none of his business brought its own solace. Obviously the giant didn't want him to know too much, he had more pressing matters either way.

"I'm a Jotok, and I owe you my life." He may not be a paragon of honour but he paid his debts, and a life debt was sacred; to ignore it would dishonour The Ancestors.

"Don't sweat the details little Jotok." Birgir continued chuckling. Did the giant aliens not understand life debts? The mere thought of it baffled him for a moment.

"He looks serious Birgir, plus I hear Jotok value stuff like that." The Captain interjected before Yotov could respond.

After a moment of consideration Birgir spoke again. "If you're serious about the debt I could always use some extra hands, paid of course." In a moment he had gone from a giggling idiot to a shrewd negotiator, catching Yotov off guard.

"I shall repay my debt, once my debt with the Ko'dyn is settled." His debt to the giant would have to wait, his current employers would pay for their sins first.

"You might want your uniform then." The Captain smirked, opening the sealed door. Before Yotov could protest it the door opened revealing his uniform, untouched by the flames.

He cautiously entered, seeking any trace of the blaze that had raged minutes before; but the room was as it was when he'd entered the first time, making him wonder if it had been a mirage conjured by his fear. Birgir bounded past him, back towards the metal box at the end of the room. He decided to get into his uniform before he even thought about what the box was; in case that made it explode, again.